By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, May 31, 2006 Well No, Duh! This save-yourselves approach comes after government agencies were overwhelmed by pleas for help after last year's storms and strongly c...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:54 AM Darwin. Paging Mr. Darwin... Graham is a part-time security guard who brought his gun to the game and passed it around to everyone and pretended to shoot at each other w...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:53 AM Is That A Flare Gun In Your Pocket... ...or are you just glad to see us?
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:52 AM The Fudge Factor A former top bureaucrat says political expediency - not sound accounting - was the key factor in a decision to fudge a report to Parliament ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:48 AM That'll Teach 'Em A Cook County judge sentenced two men to 2 years' probation on Tuesday after they pleaded guilty in connection with smuggling a handgun ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:46 AM No Surprises Here Harvard egghead/anti-defense weenie Matthew Miller cheesed out, and only took lobbed softballs. What, you didn't think he'd have th...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:38 AM We're the Only Ones All Fired Up Enough A young Salina police officer responding to a business burglary about 11:20 p.m. Friday accidentally fired her weapon when she was startled ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:37 AM This Day in History: May 31 On this day in 1775, the committeemen of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, meet and respond to news of the Battles of Lexington and Concor...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, May 30, 2006 Why Not Hold a CRIMINAL Turn-In Program Instead? Rochester police and members of the clergy will be working out the final details this week to launch a citywide gun turn-in program at five ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:48 AM This Day in History: May 30 On this day in 1806, Revolutionary war veteran and future President Andrew Jackson kills Charles Dickinson in a duel.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:38 AM Aw, For Cryin' Out Loud Airman arrested for Airsoft. Stop it. Just stop it. Be sure and watch the video. Sgt. Brian Vance , what the hell is wrong with you? Good Lo...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:22 AM Howard: I'm Protected, So the Rest of You Lot, Bugger Off, Mates! An elderly Sydney couple are recovering after being brutally clubbed with a gun butt for the sake of a few dollars...The 76-year-old woman a...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:14 AM The Ratings Game More anti-defense cheerleading from Mr. Disarmament himself, Michael Daly . It's not his rant that interests me, as he is always so bor...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:57 AM A Safe House The safest house is one with no guns, public health experts agree. Boy, that Sandra G. Boodman can parrot citizen disarmament propaganda wi...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, May 29, 2006 Remember This is a special Memorial Day for me. I lost a dear uncle a week ago. Like many heroes, you would have never assumed he was one from his d...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:25 AM We're the Only Ones Who Lose Enough A POLICE force which lost a £500 bag of drugs during a sniffer dog exercise have now admitted they may have lost a gun. Wonder which "l...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:22 AM This Day in History: May 29 On this day in 1780, the treatment of Patriot prisoners by British Colonel Banastre Tarleton and his Loyalist troops leads to the coining o...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:18 AM Douglas Still Humping For Gun Control In a new public service announcement, actor Michael Douglas , a United Nations Messenger of Peace, spotlights the illicit trade in small arm...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:02 AM Help Wanted JJ at God, Guns, Glory is "searching for people who would be interested in becoming contributing authors." Take a look around hi...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:01 AM We're the Only Ones Telling You to Keep Your Shirt on Enough There are still no answers into the death of Ian Bush , the Houston B.C. 22-year-old shot in the head while in police custody after having a...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, May 28, 2006 What to Wear to War Cops in 'battle dress' to flood high-crime areas... Oh, that freedom-loving Mayor Daley! Coming soon to a neighborhood near you. [Th...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:11 AM Clear Your Mind of Whimsy* Last week, 15 members of Iraq's taekwondo team were kidnapped between Falluja and Ramadi, west of Baghdad, said a member of the Iraqi Ol...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:02 AM TSA Grounding Melton Jackson Mayor Frank Melton has carried his guns aboard commercial aircraft but has been asked to no longer fly armed, a federal transportat...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:32 AM This Day in History: May 28 On this day in 1754, a 22-year-old lieutenant colonel of the Virginia militia named George Washington successfully defeats a party of Frenc...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, May 27, 2006 Second Amendment Blog Carnival Free Constitution treats us to a special carnival. Let's hope this becomes a regular feature--hopefully, enough bloggers will support ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:33 AM UK Imposes Squirt Gun Control The order authorises the company to prohibit or limit the use of water. It means the clowns will not be able to use water pistols or squirt ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:18 AM Why Disarming You and Me Makes Sense LOS ANGELES HAS MORE CRIMINALS than it can afford. So county officials are forced to release too many jail inmates too early, putting thousa...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:01 AM That Mexican Gun Control Sure Is Working Assailants firing assault rifles killed a Nuevo Laredo police officer and wounded his partner, the 11th law enforcement official to be gunne...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:55 AM BATFU Investigating Bloomberg The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is examining the results of an unusual sting set up by the City of New York, in which private in...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:54 AM This Day in History: May 27 On this day in 1813, former President Thomas Jefferson writes former President John Adams to let him know that their mutual friend, Dr. Be...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:53 AM We're the Only Ones...I Don't Know What the Hell We Are, But It Certainly Seems Pretty Damned Twisted... One State Police trooper was suspended for six months last year for allowing an unlicensed worker to sell firearms at a gun shop that the tr...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:52 AM Kiss This Mayor Bob Kiss , stepping into sensitive political territory in just his second month in office, responded to a shooting incident in the cit...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, May 26, 2006 American Idolatry Nicki Fellenzer relays some disturbing facts about self government--and why it is failing.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:33 AM Beanie and Cecil Shot!! "I'm Shot, I'm Cool," Claims Seasick Sea Serpent Oh, wait, it's just Beanie Sigel . Well, shoot (sorry), the guy ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:16 AM Bloomberg's 1st Punch a Girly Slap Police acting on information gathered by private investigators working on the city's civil lawsuits against the gun industry have filed ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:15 AM This Day in History: May 26 On this day in 1782, American Colonel William Crawford marches his army towards the Ohio River, where General George Washington has charge...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:07 AM Angel Update: Buy His Guns to Pay Legal Fees Founder Selling Personal Firearm Collection to Pay Gun- charge Related Legal Expenses Own One of Angel Shamaya's Gun...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:56 AM It's Not About "Gun Control"... Republican Mayor Michael Bloomberg thrust himself into the national immigration debate Wednesday, advocating a plan that would establish a ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, May 25, 2006 In a Class By Themselves UNABLE to stem the tide of murders of media people, the administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is now suggesting that journali...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:23 AM "A New Weapon" Jonas Thage feels a lot safer since he declared the community recreational centre he runs in Diepkloof, a suburb of Soweto, a 'Gun Free...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:10 AM Mill Valley Schools to Institute Knowledge Control Every year, physics teacher David Lapp brings his Korean War era M-1 carbine to school, fires a shot into a block of wood and instructs his...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:00 AM Police Chiefs and Prosecutors Against Self Defense A campaign by gun rights advocates to make it easier to use deadly force in self-defense is rapidly winning support across the country, as s...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:54 AM This Day in History: May 25 With George Washington presiding, the Constitutional Convention formally convenes on this day in 1787. The convention faced a daunting task...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, May 24, 2006 Unintended Consequences of Proposed LA Law Yesterday, I posted about a proposed Los Angeles law that would require gun owners to report stolen firearms under threat of punishment. I...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:32 AM Change of Attitude Needed in Gun Sales More "anti" hysteria lauding the Bloomberg stings from the Reading Eagle . There's a comment form link at the bottom of the ed...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:29 AM Prosecute Bloomberg Under RICO Act? New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg should be investigated for obstruction of justice, and possibly prosecuted under the federal RICO statutes...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:19 AM Now THOSE are Curious Search Terms File this under WTF? Someone from Peru visited WarOnGuns yesterday after looking for a string of words I'm not entirely comfortable wi...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:16 AM This Day in History: May 24 On this day in 1775, John Hancock is elected president of the Second Continental Congress. And here's a tardy link for May 23 in Histor...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:58 AM LA: HB 89 Passes Senate The Louisiana Senate passed House Bill No. 89 with 36 yeas and no nays (three senators were absent). On Monday, the House approved the bill ...
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, May 23, 2006 From the Same Folks Who Brought You Jim McGreevey More "gun control"! And why not? The government-dependent mothers of those "17,000 gang members" they can't protect ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:36 AM If Bloomberg Can Break the Law, Why Can't We? Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa joined with gun control advocates Monday to call for a city law requiring gun owners to report lost ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:33 AM A Portrait of Self Control Jim McGreevey shockingly admits that before he became governor of New Jersey, he'd have anonymous gay sex at Garden State highway rest ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:27 AM "On My Worst Enemy" Of course, under normal circumstances, I wouldn't wish the ATF on anyone, but for these sorts of anti-freedom operatives, I think it onl...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:12 AM Blognomicon on Bloomberg alandp has also been posting on the Bloomberg Conspiracy: In " One of the Gun Dealers Speaks Up ," we get another denial of wron...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:57 AM Hardy: BATFU Investigating Bloomberg "Sting Sales" ATF has said they will be investigating every aspect of these "sting" sales (and there were ATF people present who repeated that)....
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:53 AM Gun Owner Asks Georgia AG to Investigate Bloomberg May 22, 2006 Office of the Attorney General of Georgia Mr. Thurbert E. Baker 40 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334 Dear Mr. Baker: As a re...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, May 22, 2006 We're the Only Ones Off-Road Enough A town police officer's stolen sport utility vehicle was recovered yesterday morning in Jersey City - minus the loaded 9 mm pistol he ha...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:54 AM Bloomberg Fraud Continues to Unravel Farmer said improper sales, such as the ones that the undercover agents pulled off, happen frequently. If the buyer can produce valid identi...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:52 AM Surprise, Surprise... A congressman under investigation for bribery was caught on videotape accepting $100,000 in $100 bills from an FBI informant whose conversat...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:50 AM Church Shooter Finds Defenseless Prey the Easiest Kind Police on Sunday captured the man who allegedly opened fire and killed four people during services at a Louisiana church and later fatally s...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:50 AM It's All About Headlines Instead, the headline-hunting Bloomberg launched a civil lawsuit in what should be, if he is to be believed, a criminal action. There's ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:45 AM This Day in History: May 22 On this day in 1781, Major General Nathanael Greene and 1,000 Patriots attempt an attack on the critical village of Ninety-Six in the South...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, May 21, 2006 Did Bloomberg's Boobs Screw Up Investigations While Violating Law? Mayor Bloomberg's decision to hire private investigators to conduct undercover stings at Southern gun shops has potentially jeopardized...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:39 AM This Day in History: May 21 On this day in 1758, 10-year-old Mary Campbell is abducted from her home in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, by Lenape Indians; she becomes...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, May 20, 2006 2A Saturday Free Constitution does a recap of past Saturdays--and reminds of of next week's carnival. The "No Guns in Mexico" sign could ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:59 AM Word, G A quarrel over a rap performance between the rivaling “ Hit Squad ” and “ Southside Mafia ” led up to the park gunfight about a week later t...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:47 AM "New Cell Phone Guns" Law enforcement and authorities at government buildings are being warned to be on the lookout for guns disguised as cell phones that are dif...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:46 AM United 93 Brought Down by Gun Control Laws At the point when the passengers realized they were on a suicide mission, they quietly asked the flight attendants for help in scrounging kn...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:45 AM This Day in History: May 20 On this day in 1778, British forces from Philadelphia attempt to trap 2,200 Continentals defending Valley Forge led by Marquis de Lafayette ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:44 AM We're the Only Ones...Hey, Would You Turn That Mike Down? I Can't Hear the Game... Forrest was wearing a hidden transmitter, but FBI agents posted at a nearby gas station didn't hear the gunshot that struck Forrest in t...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, May 19, 2006 We're the Only Ones Snowed Out Enough A New York City police officer has been indicted on charges that she conspired to steal cocaine from drug stash houses in Manhattan. Another...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:35 AM Hyenas Killing People in Africa Marauding hyenas have mauled to death four people and wounded three in the latest attack by the animals roaming the Somali enclave of Somali...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:16 AM Oops, She Did it Again... Immediately after the incident an agitated Spears said, "This is why I need a gun," seemingly referring to having to battle her wa...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:51 AM Open Inquiry to BATFU: The Bloomberg Conspiracy Investigators in New York City made illegal gun purchases in five states as part of an undercover investigation... And again I ask : What i...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:46 AM Belgians to License Rights MPs in the Belgian Parliament voted almost unanimously in favour on Thursday night of new tighter gun control laws... The law will change ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:40 AM This Day in History: May 19 On this day in 1795, Josiah Bartlett , a New Hampshire Patriot and signatory of the Declaration of Independence who also served as the state...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, May 18, 2006 We're the Only Ones and You're Not An Allentown police officer has been suspended with pay after he shot another police officer in the arm with a pellet gun inside the police ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:09 AM Alligator Problem? Call Tom Lyons I mean, heck, the gator was barely 3 feet long, if that. Though Frey is disabled and uses a cane to get around, she wouldn't expect to l...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:54 AM Canadians OK With Scrapping Gun Registry? Many adults in Canada think the federal government should do away with a highly controversial program, according to a poll by Ipsos-Reid rel...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:48 AM This Day in History: May 18 On this day in 1783, the first United Empire Loyalists, known to American Patriots as Tories, arrive in Canada to take refuge under the Brit...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, May 17, 2006 Gun Not Good Enough for "Only Ones" When a bullet exploded through her living room's bay window less than 10 feet from her, the initial response of a startled Elise Nakhnih...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:06 AM The "Only Ones" Loophole A small number of the gun cases dropped in the state court involved city officers who themselves got in trouble with the law. Well, du -uh. ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:57 AM Justice Triumphs! Young Jeezy escaped two gun charges due to insufficient evidence, stemming back to a March shooting incident in Miami. Thank goodness! Why ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:50 AM We're the Only Ones, Eh? A gun-crazy Canada Customs officer has been fired for posing as Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry with automatic weapons on the Internet... ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:35 AM Of Course Saying more than half of all firearms used in street crimes come from 1 percent of licensed gun dealers, Attorney General Bill Lockyer joine...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:31 AM Just a Question... Where was Mike Bloomberg's Straw Purchase Squad when Sarah Brady bought her son that "sniper rifle" ?
By Daniel Nainggolan Tuesday, May 16, 2006 Turnabout Being Fair Play and All... The pathetic wretches at Gunguys thought it would be cool to post NRA's tax return and compensation for key executives. OK. Two can pl...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:29 AM This Day in History: May 16 On this day in 1777, British-born Georgia Patriot and signer of the Declaration of Independence Button Gwinnett receives a bullet wound in ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:20 AM Rep. Moron Proposes Tougher Gun Control What? "Rep. Moran "? There's a difference?
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:09 AM Oh, the Inhumanity! Bears killed and ate a monkey in a Dutch zoo in front of horrified visitors, witnesses and the zoo said Monday. You mean real life isn't...
By Daniel Nainggolan Monday, May 15, 2006 A Bloomberg Conspiracy to Violate Federal Gun Laws? The city hired undercover private investigators who, in teams of two, attempted "straw purchasing," where a convicted felon or som...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:27 PM Oscar Poppa... ...has a new look and a new home. Check it out and update your blogrolls and/or daily site visits accordingly.
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:28 AM A Good First Step Why looky here: Clamping down on straw purchases would stem the flow of illegal guns into the city. A good first step would be to enact a s...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:05 AM Defer to the Brainwashed, Poll Concludes Prime Minister Stephen Harper will have a tough time convincing Canadians it's time to completely scrap the country's expensive gun...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:57 AM We're the Only Ones...Hey, Has Anybody Seen My... A gun that was apparently stolen from a New Haven police detective was used in a December shooting, according to records obtained by the New...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:38 AM On Cutting "Gun Violence" Politicians against gun control are to blame for violence committed by reptiles? I guess that's easier to sell than the truth: that mad...
By Daniel Nainggolan Sunday, May 14, 2006 More Civility From the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Taking his own lyrics to heart -- shoot back, but don't get shot -- will mean federal prison for a Calgary rapper who fired into a crowd...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:37 AM Welcome to Brady Paradise! A loaded handgun was found in the county jail Thursday night, the second time a firearm has been brought into the building's secure area...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:28 AM Carolina Tarazona, Propagandist Joanne Sanabria , Victim's Mother: If you don't have a badge, if you're not in law enforcement, there's no reason you should...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:27 AM Technical Difficulties This just in from TriggerFinger : I had a multiple, simultanous hard drive failure that killed my web and email server. I've managed t...
By Daniel Nainggolan Saturday, May 13, 2006 2nd Amendment Saturday Failure to adhere to the Constitution, through suppression of an enumerated right, whether by law, law enforcement's abuse of ambiguous ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:50 AM Bring in the Mounties! The federal government has launched a probe to find out who leaked details from an auditor general's report. The New Democrats say that...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:48 AM This Day in History: May 13 Connecticut land speculator, politician, jurist and Patriot Eliphalet Dyer dies on this day in 1807.
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:37 AM I Just KNOW This is Going to Work County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said the effort would attack gun violence as part of the Project Safe Neighborhoods, which can result in feder...
By Daniel Nainggolan 7:30 AM Scots Hire Squirrel Czar THE Scottish are so concerned about the rampant growth of the Grey American squirrel population, that they are using taxpayers money to emp...
By Daniel Nainggolan Friday, May 12, 2006 Gestapo Gun Laws Most upsetting are incidents like the one in Paarl where a robber was arrested and a firearm seized. It was found the gun had been handed in...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:29 AM So Much For the Gun Registry... Two firearms delivered to an Oshawa residence have gone missing and are assumed stolen after they were left in plain view on the porch, poli...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:20 AM We Want the Right to Be Tyrants "What I’m going to try mostly to do is convince the legislature to let Philadelphia have the right to pass its own gun laws. We had tha...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:17 AM This Day in History: May 12 After a siege that began on April 2, 1780, Americans suffer their worst defeat of the revolution on this day in 1780, with the unconditional...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:13 AM It's Not About Guns The former Liberal government "broke every rule in the book" when it signed a $273-million computer contract for the federal gun r...
By Daniel Nainggolan Thursday, May 11, 2006 Shots Aren't Preceded By "Dear" NRA wants us to send letters to UN officials protesting their plans for global gun control, and have prepared cut and paste letters for that...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:16 AM So Much For "Project Exile" "We wanted the NRA to see what's happening on the streets of Philadelphia," he said. So much for promises .
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:58 AM We're the Only Ones Electrifying Enough An East Windsor police officer is on the hot seat after shooting someone in the face with a taser. And the victim he tasered is someone who ...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:50 AM A Lecture From Cass Cass said... I don't know exactly what your about here. But this is serious. the man will die. It Sounds to me like your blameing rap m...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:43 AM This Day in History: May 11 On this day in 1776, in a letter addressed to the president of Congress, American General George Washington recommends raising companies of...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:42 AM "It Depends On What the Meaning of the Word 'Is' Is" Wyoming is suing the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, saying the agency is relying on a technicality to refuse t...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:37 AM A Question for the "Pragmatists" McCain told Imus that he would, if necessary, sacrifice ``quote First Amendment rights'' to achieve ``clean'' government. If...
By Daniel Nainggolan Wednesday, May 10, 2006 This Day in History: May 10 On this day in 1775, Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold lead a successful attack on Fort Ticonderoga in upstate New York, while the Second Co...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:31 AM My Next Car Russia's biggest carmaker plans to make a high-tech version of the Soviet-era Lada car that will be named after the creator of the Kalas...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:19 AM Tragedy and Justice The father of a three-year-old Detroit boy who fatally shot himself in the head has been charged with second-degree child abuse...a 4-year f...
By Daniel Nainggolan 6:17 AM State Secrets The names of those packing heat in Florida should not be a state secret. Boy, I wish I wasn't in a hurry to get to another 14 hour work...
By Daniel Nainggolan 5:51 AM We're the Only Ones Cleared Enough The police officer said he had met Alice less than an hour earlier when he found her walking along a road. He said he gave her a lift as she...