By Unknown Wednesday, October 31, 2007 And There Was War in Heaven Mr Feldman , who is public enemy number one for the NRA, has just published Ricochet: Confessions of a Gun Lobbyist, in which he accuses the...
By Unknown 5:56 AM How, Oh How? Baltimore police said yesterday that they are investigating how a 15-year-old boy came into possession of a large handgun that they say he p...
By Unknown 5:49 AM What Happens When You Really Don't Have a Gun The iron pressed against his arm was so hot that he could smell his flesh burning. But in spite of his protests, the men torturing Reservoir...
By Unknown 5:42 AM Open Letter to Diane Edbril of CeaseFire PA Daniel Barnett of Amendment II Democrats asks a gun-grabber if she really has no interest in grabbing guns.
By Unknown 5:23 AM We're the Only Ones Shooting AND Shooting Enough Yesterday, city officials showed off the PistolCam, a lightweight, pager-sized digital camera that attaches to an officer's gun barrel a...
By Unknown 4:57 AM The Oathbreakers Wall of Shame I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domest...
By Unknown 4:57 AM We're the Only Ones Conspiring Enough Orange County Sheriff Michael S. Carona was charged with conspiracy, mail fraud and witness tampering in a wide-ranging indictment unsealed...
By Unknown 4:39 AM Bob (and Weave) Casey As you may know, I support the Second Amendment and will continue to uphold the rights of law-abiding citizens to own firearms. I also belie...
By Unknown 4:26 AM Alien vs. Predator? Speculation is rampant in California that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will challenge liberal Democrat Barbara Boxer for her Senate seat in 20...
By Unknown 4:24 AM This Day in History: October 31 Washington tries to encourage re-enlistment in the Army by reserving new supplies for those who agree to commit to another year of service....
By Unknown Tuesday, October 30, 2007 Brady's Misplace Entire US Population How do you make "the people" disappear? Simple: through selective omission. Just pretend they aren't there. Dennis Henigan ...
By Unknown 4:17 AM Today's Special From MassBackward : Me (after picking up my jaw): You'd rather be killed than kill someone, even if that person is trying to kill you? M...
By Unknown 4:08 AM The Way Government Works Part 2 The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Monday that a lawsuit by the city of Gary against several gun makers can go to trial. The court ruled 3-0...
By Unknown 3:49 AM The Way Government Works The St. Clair County Board passed a pair of resolutions Monday to shut down and seize a nearly 32-acre shooting range that lies within the ...
By Unknown 3:37 AM It's a Mystery to Me Although he teaches firearms classes to people of all ages, he has specialized in training scouts and is the official firearms instructor fo...
By Unknown 3:29 AM The Fighting Irish Fine Gael is claiming that the Gardai are not being properly equipped to tackle rising gun crime in Ireland. So if they can't do it, an...
By Unknown 3:20 AM This Day in History: October 30 Sir: By this Opportunity, I do myself the pleasure to congratulate you on the signal success of the Army under your command, in compelling G...
By Unknown Monday, October 29, 2007 Shameless Plug: "Not Obliged" So much for disarmed subjects of the crown relying on the police for protection. But what could be more important than an octogenarian under...
By Unknown 4:19 AM Stanley Still Crouching Stanley , there is nothing bold about anything you propose. It is the same old contemptible servitude that the powerful have always imposed ...
By Unknown 4:12 AM Mike's Fast Track Three men were killed over the weekend in separate gun attacks in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx, New York police said Sunday. Sure glad to ...
By Unknown 4:08 AM Whose Life Is It, Anyway? Doctors fear such proposals would go against patient confidentiality, which is at the centre of their medical ethics. A spokesperson for the...
By Unknown 3:59 AM Scaring White People... ...over Ron Paul and the North American Union . I side with the conspiracy wackos, but that's OK. I'm used to having people roll t...
By Unknown 3:10 AM Fair Dinkum A PSYCHIATRIST who brought a pistol into Melbourne Magistrates Court has been spared jail. Jerry Gelb, 49, was sentenced at Melbourne County...
By Unknown 2:59 AM Their Own Private Idaho Simple mathematics: Taxes + Heavy Labor Costs + Frivolous junk lawsuits = A very costly gun. Ryan Horsley encourages gun manufacturers to g...
By Unknown 2:49 AM Public Enemy High-school senior Kim Peters carries an Olympic identification badge and an Arizona skeet-shooting members' card, but neither got her ...
By Unknown 2:45 AM This Day in History: October 29 Four armed American vessels sail from Cambridge as part of a fleet created to cruise the coast in search of enemy transports carrying arms a...
By Unknown Sunday, October 28, 2007 We're the Only Ones With Balls Enough A veteran police officer and his ex-girlfriend face simple assault charges for getting into a fight after attending the city's first pol...
By Unknown 7:21 AM "Burma Shave" V Previous "Burma Shave" Signs: I II III IV [For those not familiar with the Burma Shave roadside billboard campaign or the CCRA ...
By Unknown 7:04 AM Harvey,You're Doing a Heck of a Job "I am very happy with FEMA's response so far," responded Vice Adm. Harvey E. Johnson Jr. The news conference looked like a suc...
By Unknown 6:39 AM Authorized Journalists Won't Authorize Ad As hundreds stand outside to get into the Roanoke Valley Gun Show, hundreds are taking a stand inside against a local newspaper. Annette Ell...
By Unknown 6:34 AM DAMN You, John R-i-g-g-i-o! A 20-year-old man suffered a fatal gunshot wound to the head while he was apparently playing with the gun at a South Side home Saturday nigh...
By Unknown 6:10 AM What's Wrong With This Picture? Lawbreakers protesting a lawful establishment--and getting away with it. I guess if you're Snuffy Pfleger , doing the mayor's work i...
By Unknown 5:59 AM We're the Only Ones Suckling Enough A new crime-fighting project aims to collect data on all illegal firearms confiscated in Northeast Ohio, which law enforcement officials hop...
By Unknown 5:46 AM And Another Thing We talked yesterday about the new Jane Harman Dissent Eradication bill . I forgot to mention the introduction date of this monstrosity, an...
By Unknown 5:42 AM This Day in History: October 28 General Sir William Howe , new Commander-in-Chief of the British army, issues a proclamation to the American residents of Boston forbidding ...
By Unknown Saturday, October 27, 2007 Brady's Peter Hamm Issues Lethal Threat In a series of exchanges today between some gun bloggers and the Brady Center’s mouthpiece, Peter Hamm , Hamm threatened to shoot one of the...
By Unknown 6:51 AM I, Homegrown Terrorist SEC. 899A. DEFINITIONS. `For purposes of this subtitle: `(1) COMMISSION- The term `Commission' means the National Commission on the Prev...
By Unknown 6:18 AM We're the Only Ones Hoist by Our Own Petard Enough The police chief's wife filed a temporary restraining order against him under the state Prevention of Domestic Violence Act. As a result...
By Unknown 5:57 AM We're the Only Ones Touchy-Feely Enough A suspended Marysville police officer is accused of molesting or propositioning 14 girls ages 12 to 17, including mentally ill, mentally ret...
By Unknown 5:42 AM This Day in History: October 27 Those who have long too successfully laboured to inflame my people in America by gross misrepresentations, and to infuse into their minds a ...
By Unknown Friday, October 26, 2007 BATFU Loses 500 Records... ...and evidently can't account for four machine guns . Yet these are the people apparently wetting themselves in their eagerness to shu...
By Unknown 5:35 AM Campus Diversity, Brady Style "You don't like the fact that you can't have a gun on your college campus? Drop out of school," said Peter Hamm , a spokes...
By Unknown 4:42 AM Listing to the Left It's so lax, in fact, that today, people on the federal terrorist watch list are not prohibited from purchasing guns. You mean this watc...
By Unknown 4:13 AM We're the Only Ones Kicked When We're Down Enough "It's easy to criticize police. It's only 13,000 [officers] . . . Kick 'em when they're down. Kick 'em and keep kic...
By Unknown 4:11 AM The UT Catch-22 UT appeals attack decision School had no duty to protect student who was disabled, lawyer says Read the story. it is sickening what was done...
By Unknown 4:10 AM This Day in History: October 26 On October 26, 1776, exactly one month to the day after being named an agent of a diplomatic commission by the Continental Congress, Benjami...
By Unknown Thursday, October 25, 2007 The Gorp: Stupid and Toxic From HZ : Chicago's " only ones " assisted in getting the message out today for the Day of Concern . I saw them on the news pa...
By Unknown 5:05 AM We're the Only Ones Best Dressed Enough The patrol, which has been wearing the peaked hats and distinctive bow ties for about 70 years, recently was named America's "Best-...
By Unknown 4:50 AM Limiting Liberty The District of Columbia government on Tuesday urged the Supreme Court to address only a single issue, if it agrees to hear the city’s appea...
By Unknown 4:45 AM Compromise The National Rifle Association did not endorse McClintock for the special election leaving gun owners to speculate about whether it is bet...
By Unknown 4:36 AM BATFU Rebuked The Committee encourages ATF to consider lesser gradation of sanctions for record keeping errors. That's not how you speak to a dog if y...
By Unknown 4:29 AM An Unauthorized Journalist A television reporter investigating a story on school violence was arrested after carrying a loaded gun onto school property, authorities sa...
By Unknown 4:27 AM We're the Only Ones Exhausted Enough It doesn't particularly look safer to me. So'd you hear the one about the moron terorist: when they told him to blow up a bus he bur...
By Unknown 4:15 AM This Day in History: October 25 On this date Robert Hanson Harrison wrote to Congress from headquarters of the withdrawal of the army to its new position, leaving 1,400 me...
By Unknown 5:22 AM "As Easy to Get as Water Ice" At lunchtime today, Lynne Korman Honickman will start screaming. On a stage at LOVE Park, the Philadelphia philanthropist who is married to...
By Unknown 4:59 AM Now I Understand This is a job for Zero Tolerance ! I wonder what they would have done to me ...?
By Unknown 4:42 AM The Worst Mayor in America I run Jackson. I do it in a weird way, but I run Jackson. Here's a nice little summary about my old buddy Frank Melton . I guess when yo...
By Unknown 4:29 AM Extreme Mitt Romney I firmly believe in the importance of responsible gun ownership and sales. As a member of the National Rifle Association, I do not believe t...
By Unknown 3:56 AM We're the Only Ones Diplomatic Enough On the other hand, if a diplomat is caught with an illegal weapon, he (or she) does have immunity from U.S. law: "He cannot be detained...
By Unknown 3:53 AM This Day in History: October 24 October 24, Washington writes to the Falmouth, Maine, Safety Committee to explain why he cannot send the detachment from his army they requ...
By Unknown Tuesday, October 23, 2007 Proof that MA is Run by Turkeys The turkey eyed Jean-Felix . Jean-Felix eyed the turkey. It gobbled. She gasped. Then the turkey proceeded to follow the Dorchester woman ov...
By Unknown 5:50 AM Rage Against the (Vending) Machine The wearer hides behind the sheet, printed with an actual-size photo of a vending machine. Just in case anybody thinks they've come clos...
By Unknown 5:36 AM Today's the Day Some students at Western Kentucky University are wearing empty holsters to class, as part of a national collegiate protest. We talked about ...
By Unknown 5:24 AM We're the Only Ones Raging Enough A New York City police officer turned himself in to colleagues on the street yesterday and said he might have shot and killed another driver...
By Unknown 4:43 AM We're the Only Ones Certified Enough The Maricopa County Community College District might allow its police officers to carry guns on campus in the coming months, ending its deca...
By Unknown 4:30 AM Detecting Winnipeg's Nightlife While many nightclubs in Winnipeg already require patrons to pass through metal detectors, the provincial government is looking at the possi...
By Unknown 4:13 AM We're the Only Ones Automatically Secret Enough The Albany Police Officers Union wants to keep secret the names of any officers who illicitly purchased machine guns through the department ...
By Unknown 4:02 AM Jedi Awakening to Empire Tyranny Ewan McGregor said he is sick of Britain's "ludicrous nanny state" rules, which he said might force him to quit the country, ...
By Unknown 3:50 AM WoG on BBC Supposedly I will be part of a discussion today on the BBC. Per host Martin Vennard : Between 1:30pm and 2pm East Coast Time in the States w...
By Unknown 3:46 AM This Day in History: October 23 In 1776, a New England newspaper published an extract of a letter written from Eastchester on October 23, 1776 -- five days after the Battle...
By Unknown Monday, October 22, 2007 Wayne Fincher Update: Transcripts Consolidated Click on title link then scroll down page to: All transcripts in a single volume Volume is 884 pages. File size: 2.5MB [Via Paul W. Davis ] ...
By Unknown 4:39 AM Setting the Standard In 1998, an IG report found that the ATF contract employees had improperly destroyed NFA records, and ATF employees had not followed proper ...
By Unknown 4:12 AM We're the Only Ones 'Roid Ragin' Enough Six New York City police officers are under investigation for possibly obtaining anabolic steroids improperly, police said late last night. ...
By Unknown 4:09 AM We're the Only Ones Not Surprised Enough Deputy Police Commissioner Kieran Walsh says he is not suprised by the findings of a report outlining concerns over corrupt cells within Vi...
By Unknown 3:49 AM Color Me Perplexed A month after civic leaders and the police chief in this crime-plagued city called for 10,000 black men to patrol the streets, thousands arr...
By Unknown 3:33 AM Hold the Anchovies: Kim Landers Reporting Yet in some states like Pennsylvania, getting a gun is almost as easy as ordering a pizza. OK, Kim, let's see you prove that by extendin...
By Unknown 3:25 AM This Day in History: October 22 W 22. this moring are informed that a party of the Enemy crossed Cooper fery last Evening and was on their way thro Haddonfield for this For...
By Unknown Sunday, October 21, 2007 "Burma Shave" IV Previous "Burma Shave" Signs: I II III [For those not familiar with the Burma Shave roadside billboard campaign or the CCRA RKB...
By Unknown 6:22 AM A Searching Question More young people should be stopped and searched to help tackle knife and gun crime, a leading black police representative says. See, we...u...
By Unknown 6:00 AM Sticking it to 7-Year-Olds With Zero Tolerance A single mother said the school district overreacted by suspending her 7-year-old son for drawing a smiling stick figure shooting another sm...
By Unknown 5:56 AM Wanted Poster Click on the title link for more information on the Joaquin Jackson Recall. 10/22 UPDATE: Download your own copy of the Wanted Poster to d...
By Unknown 5:46 AM This Day in History: October 21 Not only had the Sons of Liberty accosted Gilbert on that same road the previous year in an attempt to prevent him from accepting the post ...
By Unknown Saturday, October 20, 2007 "We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us"* "I would like to thank the local residents who had the foresight to bring this collection to our attention, and the owner for his full ...
By Unknown 7:29 AM Paul Harris, "Authorized Journalist" A gun in a US home is 22 times more likely to be used in an accidental shooting, a murder or a suicide than in self-defence against an attac...
By Unknown 7:13 AM We're the Only Ones (Hic) Violating Gun Bans Enough A policeman was detained at the police precinct in barangay Parian, Cebu City for being drunk and for violating the Commission on Elections ...
By Unknown 7:00 AM Supply and Demand The monster, sitting in a cage in back of his gun store and shooting range in Lawrenceville, can cut down a tree — and could easily fetch $3...
By Unknown 6:52 AM This Day in History: October 20 The committee meeting with Washington about the Army agrees that the forces should be supplied with provisions by the New England colonies....
By Unknown Friday, October 19, 2007 Recall Joaquin Jackson Blog Update They're he...ere. My read: Unless and until they see this gather momentum, they'll ignore it and let their supporters carry their st...
By Unknown 5:16 AM Buckling Down Under A man in a bank building, wearing a belt buckle shaped like a small gun, has sparked a security alert involving police in bullet-proof jacke...
By Unknown 5:09 AM Do "Gun-Free" Zones Encourage School Shootings? According to Wayne , no. No they do not . And anyone in the NRA hierarchy who suggests otherwise will be shut down . He further states ...
By Unknown 4:49 AM We're the Only Ones DUI Enough Aguilera was driving off-duty and uninsured in his Ford Mustang when he struck 26-year-old Mark Streech's motorcycle from behind...Aguil...
By Unknown 4:10 AM The Mechanism of Death As she holds her mechanism of death in her hands, Katz should understand the responsibility she takes on. For no longer would she be Shirley...
By Unknown 4:07 AM This Day in History: October 19 The surrender of Yorktown ended the fighting in the War for American Independence, except for some minor fighting that continued in the sout...
By Unknown Thursday, October 18, 2007 Crackdown Smackdown LEGALLY held firearms will be seized and destroyed by police if licences are not renewed on time, the PSNI in north Antrim has warned. Hmmm....
By Unknown 5:00 AM Are You Sure You Don't Mean "Oblivious"? Trolley Square survivor calls need for tighter gun laws 'obvious'... Obviously . And the fact that you were helpless--and saved by a...
By Unknown 4:34 AM On Shaky "Higher Ground" A couple weeks ago, my boyfriend told me something that nearly brought me to tears. "I bought a gun," he said. Dude, I hope for yo...
By Unknown 4:16 AM Cry Havoc THE THREE people leading the march up North Broad Street in the Gun Violence Survivor's Walk and Rally this week were a poignant reminde...
By Unknown 4:09 AM Gun Amnesty Yields Its Bounty Edmonton has the worst record in Canada for firearms homicides, Statistics Canada reported Wednesday... The finding comes on the heels of a ...
By Unknown 4:04 AM All in the Family Antonia Gadson , whose 7-year-old son is accused of fatally shooting 8-year-old Liquarry Jefferson in June, was arraigned yesterday on char...
By Unknown 3:53 AM Signs of the Times "Gun-free zone" signs soon will go up around Richmond schools, the city's latest effort to curb violence. Well then, all right...