By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Treason in Glendale I just got an urgent plea forwarded to me about tonight's City Council meeting in Glendale, CA, where an ordinance will be introduced fo...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:47 AM MMM Gallery IV (v2.0) Here's one other I don't know how I missed, from Blognomicon --and it was from a couple weeks back (Alan--how come you didn't th...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:45 AM MMM Gallery IV (v1.0) As I mentioned as an update to yesterday's Million Moon March Gallery , I totally overlooked a major contributor to this effort, Thus I...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Monday, February 27, 2006 MMM Gallery IV If you don't yet know what the Million Moon March is about, click here and check out some of the links--you'll soon get the idea. ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:04 AM We're the Only Ones Dreamy Enough... A constable of the State Reserve Police (SRP) sustained a bullet injury on his left arm when his service gun, which was kept on the bed, acc...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Sunday, February 26, 2006 The Blagojevich and Daley Show Well, when it comes to gun laws, if there’s one thing we now know about Mayor Daley and Gov. Rod Blagojevich , it’s that they are for anyth...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:47 AM Sometimes, the Sword is Mightier Than the Pen... "Journalists increasingly are being targeted in conflict largely because they have lost, in the eyes of certain elements, their status ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Saturday, February 25, 2006 Don Knotts, RIP As the bug-eyed deputy to Griffith, Knotts carried in his shirt pocket the one bullet he was allowed after shooting himself in the foot. The...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:38 AM We're the Only Ones Retentive Enough Constable Elizabeth Roth , 34, was on duty at Wetherill Park police station when the man, who was known to police, jumped the counter about ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:31 AM Hoist By His Own Petard Federal agents have revoked the firearms license of a prominent Baltimore County gun shop. Valley Guns, of Parkville, is owned by Sanford Ab...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:54 AM Taking Shots at America's Gun Culture Still, he returned for the 2005 festival with his third film, Dear Wendy , in which he directed a von Trier screenplay about Americans and ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Friday, February 24, 2006 We're the Only Ones In Plain Enough View... A car prowler got away Tuesday night with the badge and gun of a Clackamas County deputy. The sheriff's office says the off-duty deputy ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:58 AM MMM Gallery Continues to Build Gallery IV continues to build. Fodder has managed to post both Vidkun and Marty , Steamdragon has posted some family photos, Civis Proeli...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:53 AM Getting Out the Vote--Uganda Style President Yoweri Museveni's legal adviser was pictured on Friday armed with an automatic pistol during a fracas over voting in the nort...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:40 AM Doc Muzzles Nixed Doctors can continue asking patients whether they own and safely store firearms. The Senate Education and Health committee, known for defeat...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Thursday, February 23, 2006 New Predators on Parade at the Million Moon March Captain of a Crew of One notes some new parade entrants...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:38 AM Dan Zwonitzer Has a Big "But" Rep. Dan Zwonitzer , R-Cheyenne, said he owns guns and enjoys shooting. However, he said Wyoming is among the top states in the country in t...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:33 AM Shooter Had Homemade Gun Police have charged a 41-year-old man with firearms possession after he allegedly fired a homemade gun in a block of flats in South Yarra la...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:23 AM A Gun Room at Work? The National Rifle Association, sensing trouble on its proposed bill in the state Legislature that would require employers to allow workers ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:19 AM Some Good News Last week I brought you the story of Mark Edward Marchiafava , whose unlawful arrest by Gonzales, La. police and subsequent confiscation of ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, February 22, 2006 Why Is There Any Question? A local rapper was killed in December when a gun went off inside his mouth, but it remains unclear whether the death was an accident, suicid...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:42 AM We're the Only Ones Frisky Enough... Before the gun was discovered at the jail, it was apparently in the suspect's boot while he rode in a police car, while he was questione...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:35 AM A US Tragedy "I still don't think it makes any sense for all of us to be packing guns in our pocketbooks and our cars," said St. Louis Alde...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:34 AM A UK Tragedy The mother of the two women gunned down at a family barbecue has called for a public inquiry into the use of firearms and how to protect the...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Weapons & Shoddy Tactics I still haven't received a reply from Weapons & Tactics editor/publisher James Bartel concerning my post about his newsletter rep...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:50 AM MMM3 Update We have more entries that got posted to Control Arms after I posted yesterday's gallery. They'll make Gallery IV, but until then, h...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:48 AM SOP for BATFU Activist gun owners know of the long train of abuses from BATFU . The outrages at Richmond gun shows are but the latest to actually gain...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Monday, February 20, 2006 Million Moon March Gallery III Blognomicon notes an inconsistency with Control Arms' acceptance policies. Apparently, a screenshot over at Thus I Have Spoken showed...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Sunday, February 19, 2006 Almost Forgot... Been busy compiling additions to the Million Moon March Gallery, and just remembered it was Second Amendment Saturday over at Free Constit...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 12:01 AM Death to Jingjing and Chacha With their big blue blinking eyes and their quirky personal websites, there is no denying the cuteness of the cartoon cops at the front line...