By Unknown Friday, August 31, 2007 They're Ba-ack... I'd forgotten about this screenshot I took a couple days ago because I've been kind'a busy lately... They're ba-ack . Yo, Sn...
By Unknown 5:35 AM A Caning in Steubenville The president of the Steubenville branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and his girlfriend were charged w...
By Unknown 5:20 AM We're the Only Ones Camera Shy Enough What is it about " The Only Ones " wanting to keep their treatment of private citizens free from scrutiny and oversight ? [From Th...
By Unknown 4:51 AM Red's Updates Ryan has two new posts for us: " Does ATF Director Deserve to be Confirmed ?" My answer, of course, is "No." The offic...
By Unknown 3:55 AM "Even the Craven Gun Lobby" Even the craven gun lobby should manage some shame over this absurd example of Second Amendment idolatry. Pretty brave words for someone who...
By Unknown 3:50 AM A Big Success! As if we needed any more proof that the Brady Campaign tells shameless lies...
By Unknown 3:30 AM Second Amendment Democrats Respond to this : Your article on Amendment II Democrats by Daniel Barnett Webmaster, Amendment II Democrats Over the past few days, I've read ...
By Unknown 3:26 AM This Day in History: August 31 Samuel Mason , a Patriot captain in command of Fort Henry on the Ohio frontier, survives a devastating Indian attack on this day in 1777.
By Unknown Thursday, August 30, 2007 No Fair I didn't know about this until it was too late to enter. The world may never appreciate my artistic genius until after I am gone. I th...
By Unknown 5:47 AM Hokie-Pocus To save the cost of that valuable response time, which is always too long, is it too much to even consider letting law-abiding Americans car...
By Unknown 5:27 AM "Eat Dead Burnt Bodies" I guess some people's "sick" is other people's "gifted." Anyway, the line didn't come from me . I thought th...
By Unknown 5:21 AM The Apprentice Donald Trump Jr. joined his famous father among the ranks of pistol packers this year after the NYPD issued him a permit to keep a handgun ...
By Unknown 4:40 AM What About True "Assault Weapons"? Yuri Orlov doesn't know what to say about NRA Director Joaquin Jackson's arrogance and ignorance. Can anyone help him out via ...
By Unknown 4:04 AM The Italian Rapscallion The rumor that Sylvester Stallone was issued a CCW permit struck my interest as I had recently been made aware that he had attended a Los A...
By Unknown 3:57 AM This Day in History: August 30 Sir: Your favor of the 21St Instant is duly received, inclosing Mr. Carters Information of the Capture of the Charming Sally; which from the...
By Unknown Wednesday, August 29, 2007 And the NEW Winner is... I just got an email from George K , winner of the coveted Ammo Day Red's Trading Post cap (or I guess, more appropriately, " Ammo ...
By Unknown 6:39 AM A Great Question Tom Gresham and Clint Smith nail it. OK, you know I can't leave this alone, especially considering our success with the last call to a...
By Unknown 6:34 AM We're the Only Ones With Gun Rights Enough The complaint is not addressing the disciplinary action against the officers, but the confiscation of their personal guns. Christopher Taylo...
By Unknown 6:27 AM We're Number One! The United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens, making it the most heavily armed society in the world, a report released on Tuesday sa...
By Unknown 6:21 AM We Get Press Gun owners should therefore do what we can to counter this protest. Buy a box of ammo, some targets, or some other gun-related items Tuesday...
By Unknown 6:16 AM Red's Sets Ammo Sales Record Thank you this has been the most ammunition that we have EVER sold in one day. In your face , Jesse, Sarah and Snuffy ! And all you gun stor...
By Unknown 6:13 AM Amendment II Democrats... ...wish to clarify their position . I've promised to give them the space, but advised them to be prepared to stand by for questions and ...
By Unknown 3:34 AM And the Winner is... George K . Shoot me an email and I'll make arrangements to get you your cap. And the losers are Jesse , Snuffy and the Bradys . How do I...
By Unknown 3:30 AM This Day in History: August 29 August 29, 1779 Battle of Chemung (Battle of Newton), New York At what is modern-day Elmira, Continental forces are led by Generals John Sul...
By Unknown Tuesday, August 28, 2007 August 28 Ammo Buy This is the only post I'm going to make today, and I'll make it brief. WarOnGuns regulars know about today's proposed ammo buy ...
By Unknown Monday, August 27, 2007 Shameless Plug: Freedomnomics Don’t be put off by the fact this is essentially an economics book. It’s not a difficult read. Lott’s clear writing doesn’t assume we’re any...
By Unknown 1:35 AM The Final Frontier How could the FAA issue rules in conflict with the DOJ and President? Who had approved this? According to the Senior Attorney, Office of the...
By Unknown 1:32 AM Separating the Wheat From the Chaff Do you understand that I include myself as a "crazed right-wing militant"???? ...Please read more of my writings and understand th...
By Unknown 1:32 AM We're the Only Ones Purchasing Enough A Times Union investigation has found that Romano was one of dozens of city cops, along with at least one Albany County assistant district a...
By Unknown 1:31 AM We're the Only Ones Framing Enough Federal prosecutors Thursday filed criminal charges against 10 Puerto Rican police officers in an anti-narcotics unit, cracking down on poli...
By Unknown 1:30 AM This Day in History: August 27 The Battle of Long Island took place on August 27, 1776. The American outpost of Colonel Edward Hand's sent word that the British were ...
By Unknown Sunday, August 26, 2007 2A Dems to Hold 8/28 Rally Your humble Webmaster for Amendment II Democrats is planning a Save the Second Amendment Rally to be held on Tuesday, August 28, 2007, 12:00...
By Unknown 6:06 AM Got a Free Moment Today? It's Sunday. Surely you'll have a free 5 minutes today. Why not call a gun store where you do business and recruit them to support ...
By Unknown 5:20 AM We're the Only Ones 5-0* Enough Speaking of raging "Only Ones," I found this video (click title link) on WikiProtest . My 12-year-old is a skateboarder. I underst...
By Unknown 4:55 AM Guest Commentary: Understanding Snuffy [ Paul W. Davis wrote to me about my latest Snuffy Pfleger post , and gave me permission to share his thoughts through WarOnGuns -- DC ] A...
By Unknown 4:31 AM We're the Only Ones--No, WE'RE the Only Ones... In what was described by authorities as "a road rage incident," a Jackson County sheriff's reserve deputy was charged Thursday...
By Unknown 4:20 AM Aaron Russo, RIP Longtime movie producer and 2004 Libertarian presidential candidate Aaron Russo is dead at age 64, having succumbed to cancer yesterday. I ...
By Unknown 4:18 AM This Day in History: August 26 The Rhode Island Assembly resolves to have their delegates to the next Continental Congress ask if they may build a fleet of ships at Contin...
By Unknown Saturday, August 25, 2007 Snuffy's New Political Advocacy Billboard Campaign The Faith Community of Saint Sabina has put up 40 billboards throughout the city of Chicago... It certainly doesn't look like Snuffy Pfl...
By Unknown 6:31 AM This We May Simply Call the No-Pointy Other End The Dissident Frogman educates " authorized journalists " about " bullets " in an hysterical video. [Via Dave Licht ]
By Unknown 6:13 AM Why? Arthur Bremer , who shot and paralyzed Alabama Gov. George Wallace in 1972, will be released from a Maryland prison this year, an official a...
By Unknown 6:05 AM Another Gun Shop Comes on Board Anything and everything in our gun shop will be discounted by 10% all day Tuesday Aug. 28, 2007 . Keep up the good work. David and Bruce Nel...
By Unknown 5:55 AM What You Can Do About Jesse Jackson's Aug. 28 Anti-Gun Protests Through a massive and coordinated blitz of letters to the editor of our local newspapers in the days and weeks leading up to the August 28 d...
By Unknown 5:50 AM This Day in History: August 25 Britain refused the mediation of Spain at a Time when their Spirits were elated by their Successes in the West Indies, and the southern Stat...
By Unknown 7:14 AM Guns and Hunting I got the following in an email from NRA : I perused the site and didn't see Word One about the right to keep and bear arms (not even a ...
By Unknown 7:07 AM We're the Only Ones Cutting a Rug Enough A grand jury indicted a former police officer on murder charges Thursday in the death of his pregnant girlfriend, whose 2-year-old son was l...
By Unknown 7:01 AM Gelding the Flock "For the clergy team, one of the biggest tools that they will have in helping calm the public down or to obey the law is the bible itse...
By Unknown 6:53 AM August 28 Ammo Tally I received the following email: David, how about an honest posting on "War On Guns" beginning on 29 Aug. until midnight 1 Sept. of...
By Unknown 6:46 AM Guest Commentary: NICS Story By Thomas Bostian Harris I build, repair, and collect and sometimes sell firearms. Due to not wanting to handle all the atrocious paperwork ...
By Unknown 6:18 AM A "Pro-Gun" Journalist dove slaughterers...our constitutional right to blast a bunch of birds out of existence with the weapon of our choice...people's right t...
By Unknown 5:59 AM Gun Groups Speak Out for Dealers Members of Senator Larry Craig and Senator Mike Crapo's staff were there among others. GOA -Gun Owners of America, JPFO -Jews for the Pr...
By Unknown 5:58 AM This Day in History: August 24 A brief artillery exchange in New York sparks an exodus by New York City civilians to New Jersey.
By Unknown Thursday, August 23, 2007 We're the Only Ones Hootin' and Hollerin' Enough Three carloads of off-duty Deerpark police officers, outside law enforcement officials and residents headed to Hooters restaurant in Frankli...
By Unknown 6:53 AM I Make People Feel Like What? From J.T.McAdams : I spoke with Ryan at Red's today. I ordered the blue hat . He doesn't know me from Adam but you wouldn't kn...
By Unknown 6:38 AM Open Carry While Delivering Fliers Drew tells us of his adventures spreading the word about the August 28 Brady Counter-Protest Ammo Buy to local gun shops. He also may get ...
By Unknown 5:44 AM Submit Your Artwork to the Payne Jr High Gun Drawing Contest Hmmm....looks like Principal Karen Martin has deactivated her email . I wonder how she'd react if people were to send (non-threatening)...
By Unknown 5:20 AM Responsibility Concerning responsibility, there is a topic that seems taboo unless it is dealt with negatively. That is the subject of gun ownership.Most f...
By Unknown 4:52 AM Where are All the "Assault Weapons"? A key component of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' (ATF) enforcement mission is the tracing of firearms on beha...
By Unknown 4:44 AM This Day in History: August 23 On the march to day I was honoured with a Letter from Congress transmitting Sundry Resolutions for calling out reinforcements of Militia, to...
By Unknown Wednesday, August 22, 2007 Rendering Unto Caesar A church whose pastor is a leader in the local pro-life efforts has earned an Internal Revenue Service demand for an audit of the organizati...
By Unknown 9:15 AM A Call for Black Vigilantism So here's the question: Should black people accept government's dereliction of its first basic function, that of providing protectio...
By Unknown 8:44 AM Some Small Comfort There is some small comfort in the University of North Carolina's gun-free policy on the system's 16 public campuses. Don't be s...
By Unknown 8:37 AM We're the Only Ones Oldest Professional Enough A Newport Township part-time police officer was working as an escort when he was arrested in a prostitution sting at a Wilkes-Barre motel on...