By Unknown Thursday, December 31, 2009 President Obama and the CIA President Obama's Letter to CIA Employees To the men and women of the CIA: I write to mark a sad occasion in the history of the CIA and our country. Yesterday, seven Americans in Afg...
By Unknown 8:59 PM cia afghanistan CIA Caught In Dirty And Secretive War Against Al-Qaeda On Afghan Border Watch CBS News Videos Online From Times Online: The deaths of seven CIA agents in Khost province have brought into the limelight the secreti...
By Unknown 7:00 PM u.s. intelligence Obama Summons Intelligence Chiefs To White House Meeting From Reuters: KANEOHE, Hawaii (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has summoned the heads of U.S. intelligence agencies for a meeting on Tuesd...
By Unknown 5:00 PM blackwater Blackwater Guards Have Their Iraq Murder Charges Dropped Judge Drops Charges From Blackwater Deaths in Iraq -- New York Times Claiming prosecutorial misconduct, a federal judge Thursday threw out a...
By Unknown 3:00 PM World News Briefs World News Briefs -- December 31, 2009 (Eveining Edition) Locals celebrate the new year early in front of a Christmas tree in Budapest. Revellers across the globe prepared Thursday to ring in the Ne...
By Unknown 2:00 PM secrets Certain Secrets Are Not Going To Be Disclosed Court Sides With Government In Surveillance Case -- Houston Chronicle/AP NEW YORK — A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that law profess...
By Unknown 1:00 PM al qaeda Al Qaeda's Affiliates Are Now Making Their Mark A Qaeda video showing the branch’s leader, Nasser al-Wuhayshi, second from right, and his deputy, Said Ali al-Shihri, second from left. Inte...
By Unknown 12:00 PM Afghanistan War U.S. Marines Prove That Counter Insurgency Works In Afghanistan SNOW SPRINT - U.S. soldiers run through the snow after exiting a UH-47 Chinook helicopter as another lands in Shaykh Ali district in Afghani...
By Unknown 11:00 AM cia afghanistan CIA Officers Slaughtered In Afghanistan (Brief News Recap) The CIA Takes a Big Hit in the Afghan War -- Time Magazine The U.S. intelligence community is reeling from one of the worst days in the CIA...
By Unknown 10:00 AM action report An On The Ground Action Report From Afghanistan INSURGENT SAFEHOUSE - U.S. and Afghan forces demolish the so-called Taliban Hotel, a safehouse insurgents used to infiltrate Khost, Afghani...
9:40 AM New Year's Gun Rights Resolution: Do All of Them I will attempt to keep all of the suggested gun rights resolutions. ...
By Unknown 8:59 AM washington politics A Guide to the Blame Game Following Failed Terror Attack A Guide To The Blame Game Following Failed Terror Attack -- Wall Street Journal Keeping track of who is blaming whom for the failures in U.S...
8:57 AM A Drunken, Lying Slob That is the only way to describe it. [ More ] Yeah, but he's our drunken, lying slob... isn't he? As I said to a correspondent want...
8:44 AM "Heavily Armed" Shkupolli killed his ex-girlfriend in a nearby apartment with an unlicensed handgun before heading to the mall, Kaski said... ...[P]olice ...
8:36 AM A Fundamental Disagreement Tennessee State Guard commander Richard Hamblen said it's his Second Amendment right as part of a militia to convert assault rifles int...
8:29 AM Open Season on Gun Carriers A United States Circuit Court of Appeals last week upheld the constitutionality of pointing a gun at any citizen daring to carry, lawfully, ...
By Unknown 8:00 AM mexico drug cartel war An Insight Into How Mexico's Drug Cartels Operate In The U.S. Photo: Margarito Flores (U.S. Marshals Service - U.S. Marshals Service) Flores Drug Indictment Gives Clues To Mexican Cartels' Networks...
7:57 AM We're the Only Ones Not Naive Enough Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Rodney Monroe said "it would be naive" to believe that the officer hadn't assaulted other w...
7:56 AM 'No Questions' at Compton 'Gift Cards for Guns' Event Raises Questions I know it's supposed to be "no questions asked," but h...
7:54 AM This Day in History: December 31 On December 31, 1777; George Washington reverses previous policy and allows the recruitment of black soldiers. some 5,000 participate in th...
By Unknown 7:00 AM Terrorism Should President Obama Designate Abdulmutallab As An Enemy Combatant? Is Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab the first of a wave of syringe bomb attackers? Photo: REUTERS Obama Can Still Designate Abdulmutallab An Enemy...
By Unknown 6:00 AM Afghanistan War News Updates Afghanistan War News Updates -- December 31, 2009 Suicide Bomber Attacks CIA Base In Afghanistan, Killing At Least 8 Americans -- Washington Post A suicide bomber infiltrated a CIA base in e...
By Unknown 5:00 AM World News Briefs World News Briefs -- December 31, 2009 Fireworks explode near the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House during a pyrotechnic show as New Year approaches Photo: REUTERS New Year...
By Unknown 4:00 AM iran nuclear Iran And Nuclear Triggers Won't Be Fooled Again -- Armchair Generalist You might remember this breathless announcement by the MSM that a technical document had su...
By Unknown 3:00 AM military and intelligence news briefs Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 31, 2009 Danger Room’s Top 10 Stories From A World Gone Nuts -- The Danger Room The past year took Danger Room’s team of reporters from Afghanistan t...
By Unknown 2:00 AM Middle East Is There A Nuclear Race In The Middle East? While UN inspectors monitor the spent nuclear fuel at the Bushehr power plant, worries are that there are other sites the inspectors don...
By Unknown 1:00 AM chinese navy China Floats The Idea of Establishing Its First Naval Base Outside Of China China Floats Idea Of First Overseas Naval Base -- BBC A senior Chinese naval officer has suggested that China establish a permanent base in ...
By Unknown 12:00 AM airport security Are New TSA In-Flight Restrictions Pointless? Spaceport security was tight in the sci-fi movie Total Recall . Unfortunately, modern-day airport security doesn't have this level of sc...
By Unknown Wednesday, December 30, 2009 Iraq Iran Complicit In The Murder Of British Hostages Iraq Hostage Peter Moore's Release Raises Questions -- BBC As with most hostage dramas in the Middle East, the release of information te...
By Unknown 10:00 PM secrets Obama Orders Creation Of Declassification Center -- Washington Post President Obama created by executive order Tuesday a National Declassifi...
By Unknown 8:59 PM 9/11 trials Trials For Guantanamo Detainees In New York City Is Not Going To Be Cheap U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. Security Costs Will Top $75M In NYC Terror Trial -- Washington Post/AP NEW YORK -- New York police commis...
By Unknown 8:00 PM Afghanistan War News Taliban Successfully Attack A CIA Facility In Eastern Afghanistan 9 Die In CIA Facility Blast In Afghanistan -- UPI KHOST, Afghanistan, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- A suicide bomber blew himself up Wednesday in an Afgh...
By Unknown 7:00 PM afghanistan canada IED Explosion Kills 5 Canadians In Afghanistan Michelle Lang of the Calgary Herald was killed in an attack in Afghanistan on Wednesday. (Photo from Facebook) 5 Canadians Killed In Afghani...
By Unknown 6:00 PM Yemen conflict U.S. Military Strikes On Al Qaeda In Yemen Are Now Being Planned Obama Considering Military Strikes After Christmas Day Aircraft Plot -- Times Online The Pentagon is drawing up urgent plans for increased m...
By Unknown 5:00 PM somali piracy Somali Piracy News Updates -- December 30, 2009 The St James Park, a UK-flagged chemical tanker is seen on the River Thames at Northfleet in Essex, southern England in this October 4 file ...