By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, July 31, 2005 Vendetta Angry Engineer joins other bloggers in expressing anticipation for the upcoming "V for Vendetta" (based on the graphic novels by ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:54 AM If You Can't Stand the Heat... Jed points us to a "spirited discussion" as well as a related thread at The Claire Files about Claire Wolfe's August "E...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, July 30, 2005 Conservatives, Guns, and Drugs Sheldon Richman treats us to a great exercise in logic and truth.
By Daniel Nainggolan 10:31 AM People-Tracking RFIDs Claire Wolfe tells us it's begun. At least now we'll be able to keep track of Tommy Thompson .
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:46 AM The High and the Mighty [WARNING--CONTAINS MOVIE ENDING SPOILER--PROCEED WITH THAT KNOWLEDGE] American Movie Classics has been playing a resurrected John Wayne film...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:17 AM S.397 Passes Senate With Bike Lock Amendment I'm sure there are a hundred-and-one uses for the damned thing as long as it never touches a gun. Plenty on "our side" have al...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, July 29, 2005 "Bring the Heat" [Use BugMeNot to bypass site registration.] The breaking poop on Berserkeley's latest "gun death": "Moments before she w...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:08 PM Take This USA Today Poll Should gun makers be protected against lawsuit damages resulting from the illegal use of a firearm? Don't let the fact that it's cur...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:14 AM Analogy of the Week Award Sent by an editor I know: A new category, Analogy of the Week Award, has been added to the Sentence of the Week Award in honor of the follow...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:06 AM "Black Arrow" Review in GUNS I guess the September issue of GUNS Magazine must be out. I haven't received my comp copy yet (I think somebody at the Post Office is r...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:32 AM "They're Always After Me Lucky Charms" "THE IRA will destroy its vast arsenal within eight weeks after yesterday’s historic pledge to surrender all its guns. "Provo godf...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, July 28, 2005 "Purpose will be available..." "Purpose will be available..." "Purpose will be available..." "Purpose will be available..." "Purpose wil...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:02 PM JUMP! Helen Thomas is threatening to kill herself if Dick Cheney runs for president. I don't know why the White House continues to allow this...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:55 PM A Dilemma in Amber There was an Amber Alert when I was driving home today. I wanted to keep my eyes peeled for a crime being committed, so I could report it to...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:00 AM I Don’t NEED to Know What I’m Talking About Another Berserkeley intellect weighs in on the woman who got killed by friendly fire after she called in for ground support . Like his Dail...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:39 AM "No One Blames Anyone in This" "We are all caught in this matrix created by too many handguns." Sheesh. Fish Or Man is right. I need to get out to the woods.
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, July 27, 2005 Another Idiot Jury As a "whole people," we certainly seem to have the government we deserve. I guess not one in 12 knows or cares anything about this...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:38 AM Are These Not “Job Killers,” Too? An Open Letter to the California Chamber of Commerce The California Chamber of Commerce lists 20 bills it identifies as “job killers,” and r...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, July 26, 2005 A Meaningless Poll I received the following email from : "Cast Your Vote In New Poll; Should gun owners and gun rights organizations s...
By Daniel Nainggolan 2:00 PM Quick, Everyone, Stop Enjoying Yourselves: Rosie's Disgruntled Again "Rapper Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs has angered celebrity neighbor Rosie O'Donnell after throwing an extravagant fireworks show ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:46 AM A Snap of it's Fingers? The Washington Post at its hysterical worst. The implication is clear: by bringing the frivolous gun lawsuit bill to the Senate floor, NR...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:28 AM Whose Side Are YOU On? I designed this graphic over 10 years ago, back when I was active in the Westside Firearms Association , which became the NRA Members Counci...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, July 25, 2005 Don't Mess With This Mom From an anonymous correspondent: Your piece on "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" got me thinking. I have a few images sitting around an...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:05 AM Second Amendment--Down But Not Out? Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership posted "The Second Amendment is Alive and Well" , in response to writer David Br...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:02 AM Birds Do It My sister sent me this after I posted the piece on how "charity" is destroying Africa : I have to share one, and it's even tru...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, July 23, 2005 Thompson In the Chips--Or Vice Versa "Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson has volunteered to get an RFID electronic chip implant to show the world just how safe the new t...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:55 AM Judge Roberts Needs MY Help? I got a piece of spam on my Hotmail account from one " Robert R. Eberle , Ph.D.President and CEO, GOPUSA," telling me "Judge ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:10 AM Speaking of Links... ...which I do in the post below, I've been adding some as I discover folks have linked to WarOnGuns . If you have and I haven't re...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:54 AM Button, Button, Who's Got the Button? Kirk at Fun Turns to Tragedy has designed some more link buttons for top referrers to his site. The guy is really good with graphics. I wi...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:49 AM "We Suspect the Lawsuit is Largely a Political Move" [Use BugMeNot to bypass site registration.] From Philadelphia, home of the Independence Hall Un World Heritage Site , comes these latest bl...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:29 AM Ludicrous, Indeed "The people who brought you the oil-for-food scandal now want to get their hands on the Internet. On Tuesday, a U.N. organization calle...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, July 21, 2005 DON'T SHOOT! Anti-Gunner Recommends STABBING People Instead Alphecca steers us to an opinion piece by Berserkeley Loony Tune Becky O'Malley , who th...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, July 20, 2005 50-50 CNN has a poll asking if NRA made the right move by pulling their convention out of Columbus: How would you describe the NRA's decision...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:17 AM Roberts on Guns I'm sure I joined a lot of gun activists scrambling to find out where Supreme Court Justice nominee John Roberts stands on guns. I als...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:51 AM Ask the Expert Richard A. Clarke , the guy who advised Madeline Albright on Rwanda and who later made sure the Bin Laden family got ushered out of the US w...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:08 AM What About The Rest Of Us? "With judges handing restraining orders out like popcorn, a federal law that disarms soldiers and police who have such orders against t...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, July 19, 2005 Goodbye, Columbus "As a direct result of the Columbus City Council decision to ban semi-automatic firearm ownership for law-abiding citizens, the Nationa...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:15 AM Kennedy in Historic Sino-American Joint Space Venture Please join WarOnGuns in wishing the senior senator from Massachusetts "Bon Voyage" as he boldly goes where no porcine gamete has...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, July 18, 2005 Think They May Be On To Something? "Iraqis have begun barricading themselves in their homes and forming neighborhood militias in an effort to fend off relentless suicide ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:20 AM Armed Unit to Crack Down on Fashion "EDINBURGH'S first dedicated 24-hour armed response unit is set to hit the streets as new figures reveal another huge rise in gun-r...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:42 AM Serves Him Right A man turns in a rare Japanese rifle worth $5,000 to a police "buyback" program, and now they won't give it back. Hope he enjo...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:40 AM Permission Denied, Soldier! "Uncle Sam trusts David Bardfield to carry a firearm, but the town of Brookline doesn't seem to have the same faith in the Army spe...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, July 17, 2005 Save "The Last Gun Shop" Jim Paulson wants us to become informed and help spread the word about "The Last Gun Shop," which we've talked about several t...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:57 AM There's Something Rotten In Atascadero Here's an update to the story about police seizing weapons from a citizen after it was determined the "suspicious circumstances...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:06 AM And Then We Have THESE Twits Feeling really good about girls having fun in the post below, I had to go and spoil things by searching the news, where I came across the la...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:00 AM Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Got these pix from friend Tom Mayhew . Angela Having Fun Angela Having More Fun Angela and Kathy Having Yet Even More Fun Note the Airbor...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, July 16, 2005 Just So We're Clear On The Rules... "'Were they doing anything against the law? No,' Cochran said. 'Could it have gotten them killed? Yes.'" Good Lord...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:59 AM If Your Kids Kill Themselves, How Can We Enslave Them? Alphecca points out the flaws in VPC's latest shameless attempts to equate gun ownership with a higher rate of youth suicide. I'm s...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:39 AM So What Exactly Is The Problem Here? "The Atascadero Police Department and the San Luis Obispo County Bomb Task Force took possession of a large number of weapons and ammun...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, July 15, 2005 Send Out a Newsletter, Go to Jail McGath explains the latest scheme our masters have cooked up to protect us from that icky First Amendment. I'll bet I see an instant d...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:43 AM Why Don't I Feel Threatened By This? Fun Turns to Tragedy shares a photo of everyday life in Israel. It's a shame that conditions require this, but it's also nice to see...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:26 AM Reaching Out to Victims of Crime An Appeal By Deborah Ann Courtney Dear Friends and Fellow Activists: I have recently completed the preliminary personal safety and firearm t...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:13 AM "The Black Arrow"--A Review By John Geltemeyer [Posted exclusively to WarOnGuns with permission of the author] I don't put out too many book reviews, because to be...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, July 14, 2005 "If it's a homicide, it's likely to involve a gun" “Why do we need them? To kill off everybody? And, what sense does that make? Somebody please tell me — although I really doubt if you can gi...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:26 AM "Where are the anti-gun proposals?" Ri-ight. This hand-wringing enuretic would have us believe there is a shortage of "anti-gun proposals." "Deploring the guns ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:14 AM Protest Gun "Buybacks," Go To Jail "Dickey pointed out that the incident happened at...'a city-owned property, during a city-sponsored event inviting the public onto ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:33 AM If It's A "Partnership," Are We Free To Dissolve It? In re BATFU enforcing a frame, receiver or barrel importation ban: "Maintaining open lines of communication is vital to the successful...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, July 13, 2005 "Canons of Journalism" Rebuttal Cari Hammerstrom Speaks Out "Hyperbole" reporter here. First of all, let me say that none of this is the opinion of The Monitor, m...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:42 PM "Canons of Journalism" Update Whose Paranoid does his own investigation.
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:27 AM Job Requirements "Later, the President heard from his wife - via an interview on NBC's 'Today Show' - about what she is looking for on the n...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:55 AM Vous Êtes Cordialement Invités... À une Réunion des Traîtres! SayUncle links to a Brady Center fundraiser at the French Embassy celebrating the birthday of Art Buchwald . A...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:40 AM Power of the Constituency Liberty Belles Ask For Your Support This is a time when our rights as American citizens are more in jeopardy than at any other time in our n...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:17 AM Everybody Loves Ray Guns Bill St. Clair points us to Ionatron , which is developing what is, for all intents and purposes, a phaser. "Oh, joy," he observes...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, July 12, 2005 Prosecutor Steals Gun Publicola tells a distressing and outrageous tale.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:49 AM A Manual Effort Civis Proeliator gives us "Manuals, Manuals & More Manuals."
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:28 AM "Lunatic Fringe"? Arms and the Law refers us to Polsby and Kates' new law review article, which begins very cryptically: "This essay seeks to reclai...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:25 AM Man, What IS It... ...with the Rio Grande Valley and bullets flying overhead near golf courses...? At least in this case, it doesn't appear to be reporter ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, July 11, 2005 The Canons of Journalism An Open Letter to Cari Hammerstrom Dear Ms. Hammerstrom, Your paper's website doesn't include an email address for you, so I'm s...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, July 10, 2005 "Was My Face Red" Update In re the guy who complained about the Air Force flyby , reports: To his credit, the complainant, Mr. MacRae, tendered a written ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:32 AM Arrest That Man! "Last November, University of California, Los Angeles student Joseph Deutch put what appeared to be a bullet into the chamber and pulle...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:10 AM Hey, Can I Do That? Louisville minister Louis Coleman hates guns. "'We want to get them off the streets. We want to get them out of people's homes....
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:01 AM Blame It On Rio Let's see--unchecked gangs roam the streets committing carnage--hey, HERE'S an idea--seeing as how the increasingly restrictive edic...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, July 9, 2005 Was My Face Red! Head tells us about Tom MacRae , who opened mouth and inserted foot in a very public way--one that will surely cause him grief for years to...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:05 AM Out of Africa Rational Review points us to an article by Robert B. Reich who argues "End rich-nation farm subsidies, and Africa and other poor na...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:03 AM A Hot Button Issue Fun Turns to Tragedy designed this cool link button for WarOnGuns , plus offers some encouraging words. Thanks, Kirk . I appreciate your k...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, July 8, 2005 A Hint of Bender I listened to Homeland Security Czar (how come they never say "fuhrer"?) Michael Chertoff tell us ordinary citizens "to rema...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:59 AM 450 Sheep Jump to Their Deaths in Turkey "First one sheep jumped to its death. Then stunned Turkish shepherds, who had left the herd to graze while they had breakfast, watched ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:42 AM "The Constitution Is What the Supreme Court Says It Is." "Comments made by U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales , in his former capacity as White House counsel, have some conservatives warni...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, July 7, 2005 Guns and the Future of the United States Jennifer Freeman of Liberty Belles issues a warning.
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, July 6, 2005 Of Mice and Men Fun Turns to Tragedy has a mouse story for us. Well told. Me 'n my mom's cat once bagged a mouse together, and it took a while to ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:59 AM "Shop the Gun Criminals" Hey, it's not just the title that makes no sense (they probably meant to say "Stop," but got careless in their orgiastic glee ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:55 AM Two Letters Stuart Caesar and Gene Reed tell the Philadelphia Daily News why it's full of it.
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, July 5, 2005 Failing the Test “It’s extremely irresponsible and most likely actionable negligence,” Charlotte, North Carolina, attorney Monroe Whitesides tells me. The Bo...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, July 4, 2005 Are You Vermin? Foreword: In yesterday's post , I mentioned a Los Angeles Times cartoon comparing militia members to cockroaches, noting: Those who woul...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, July 3, 2005 Calling All Creeps Mike Ross of The Edmonton Sun , commenting on "The Gun Sculpture" : "Frankly, it can give you the creeps - or at least attr...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:35 AM The Last 'No Guns' Shop "The last gun-shop owner in Minneapolis lost his zoning appeal Friday and will soon be told to stop doing business...Even though he wil...