By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, September 30, 2005 On the Schumer/Feinstein CCWs Jim Kouri of the National Association of Chiefs of Police writes: At the same time, there are outspoken opponents of gun ownership, such as...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:35 AM Well THIS Would Explain Quite a Bit The NOPD may have padded the payroll. [via SayUncle ]
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:06 AM What the Hell is Wrong With People? Some northwest Louisiana gun shops saw an increase in sales in the weeks following Hurricane Katrina and owners attribute it to New Orleans ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:27 AM "We Want Your Visit to be Safe and Positive" The propaganda the Bradys are disseminating at Florida airports to scare off tourists really does show how sick these people are. Here's...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, September 29, 2005 Debatable -- Should You Have the Right to Carry a Gun? It's not debatable at all. I have that right. No one else has any legitimate say in the matter. But this is the kind of nonsense we...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:51 AM Inmate Found Carrying Gun in Courthouse [T]he county jail inmate and convicted felon hid a .38-caliber snub-nosed revolver with hollow-point bullets, the Sarasota County Sheriff...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:47 AM Desperate Bradys Resort to Insults The Brady Center will be protesting Florida's new self defense law. In a flier the group plans to pass out at Miami International Airpor...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, September 28, 2005 Miers to Replace O'Connor? Will Harriet Miers be Bush's pick for the Supreme Court? God, I hope not. She's a big proponent of "Project Safe Neighborhoods...
By Daniel Nainggolan 4:15 PM A Temporary Delay House Majority Leader Tom Delay has temporarily stepped down from the leadership position following his indictment by a Texas grand jury on...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:59 AM Government Gun Control The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is joining the investigation of a state-run gun museum in Claremore... three...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:48 AM Homeowner Buys Gun After His Home Was Robbed In Montgomery I guess it's better late than never. Can you imagine watching intruders break into your home--and being helpless to protect your family?...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:39 AM The Braindead Tree To some, who played cops and robbers and cowboys and Indians by the hour in their youth, this zero tolerance could seem like overreacting, b...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:34 AM What, the IRA HASN'T Disarmed? "The more spotlight is put on this, the more we discover there is a cover-up. "Part of the weapons that should have been decommiss...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, September 27, 2005 New Direction for Faulty Compass P. Edwin Compass III has resigned. Wonder if he'll be allowed to keep his guns?
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:05 AM Hessian Continues War on Guns/Reuters Continues War on Truth California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said on Friday that citizen patrols of his state's border with Mexico must be unarmed to avoid vio...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, September 26, 2005 Who Could Be Kookier Than Wendy? Wendy Cukier , that is. Cukier, president of the Toronto-based Coalition for Gun Control, says the long hours she's put in lobbying the ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:57 AM Disasters, Unease Draw New Customers to Firearms I suppose it's better late than never. And such trends--especially in "liberal" places like Oahu-- gotta show the Bradys how ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, September 25, 2005 Irish Republican Army Officially Disarms I didn't believe it when the media first started making noises about it and I don't believe it now.
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:27 PM Bill St. Clair on Handgun Club of America I wrote a letter last Thursday to HCA about their membership requirement that you promise to "observe all firearm laws. " Josh Man...
By Daniel Nainggolan 3:20 PM Video: Only Following Orders That excuse didn't work at Nuremberg. It shouldn't work in America. So much for taking an oath to defend the Constitution. I love th...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:32 AM The Eye of Sauron Internet users hoping to protect their privacy by using anti-virus software, Web anonymizers, false identities and disabled cookies on their...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:07 AM HCA Update Request One of the frequent commenters to my original Handgun Club of America post recommends calling attention to the 35 comments it has generated...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:53 AM "Compliance With Gun Registry 'Virtually Nil'" Canadian patriots are ingoring the edict to register their firearms. The government is demonstrably unable to enforce a law defied by so man...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:40 AM GUNS EFAD Thread at THR Author Matthew Bracken has started a thread over at The High Road about my review of "Enemies Foreign and Domestic" in the Novem...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:24 AM Check Out "The Gun Guy" Ooops--wrong one! This is the sheet-soaker who honored with a " despicable five bullet rating " ( 5 out of 5 rounds...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, September 24, 2005 Another Question About the NOLA Restraining Order Anybody seen the text of the complaint or the ruling? I keep seeing it billed as a "Second Amendment victory." Anybody know if the...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:10 AM Turns Out What Yale Women Want... a man . Sorry, Jeff Mankoff . Although editorialist Karen Stabiner might make a good match for you--that is, if she can ever stop see...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:48 AM The Responsibilities of Gun Ownership Sailor Curt thinks one of them is activism. He just added a detailed comment to my original Handgun Club of America article that I think b...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, September 23, 2005 Help Cure Hoplophobia Another ally of those who fear armed citizens: Stephen M. Ressa , 27, also told police he saw people with their hands in their pockets and t...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:45 PM Restraining Order Stops NO Gun Confiscations The United States District Court for the Eastern District in Louisiana today sided with the National Rifle Association (NRA) and issued a re...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:47 PM Yeah, Roberts Will Be a Strict Constructionist... ...maybe for the UN Charter. For anyone who thinks this global government enthusiast will rule "the right of the people to keep and bea...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:28 AM Shameless Plug: Are You Connected? The fact is, if you're a gun owner and you're not on the Internet, you are not informed, no matter how strong your opinions. You sim...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:54 AM Sentry Gun Texican Tattler links us to a Sentry Gun project. The video had me laughing.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:17 AM Another Editorial Sheet-Soaker If concealed gun permit holders can't deal with this scrutiny, they should turn in their weapons The way the Ohio law is written, Al-Jaz...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:49 AM Pontificating Intellectual Moron Alert Meet Jeff Mankoff , "a sixth-year Ph.D. student in the [Yale]History Department." Jeff uses hyperbole to disinform and subvert. Ye...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, September 22, 2005 Liar, Liar BRAIN-SCANNING techniques that test whether people are telling the truth could soon be sufficiently reliable to be used to interrogate crimi...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:49 AM Just When They Were Doing So Well... Bill St. Clair tells us a condition of joining Handgun Club of America is pledging that you will "observe all firearm laws."
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:46 AM Heaven Forbid! More Trouble in Paradise In " Trouble in Paradise ," I wrote about how R-Ranch in the Sequoias is developing a set of "gun safety" rules. I post...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, September 21, 2005 HCA Update I caused a bit of discussion when I urged people to check out the Handgun Club of America . Their website now addresses some of the concerns...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:54 AM "The Only Reason You Have a Handgun is to Shoot Someone" More anti-defense lunacy from north of the border. No, it's not the only reason. But it certainly is one of them. Toronto Mayor David ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 12:01 AM What Would YOU Use on a T-Rex? Comment poster Sean reminded me of something when, in response to The 2005 Hardyville Freedom Festival , he nominated " Jurassic Park ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, September 19, 2005 They Never EVER Stop Kevin gives a gungrabbing bedwetter electroshock therapy. It won't cure the guy, but it sure is fun to watch it being administered.
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:53 AM Denver Argues to Become Constitution-Free Zone [T]he Colorado Supreme Court...[will]hear arguments on the city of Denver's right to adopt stricter gun laws than the rest of the state....
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:45 AM Lord of War: "Anti-Gun Diatribe" "War" is a film in which the story takes a backseat to the subject, the characters on-screen serving primarily as agents by which ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, September 18, 2005 Guns in the Workplace: An Enuretic's View Someone who didn't know the basics of gun safety accidentally kills himself. The conclusion? Obviously, guns don't belong in the wo...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:40 PM Isn't Running From Predators What PREY Does? "The scariest part is that you're removing the duty to retreat. That's really there to preserve life." Unless by retreatin...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:02 AM Freedom Films Go vote in The 2005 Hardyville Freedom Film Festival. I do have one beef-- "The Iron Giant" is blatantly anti-hunting. Oh, shoot,...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:41 AM OK, You Can Stay Just days since they were being urged, sometimes at gunpoint, to leave their homes, the hardy band of residents who sat tight in New Orleans...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:20 AM To Build a Fire Apparently, you can start a fire with a soda can and a chocolate bar. I couldn't find anything debunking this on urban legends sites, an...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, September 17, 2005 The Counter is Closed Pity. Good site. Perhaps Countertop will return some day. He offers us some hope: "I expect that after a break I will return, refres...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:01 PM We Don't Need No Stinkin' Posse Comitatus Act " President Bush's push to give the military a bigger role in responding to major disasters like Hurricane Katrina could lead to a ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:33 AM Now If I Could Just Find a Good Recipe For a Fetus Smoothie... "A British newspaper said that a Chinese cosmetics company was using skin harvested from the corpses of executed convicts to develop be...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:41 AM Catching the Idiots A reader writes to GUNS Magazine to take me to task over my May Rights Watch column .
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:25 AM It's OK, He's a Cop "Haymarket's acting police chief, Sgt. Gregory Breeden , got his gun back yesterday. "Breeden had lost his right to carry a we...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, September 16, 2005 GUNS Magazine: "The Black Arrow" Review We hear the Second Amendment is the ultimate guarantor of liberty, but how many of us take those abstract words and comprehend their ultimat...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:40 PM It's For the Children "The Dutch government plans to open an electronic file on every child at birth as a tool to spot and protect the troubled kids of the f...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:13 PM Cross-Dressing Robbers Killed During Shootout Tell me this isn't a movie script waiting to happen.
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:05 PM LA Gun Sales Surge Maybe some of these buyers will be curious enough to learn about the threat to their being able to own guns--and motivated enough to join wi...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:18 AM Nope, I Won't Be Seeing "The Lord of War" "But nine out of 10 war victims are killed by guns. It's the AK-47 that's a weapon of mass destruction." Yeah, this moron ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:33 AM High Praise for "The Black Arrow"... ...and a not-so-gentle verdict on Laissez Faire Books and their decision not to stock it.
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:04 AM "Don't Blame US" "Canadians shouldn't blame their southern neighbour for the spike in gun-related violence in Toronto, says the U.S. ambassador in O...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, September 14, 2005 Bradys Celebrate Treason... the French Embassy, naturally. I remember posting on this earlier, and being surprised that humor columist Dave Barry was on the atte...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, September 12, 2005 HCA Replies Josh Manheimer of Handgun Club of America has commented on the concerns I posted. Others who vouch for the effort and Mr. Manheimer as bei...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, September 11, 2005 I Can Post From the Hotel... I'll be doing so as I can.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:34 PM Wal-Mart Halts LA Gun Sales... ...and some folks feeling vulnerable right now aren't very happy about it. "A Wal-Mart spokeswoman, Karen Burk , attributed the com...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:29 PM Claire Has a New Book Out I haven't read it yet. Before visiting her site tonight, I hadn't even heard of it. But some folks have established a track record t...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:27 PM Nice to See the NSSF... ...doing the Brady Center's work for them. Pitchfork murder , anyone?
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:10 AM Outta Here... ...until Friday. I may or may not be able to check in between now and then.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:06 AM "One September Day..." The Blognomicon has a picture series appropriate for today's date that you really ought to see.
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:13 AM Fathers Demanding Defenseless Families Look, I'm a father myself. I can't imagine what I'd do if something happened to one of my boys, I love them so damn much. But wh...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, September 10, 2005 Citizen Militia Defends NO Neighborhood "She said she still has 42 bullets to expend before she'll be forcibly evacuated." Looks like that idiot P. Edwin Compass III ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:40 PM Check Out The Handgun Club of America! Some of the gun blogs are mentioning a new group, Handgun Club of America , and encouraging us to check it out. I just took a cursory glance...
By Daniel Nainggolan 4:16 PM The Lord of War You've probably seen the commercials for the upcoming Nicholas Cage movie about an international arms dealer. I'll probably see it-...
By Daniel Nainggolan 3:03 PM Still MORE Proof... ...that only sworn officers of the law can be trusted with guns.
By Daniel Nainggolan 11:23 AM Heaven Forbid! "Journalists in Michigan are reportedly being told by state legislators that bills introduced this week only relate to the use of deadl...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:46 AM "Mothers Protest Against Gun Crimes" I don't get it. How can there be any "gun crimes" when guns have been effectively banned? What, you mean gun control laws don...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:47 AM Coming Soon to a Range Near You "The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Friday an agreement with an upstate New York gun club to keep its members from firi...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, September 9, 2005 "Treat Me With Benign Neglect" (Video) The CNN busybody just doesn't get it. He thinks the police are "trying to talk sense" into folks when they order them to lea...
By Daniel Nainggolan 11:03 PM Michigan bills would allow residents to fatally shoot intruders And your point is...?
By Daniel Nainggolan 10:45 PM "Rest Assured... ... NRA is monitoring this situation very closely and will address any activity by the government that unduly infringes upon the rights of ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:30 AM FEMA Looting We're from the government. We're here to help. Sa-a-ay...nice gun you've got there...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:59 AM Mexican Military Crosses Border I guess we're supposed to be grateful, but do we really need foreign troops on US soil? I'd like to see some questions answered: Are...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:43 AM "Flood Survivors Expelled By Force" "Police backed by troops have begun to use force to remove people from their homes in the city of New Orleans...Many are now going volu...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, September 8, 2005 Go Greyhound And leave the driving to us. Or not. These are the incompetent kleptocrats who want to disarm us because we can't be trusted. [Thanks t...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:26 PM Some Quick, Random Thoughts on the NO Gun Confiscations New Orleans is within the jurisdiction of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals--the court that said in Emerson that the Second Amendment is an ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:16 PM Oh, Gee--What a Surprise "Waters were receding across this flood-beaten city today as police officers began confiscating weapons, including legally registered f...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:07 AM What, Hurricane Survivors Are Buying GUNS? "It seems to matter little that the police have appealed for calm, and dismissed most of the reports of carjackings and armed robberies...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:59 AM Yet ANOTHER Delay Looks like the politicians up in Canada have bitten off more than the bureaucracy can chew. Their Orwellian spinboob says the delay is to en...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:53 AM Badaboom! Looks like a leading contributor to the New Jersey political establishment just got popped on a gun charge. That reminds me--I was gonna pic...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, September 7, 2005 "We Actually Saw the Police. They're in Aisle Three." Amazing Facts links to a video of New Orleans cops looting Wal-Mart . I guess if they get sent on that Vegas vacation , the hotels had bett...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:54 PM Funny Thing About Requiring Permission To Exercise Rights They can get interrupted by things like weather and technical difficulties.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:07 AM We're from the Government. We're Here to Help. FEMA flies refugees to the wrong Charleston. Your tax dollars at work. This is like watching bad slapstick. All that's missing is the p...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:42 AM Bordering on Insane I missed this story when it came out last week. I haven't seen it get much play elsewhere, either. The Canadian border guards want to ca...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:33 AM Defending Liberty in the New World Part Two is now posted on the Liberty Belles site. Click here if you missed Part One.
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, September 6, 2005 Every Silver Lining's Got a Touch of Gray Anti-gun pediatricians (are there any other kind?) are sounding the alarm about guns left unlocked and loaded in American homes. Proving the...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:31 AM On Conferred Rights Friend, attorney and Second Amendment activist Peter Mancus has turned up an interesting case in his research, Capen v. Foster , wherein it...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:30 AM A Book Burning in Kanab A high school football team posed for a fundraising calendar with weapons. The young men liked it, the coach liked it, the businesses that ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, September 2, 2005 California Dreamin' Perata’s snottiness explains much. It’s not about public safety — it’s about harassing gun owners and political opponents. That’s why we see...
By Daniel Nainggolan 11:13 AM New Orleans: A Wakeup Call For California "When politicians tell you that only law enforcement and police should own guns in today's 'modern society', tell them to g...
By Daniel Nainggolan 10:55 AM What Kind of Example Are These People Setting for Our Children? "I was standing on the front porch with a shotgun keeping an eye on things. I could hear people breaking into houses right around the c...
By Daniel Nainggolan 10:35 AM New Orleans Journal Awesome and compelling commentary. Thanks to McGath .
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:46 AM More "In Your FACE!" to CA Gun Owners Mark Ridley-Thomas thinks we're not mature enough to select our own ammunition at gun stores. Ridley-Thomas also promulgates a communis...
By Daniel Nainggolan 9:17 AM "Trade Your Gun for Cameras and Equipment" Don't worry--this isn't another odious "gun buyback" program where some anti trades you merchandise gift certificates to ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 8:44 AM "Shoot to Kill" That's what I'm hearing a lot of in regards to New Orleans looters. Without getting into a debate on the many causes of the effects ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, September 1, 2005 Good For Me, But Not For Thee NBC News has sent private security personnel to the increasingly dicey Gulf Coast region to help keep its employees safe while covering the ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:02 AM "Better Late Than Never," Indeed An AP Katrina aftermath survival story, via Whose Paranoid : "We had excellent plans. We had enough food for 10 days," said Peggy ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:13 AM An Open Plea to President Bush I just received my "personal invitation" from the Second Amendment Foundation's Alan Gottlieb to attend the " 20th annual...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:08 AM Ann Coulter--Neocon Shill "Conservative" columnist Ann Coulter disdains "...the (nonexistent) 'right to privacy.' "I know as much about t...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:32 AM That's Why They Call It Global Gun "CONTROL" Russia wants the UN to pass rules outlawing unauthorized use of Russian weapons designs. Russia hopes to piggyback this on a UN effort to li...