By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, August 31, 2005 A Lesson in Democracy Nicki and Kevin can't believe how stupid some people are. Just remember--not only are some people stupid, but their votes cancel out o...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:00 AM From the "I'm the only One Professional Enough" Files Good thing Andy only lets Barney keep one bullet.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:47 AM Youth Funds, Not Tougher Gun Rules, Needed, Cotler Says If I may: Dear kindly Sergeant Krupke, You gotta understand, It's just our bringin' up-ke That gets us out of hand. Our mothers all ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, August 30, 2005 “It must be legal,” she said. “The police are here taking stuff, too.” Things are gonna get real interesting in the next few days and weeks. Some people are gonna be real glad they have guns.
By Daniel Nainggolan 3:08 PM It's Time to Renew! Why does going through the firearm permitting process in South Africa remind me of a scene from Terry Gilliam's " Brazil "?
By Daniel Nainggolan 2:44 PM If Only We Got Rid of Weapons... ...people couldn't possibly kill themselves. Just ask this poor wretch who submitted to the bend-'n-spread-'em at the Superdome....
By Daniel Nainggolan 12:56 PM The Louisiana Superdome of Shame I posted about National Guardsmen disarming Superdome refugees on Sunday, relying on hastily transcribed notes. Here's confirmation an...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:44 AM Shameless Plug: The Bear Necessities “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.”—Timothy Treadwell, setting up his video camera inches from a grizzly bear “Grunt. Snort. C...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:33 AM A Gathering Storm? I just received the following response to my "Trouble in Paradise" concerns: "All of the current rules for guns at the ranch...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:18 AM The Answer to "Gun Crime" in the US... a candlelight vigil. Quick--somebody tell the Canadians they've got it wrong...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:05 AM The Answer to "Gun Crime" in Canada... apparently "a single, loud voice." Why didn't we think of that here? Oh, and closed-door meetings away from the prying ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, August 29, 2005 Kaine Caught Stealing NRA's Thunder "'It's no surprise that Tim Kaine is attempting to hide his anti-gun past from gun owners,' said Chris W. Cox , the NRA...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:24 AM O Canada The Canadian national gun registry doesn't stop "gun violence." It is a "$2-billion boondoggle." They should "s...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, August 28, 2005 "Everyone Certainly is Appreciative" That's a quote from the Fox News reporter on scene at the Superdome in New Orleans, thanking two National Guard privates for confiscatin...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:37 AM Another Young Skull Full of Mush With a Big Forum and a Bigger 'But' Sez 11th-grader David Albright : "I consider myself to be very conservative, but...I find another area of agreement in gun control. I b...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:30 AM Always Low Coverage-Always The Smallest Minority tells us how the media is handling another Wal-Mart shooting.
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:00 AM In the Shadow of 'Braveheart' Publicola points us to a great site honoring William Wallace . This guy David R. Ross appears to understand that he lives in a conquered an...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:41 AM Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others MEMBERS of Britain’s elite have been selected as priority cases to receive scarce pills and vaccinations at the taxpayers’ expense if the co...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, August 27, 2005 May I Have the Envelope, Please? The August Eloi Award goes to Pete Gitlin , of Phoenix, AZ. Runner-up honors are shared by Penny and Pete Peters of Everett, WA. Congratulat...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:44 AM Scarborough Fair Update: 1st Report BS Looks like the guy shot at the Canadian anti-gun barbecue wasn't what he was reported to be . Looks like Natalie Alcoba and the National...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:07 AM Do You Wear That License on Your Collar? The Toledo Free Press is reporting that although a man with a temporary emergency concealed handgun license was not charged with a crime, po...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, August 26, 2005 I'M the NRA CIVIS PROELIATOR explains why he isn’t an NRA member , and has some kind words for WarOnGuns in his reasoning—particularly referencing yest...
By Daniel Nainggolan 2:08 PM Clarification on "Disarmed" DC There appears to be a general misconception that guns are not allowed in Washington DC. The War on Guns would like to take this opportunity...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:41 AM Are You Going to Scarborough Fair? A Canadian anti-gun activist has been shot and killed in an altercation at a Stop the Violence barbecue in Scarborough. Some people find out...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, August 25, 2005 Cheek to Cheek With Senator Rick Santorum I finally had time to go through the September issue of American Rifleman , which features a Wayne LaPierre/Chris Cox tag team suck-up sessi...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:09 AM The Asylum is Open Nicki Fellenzer wants a place where she can post on topics that wouldn't fit over at The Liberty Zone (like the Clay Aiken thong), so ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, August 24, 2005 When Sarah Gets Her Wish Here's an appalling story to throw back into the faces of gungrabbing police statists: "City where police gun down children... ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:49 AM Trouble in Paradise My wife and I have been owners at R-Ranch in the Sequoias since before the kids were born. It's been great for them and us. We've a...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, August 23, 2005 Another Newspeak Award "Freedom bags." You could not make this stuff up.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:45 AM Declawing the Lion of the West My first impression is the guy is too short for the role. But " Al Bouler , of Montgomery, Ala., who portrayed Davy Crockett at Davy C...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, August 22, 2005 Newspeak at It's Finest "The first thing we had to do in the community was to empower people to say no to guns." Wow. That's so perversely twisted it...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, August 11, 2005 Vacation, All I Ever Wanted... I've been on full system burn for the past 5 months, working 7 days a week at my "real" job, posting to this site, and turning...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:07 AM Brady Center: Ginning Up Jonesboro "You kill five people in cold blood, shocking an entire nation. You go to prison. Seven years later, you get out, and you are free to b...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:52 AM Gun Law News: Request for Information - Sullivan Act "We are beginning an investigation into the origins of and precursors to the Sullivan Act. We have a fair amount of information and the...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, August 10, 2005 Doh! So California state officials want the public to believe that by forcing manufacturers to install microstamping mechanisms in handguns and l...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:32 AM Make of This What You Will "Wilcox's demeanor toward authorities on the night of his arrest contributed to prosecutors' decision to drop the charges....
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:20 AM The Government We Deserve “At the close of the constitutional convention, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government the Constitution was bringing into e...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:15 AM "Thrilling...and Thought-Provoking" The following review of 'The Black Arrow' appears in the current, August edition of the 'Midwest Book Review' : The Black Ar...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:12 AM Another Senseless Child Gun Death... ...that could have been prevented if only we would enact "sensible gun laws"? Good grief, how do you reach ages 19 and 20, and not...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:07 AM Oh, Yeah, THIS'LL Work... "But what I do believe that we can do is bring a concerted effort to the border so that we can capture many more guns than we have been...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, August 9, 2005 GunLawNews Replies to JPFO Scroll down to August 9: SB397 Issues
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:31 AM Coming Soon to the California Hit List: BB and Pellet Guns From "California Dreamin'," my Rights Watch column in the Sept. 2005 issue of GUNS Magazine , on newsstands now: "Pellet ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:58 AM Fatal Blindness? JPFO addresses criticisms of it’s previous alert on S.397 .
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, August 8, 2005 Some Choice Westchester District Attorney Jeanine Pirro is challenging Hillary Clinton for her New York Senate seat. "'My support in the Repub...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:42 AM Unwanted Heartless Libertarian tells us about "the worst TV show gun-related writing ever." In all fairness, I have not seen TNT's ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:43 AM Front Sight:True Crimes--Casting Final Episodes I'm passing this along at the request of Deborah Courtney : Victim Rights Advocate and Second Amendment Activist, Deborah Courtney, is a...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, August 5, 2005 Just Do It I just sent my review of Matthew Bracken's "Enemies Foreign and Domestic" in to GUNS Magazine . As it will be a few months b...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:09 AM The Courtesy of a Reply Would be Appreciated Dear Mr. DiMare , I hope all is well with you. I haven’t received a reply to my open letter yet, and under normal circumstances, you’ve cer...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:31 AM Gun Law News Disagrees With JPFO Looks like we're gonna have us a debate. Nice to be a spectator for a change.
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, August 4, 2005 JPFO ALERT: Is S. 397 a Trojan Horse? When JPFO talks, gun owners should listen. In this case their fears, that S. 397 could result in giving the AG power to ban all rifle ammo ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:04 PM QUICK! TAKE THIS POLL!!! Do you support the National Rifle Association's boycott of ConocoPhillips ? So far, "No" is leading. Click on the link and vo...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:23 AM On AHSA Bloggers are all over the American Hunters and Shooters Association . Aside from posting a few comments on other blogs and pointing out the...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, August 3, 2005 No Apologies Drudge titled his link to this story: "EDITOR: NO APOLOGIES FOR HELEN THOMAS 'KILL SELF' REPORT..." I think the guy does ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:25 PM Wrong John Silver's [Use BugMeNot UserID: / Password: 66666 to bypass site registration] Rick Stanley reminds me of this story from Oct. 2004. I...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:07 AM "Security Guards in California Are Going to be Trained to Help Fight Terrorists." The reporterette on KFI radio actually said that as the lead-in to a news story. I laughed so hard and so long my ribs hurt. Other drivers ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, August 2, 2005 Shameless Plug: California Dreamin' It’s not about public safety—it’s about harassing gun owners and political opponents. That’s why we see endless proposals designed to infri...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:35 PM Look Who’s Demanding Gun Control Guess who thinks YOU can't be trusted to own and use firearms responsibly. My August "Rights Watch" column for GUNS Magazine i...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:26 AM "What's Wrong With Gun Laws?" The August 1955 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online. A Chicago cop, of all people, makes a statement against gun control--and you'll ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:24 AM And There Was War in the Heavens... Some folks are taking me to task for yesterday's post . In a nutshell: No, I am not "for" private employers banning guns, sea...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, August 1, 2005 DeWine Whines "In a lengthy speech on the Senate floor, the former Greene County prosecutor lashed out at the bill, which would require gun victims t...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:41 AM Just What We Need: NRA stumping for edicts to tell people what they can and cannot do with their private property. As loathsome as it might be, if I own a pie...