By DAVID KURNIAWAN Saturday, December 31, 2005 FAA to Disarm Universe More than 120 pages of proposed rules , released Thursday, governing the future of space tourism touch on medical standards for passengers, ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 9:19 AM Rapper Pimp C Released From Prison He was charged after brandishing a gun during an argument with a woman at a mall. I thought I'd end 2005 with some happy news.
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 9:06 AM An Imbecile of One A U.S. soldier on leave from the Army was arrested on Thursday for firing into the air and subsequently killing a young mother as she looked...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:56 AM Gun 'Sealing' to Mark New Year Lomibao and Tolentino said the firearms of all soldiers and policemen nationwide will be sealed with masking tapes and duly-signed by their ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:44 AM Right, THAT'LL Work... Calls for an end to gun violence were heard at a candlelight vigil in downtown Toronto...Among those who attended was Ontario Premier Dalton...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Friday, December 30, 2005 Send in the Army? Perhaps the most ridiculous suggestion, however, was the one made by Pastor Allan Bowen of the Abundant Life Assembly in Etobicoke. "(...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:16 AM Good News From Wyoming Representative Becket Hinckley of Cheyenne is planning to sponsor a bill that would allow people to carry a concealed weapon without going ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:55 AM No Taping of Gun Nozzles NO GUN nozzle will be taped this time as preventive measure against discriminate firing by police and military personnel during the coming N...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:46 AM We're the Only Ones Exceptional Enough... A Palm Beach County school police officer was arrested in Pompano Beach on Monday and accused of using a firearm while intoxicated, among ot...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:39 AM Guard Faces Gun Charges The District Attorney's Office charged a local probation officer arrested for smuggling drugs into Juvenile Hall with two felony gun off...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:30 AM We're the Only Ones Phat Enough... An off-duty New York police officer who claimed he was friends with 50 Cent and Ja Rule was recently arraigned on gun possession and is su...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Thursday, December 29, 2005 Shameless Plug: Stand Your Ground It’s not our fault that anti-defense misfits don’t trust themselves and transfer their self-loathing to the rest of us. Their hysterics don...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:30 AM Buck-Buck-Buck-AWWW A PFA order is not a quick fix for everyone. It is a tool and just like a hammer or wrench... So is a gun , Beata. Try using your tool to r...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:20 AM N.C. Man Arrested for Stun Gun in Baggage A North Carolina man is charged with unauthorized use of a weapon and attempting to board an aircraft with a weapon. Chicago Police say a sc...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:13 AM We're the Only Ones Lawful Enough A police officer arrested Tuesday along with three other men who were allegedly carrying illegally defaced handguns is suspected of robbing ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 4:48 AM Like a Good Neighbor, Rob Hansen Is There Including a new addition, the 35,000-square-foot building will offer 12 pistol ranges, five 100-yard rifle ranges and an 11,000-square-foot ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, December 28, 2005 Federal Agent Shoots the Beaver Hey, I'm just reporting what happened.
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:21 AM Blatant Anti-Gun Bias Nicki adds her insights to the Katherine Letellier brouhaha .
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:06 AM For You, It's a Felony. For Me, It's an "Oopsie!" Banno, 48, of 411 W. Thousand Oaks faces one count of boarding a plane with a weapon, a Class 4 felony punishable by either probation or up ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:48 AM We're the Only...Ahhh...That's Quite a Coincidence, Wouldn't You Say...? A Waterloo police officer accidentally shot his gun while investigating a shots fired call Monday. [Thanks to Benson ]
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:33 AM The Doppelganger from Dimension X There's only one explanation. The Barry Campbell I referred to was obviously Evil Barry from a parallel universe .
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:16 AM Firearm Saved Us From Four Armed Hijackers In this country orders are placed with hijacking syndicates for low-mileage luxury cars for sale in adjacent countries, information being ob...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, December 27, 2005 Well, They Selectively Edited My Response... our old pal Katherine Letellier . You remember, the teacher who claimed quotes from the founders supported a collective rights theor...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:39 AM What's Wrong With This Picture? No, I'm not pointing out that some sheep would rather have merchandise than freedom tools, or that cops and businesses are funding anoth...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:29 AM We're the Only...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! REGIONAL police director Prospero Noble has directed all policemen to seal the barrels of their service firearms with masking tapes starting...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:18 AM "Please, Let Us Debate Gun Ownership Without 'Acrimony'" Why become "very angry" at my merely expressing an opinion with which one disagrees? Well, John Paul , maybe it's because you ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:06 AM What Have We Been Saying All Along? Wouldn't it make more sense to define the ultimate battle as one for a national ban on handguns...? Sorry, Jenny Price . You get the sam...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Friday, December 23, 2005 Merry Christmas May the meaning and joy of Christmas fill your heart with peace and gladness. I'm taking a few days off to give those I love some undivi...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:53 AM Pentagon Forced To Ship Ray Gun to Iraq Boy, if I had a ray gun, nobody could force me to do anything. Humor aside, it's an interesting read. I've questioned the non-lethal...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:39 AM Tow Firm Shooter Faces Gun Charge A Jackson businessman who shot and killed a suspected burglar is facing a new charge because of a conviction more than two decades ago. He d...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:26 AM We're the Only...Ahhh, Shoot, They're Out of Paper... The city's police chief left his loaded service pistol in a restaurant bathroom last month and didn't realize it until another offic...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:25 AM The New York Centurions The state will hire 100 state troopers as part of a new effort to crack down on illegal gun trafficking, Gov. George Pataki said Thursday. ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:17 AM We're the Only Ones Emotionally Stable Enough... Eugene Victor Perry Jr. , a police officer with a state agency who is accused of fatally shooting two Baltimore police officers Wednesday, h...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Thursday, December 22, 2005 We're the Only Ones MATURE Enough... Two sheriff's deputies have been transferred out of the Juvenile Court system after allegations that one of them pretended to draw his g...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:09 AM I'll Bet He Didn't Eat His Vegetables or Clean His Room, Either Beatriz Roldan , mother of the victim, reminded her son not to play with the gun but he continued to do so. The guy wasn't a child, he ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:59 AM Another Dangerous Gun Hits the Street A car burglar made off with a Fontana police officer s department identification card and a firearm... What did Mr. Good say?
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:47 AM State Trooper Shot With Own Gun A state trooper killed earlier this month after an early morning highway chase was shot twice with his own weapon, a prosecutor said Wednesd...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:39 AM Albany Gun-Law Compromise Interesting title, albeit a bit misleading, since the compromise involves the death penalty, not guns. But it does raise a question none in...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, December 21, 2005 We're the Only Ones Moral and Upright Enough... Ja'nerra Carson-Slaughter testified Tuesday that during a business trip last year to Springfield, she delivered a cash bribe to former ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:04 AM PLEASE Obey Our Gun Registration Please...? They're getting desperate. Threats and cajoling and a hopelessly incompetent bureaucracy haven't worked. This is both f...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:46 AM Unintended (But Not Unexpected) Consequences Liberal Gun Ban Fuels Buying Binge Paul Martin's plan to ban handguns may have backfired. As soon as the Liberals unveiled their promis...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, December 20, 2005 The Strike is On Subways and buses across the nation's largest city shut down Tuesday morning as transit workers walked off the job following days of acr...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:28 AM Katherine Letellier Responds... my inquiry : Mr. Codrea, I appreciate your comments. I do object, however, to your contention that I am challenging "the leading...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:17 AM Man Accused of al-Qaida Link Admits Gun Buy Khadr admitted ties to senior al-Qaida members and confessed to buying guns and rocket launchers for them in Afghanistan. Afghanistan? Why d...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:09 AM Brand Wars in Albany [Use BugMeNot to bypass site registration] Synopsis: New York Democrats want to sue gun manufacturers. New York Republicans object. They ha...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:01 AM You're Not Supposed to Tip Your Hand... The president of the Oakville Liberal riding association has resigned after telling a voter unhappy with gun control to take her "gun-l...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:41 AM The Bidding is Over The special signed copy of The Black Arrow has been won. Final bid was $865.00. Claire Wolfe has more .
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Monday, December 19, 2005 Quotes From the Founders An Open Request to Katherine Letellier Dear Ms. Letellier, You apparently possess knowledge that many of us interested in the Second Amendme...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:01 AM Well, There's YOU and Then There's US... A federal judge placed former Cedar Bluff town manager Ricky Steele on three years probation for his part in the sale of guns from a police...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:59 AM Prove You're WORTHY of Rights Possessing even a single illegal gun should be classified as a violent felony that carries guaranteed prison time, unless the defendant can ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:53 AM BREAKING NEWS! The establishment media "leans left." Who'da thunk? Thanks to establishment academia for this stunning revelation. I'd com...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Sunday, December 18, 2005 Philly Struggles With Rising Murder Rate As far back as March, when the city endured a spate of 22 killings in nine days - 20 of them by gunfire - Mayor John F. Street pleaded for ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:40 AM Brits Fear Santa Terrorizes Kids A VISIT from Father Christmas could be "terrifying" for small children, says advice on a government website...The advice for teach...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:39 AM Chief Cuts Penalty for Officer in Firing of Weapon Even though she first tried to get away with not reporting it and went to her union rep first, and even though investigators think she fired...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Saturday, December 17, 2005 A Tale of Two Cities "Gun-plagued Toronto" wants to "perform a 'Boston Miracle.'" Meanwhile, Alphecca tells us Boston's murder ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 9:14 AM "Partial Reprieve" for SA Gun Owners Gun owners who fail to renew their licences in terms of the new gun-control regulations will not overnight become criminals in possession of...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 9:11 AM Flynn Gets Probation on Gun Charge Of course he does. After all, "He had...a long history of service to the State."
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:58 AM Speaking of Republicans... looks like George Pataki is doing what he can to hasten our plunge into a total police state. But then, we've already establishe...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:48 AM Democrats Recast Gun Control Image I'll bet they do. And I'm sure there are plenty of our countrymen stupid and lazy enough to choose image over substance. Meanwhile, ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Friday, December 16, 2005 Well, THIS Doesn't Look Good... Obviously, the Fourth Amendment was only intended to apply to the states. And remember: Vote Freeedom First !
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:07 AM Still Looking for Lautenberg Victims Gun Law News needs your help. If you or someone you know has relevant information "of how Lautenberg has unjustly denied people their...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:54 AM Fish Or Man Wins Appeal And he did it "pro se, without the help of the gun rights organization based in Washington State, (although it was requested)." Wh...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:17 AM Who Needs Goebbels When You've Got The Post? I would like to express the personal and professional thanks of 25,000 active New York City police officers for The Post's efforts to pu...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:00 AM Cops With 'Roid Rage According to Koonce's attorney, Tweedy kicked and stomped on Koonce's head repeatedly, walking away and then returning to continue t...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:58 AM JBT to Serfs: Resist and Die [Use BugMeNot to bypass site registration.] When we last left Patrick Lynch , he was telling us no one had any business with hollow point...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:53 AM Anatomy of a Photograph Zombietime shows us how photographs used by the MSM, and the context either presented or left out, can shape our perception of what's r...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Thursday, December 15, 2005 We're the Only Ones TRUSTWORTHY Enough... Officer Celina Clay is under investigation. The Correction Department says she took a 38 caliber gun and two rounds of ammunition to the Ch...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:58 AM A False Alternative SAF/CCRKBA sent out an alert about their new poll on KABA : Should cities like San Francisco, which ban firearms, be allowed to receive fe...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:50 AM Romney to Assist GOP Suicide Governor Mitt Romney will announce at 6 p.m. that he will not seek re-election to a second term, setting the stage for an expected campaign ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:35 AM Happy Bill of Rights Day Tina Terry sends us links to the celebration in Payson, AZ , and her article in the newspaper.
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, December 14, 2005 Special Copy of "THE BLACK ARROW" being Auctioned for Fundraiser! From "The Libertarian": This brand new, one-of-a-kind book is being sold to raise money for a friend of liberty who is dying of ca...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:39 AM Et tu, Pilots? I received an email from Tracy Price of the Passenger-Cargo Security Group ("An Airline Security Trade Association"). It includ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:06 AM Exceptions Benson over at Tomato 7 takes exception to a Winston-Salem Journal opinion piece where columnist Scott Sexton states: "Nobody - po...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:55 AM Cool Toys From Xavier He's featuring Cool Toys From Christmas Past. So far, he's treated us to the Daisy SoftAir Gun and the Rapid Fire Space Rifle . I ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:50 AM A Sermon From the Past GunShowOnTheNet found one from 1775. They actually led the people in the cause of Liberty back then. Of course, no church would do that to...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, December 13, 2005 This Just In... the WarOnGuns newsroom: Tommy Thompson doesn't want to get chipped after all. Tommy Thompson He just wants to make money off y...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:54 AM NY Cops Call For Hollow Point Ban "Our mission is to stop violent felons," said Patrolmen's Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch . "There is no r...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:46 AM Judge to Thug Deputy: Keep Your Gun A Cocke County Sheriff's deputy pleaded guilty Monday to depriving a drug suspect of his civil rights, but will still be able to carry h...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:18 AM Newark Under Rule of Lawless Few props carry the impact of a semiautomatic assault rifle. So on June 9, 1999, when Mayor Sharpe James announced that Newark would sue gu...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:03 AM Marijuana User Can Keep Gun Permit A Washington County judge ruled that a Beaverton man can hold a concealed handgun permit despite being a medical marijuana user. This ruling...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Monday, December 12, 2005 And Now a Word... ...from the people who insist that the US sign on to the Kyoto Protocol to control emissions of greenhouse gases. See how well they do it?...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:27 AM We're the Only...Uh, Hey Neighbor, Can I Use Your Phone? A Newark police officer was in fair condition yesterday at a New Brunswick hospital, where he was taken after accidentally shooting himself ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:10 AM Retired Cops Can't Carry Concealed Guns Retired Chicago Police officers will be getting letters in the mail soon saying the city won't certify them to carry guns -- a move that...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:09 AM Baby Threatened on Flight Dad With French Name Does Nothing About It This story is unbelievable. This guy Jean-Francois knows some lunatic is stalking his infant da...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Sunday, December 11, 2005 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Go see this film. Magnificent effects and a magnificent adaptation of a magnificent book. I think C.S. Lewis would have approved. A politic...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 9:10 AM Now THAT'S What I'm Talkin' About... I no sooner get up this post about educating Japanese people about guns when I find this post from Steaming Dragon ! This is a great story-...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:39 AM Fans of a Disarmed Peasantry Vin Suprynowicz disarms a key argument used by the antis. [Via End the War on Freedom ]
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:23 AM Night of the Living Guns Seventy-six people have been killed by violence in Cincinnati this year - most by guns. No Sharon Coolidge , you hack propagandist. ALL wer...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:17 AM Hurricane Katrina Lesson: Be Sure to Keep Gun Handy Robert Doel gives some editors and assorted anti-defense types "what fer." Great letter.
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:53 AM Gun Control in the World Some Japanese students want to know your attitudes on gun ownership. Tell 'em. Be nice on the questions that allow you to elaborate. Th...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Saturday, December 10, 2005 We're the Only...Uh...Scratch That Arrest Report... South Park Pundit finds a candidate for the Officer Barbrady Award.
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:01 AM Police Find Assault Weapon Near High Court Officials at the Supreme Court and Metropolitan Police Department would not identify the kind of gun found, but a senior federal law enforce...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:55 AM CITGO Follow-Up Aside from a corporate-speak form letter , CITGO hasn't committed to actually doing anything about its Gary, Indiana station that refu...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:47 AM When Pens Go Wrong A 17-year-old student accused of rigging pens to explode as revenge for being expelled was charged with nine felonies Friday for blasts that...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Friday, December 9, 2005 Finger Pointing Vinzant persuasively suggests that, when one looks at gun manufacturers as a business rather than through a gauze of romanticism or a shroud...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:17 AM Oh, So THAT'S the Reason... Criminals may be reluctant to turn in their newly banned handguns after police said tabs would be kept on owners. Yeah. Otherwise, those ga...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:51 AM It's Called "Projection" Though a pacifist at heart, Dick is captivated by the pretty silver handgun. He names it Wendy and starts carrying with him [sic] wherever h...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:46 AM Activist Defies Proposed Canada Gun Ban "I'm not obeying the Firearms Act, and I'm certainly not going to follow this ban. "I certainly support that everyone shou...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Thursday, December 8, 2005 China Imports Kelo Paramilitary police and anti-riot units here have opened fire with pistols and automatic rifles for the past two nights on rioting farmers a...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 4:44 PM Welcome, Friend Check out the comment in this post by Gregorscoff . People can change. When they do, it's incumbent on us to welcome them into the fold...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:15 AM WestConn Student Upset By Arrest on Gun Charge Cruz was arrested and charged with breach of peace, a misdemeanor, for bringing a BB/pellet gun to his acting class. It was to be used as a ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:07 AM Getting Your Gun Back Will Cost You To the dismay of gun owners, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is now charging $54 to return firearms seized during arrests or...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, December 7, 2005 Dec. 7, 1941: A Day to Remember It was my father's 21st birthday. Quite a present the young man received, eh? He joined the Marines and slogged it out on Guam. His old...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:25 AM New York Post's All-Out Assault on the Second Amendment I've been asked by a WarOnGuns regular to call attention to the continued attacks on RKBA from The New York Post . Here are some examp...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:17 AM We're the Only Shooters...I Mean Shoppers Professional Enough... A retired Kansas City area police officer shot himself in the knee Tuesday morning at Oak Park Mall in Overland Park when his .38 caliber ha...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:16 AM We're the Only ...Holy Krishna! Major Randeep Singh Nakai (35) was critically injured when his private revolver went off "accidentally" at his residence in Secto...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:15 AM More Proof That Total Gun Bans Work Four inmates at Glades Correctional Institution on Tuesday were charged with smuggling a loaded pistol and other contraband into a state pri...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:15 AM We're the Only...Umm...Move Along, People, Nothing to See Here... Cop’s gun goes off at Manila airport; 4 injured FOUR women were injured after a policeman’s service firearm accidentally went off in the bus...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, December 6, 2005 That's Why They 're Called "The Po-Lease" Handguns stolen from a police armoury in Kuala Terengganu was [sic] to have been leased to underworld elements, and returned to the facility...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:02 AM Darwin Award Nominee Sparks Call for More Gun Control Steven Zorn had put the pen gun to his head and clicked before, thinking it was jammed and would not work. But on the third try, the tiny, ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:52 AM D.C. Killings Spoil Police Holiday Plans Union officials reacted angrily to Ramsey's announcement, which they learned about from a reporter. They said that officers already are ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:51 AM Activate the Citizen Militia The Liberty Belles' Jennifer Freeman has a suggestion for the Miami PD.
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Monday, December 5, 2005 A Word About Prior Restraints The Founders intended for prior restraints to apply to government powers, not to individual rights. [Inspired by the last paragraph in this ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:58 AM Smile, You're on Canine Camera Pictures are seen on a receiver unit carried by the dog handler who can watch the progress of the four-legged recruits searching for armed s...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:32 AM You Say It's Your Birthday... Has the South African government got a present for you !
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:20 AM Indicting the Gun Merchants Judge Jack Weinstein spelled out how firearms makers flood New York with illegal weapons when he upheld the city's right to sue last we...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:06 AM Feelin' Lucky, Punk? A Pasco detention deputy stood over a jail inmate strapped hand and foot to a hospital bed. He drew his gun and pointed it at the man's ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:55 AM Deaths Mount in Rio's War on Crime More Than 4,000 Have Died At Hands of Police in Violent Cycle In Rio, many of the victims of police violence have been hapless bystanders. O...