By Unknown Friday, April 30, 2010 united nations The Gargoyle's Have Taken Over The Cathedral U.S. Mum During Iran Vote to U.N. Women's Commission -- FOX High off its success in keeping Iran from getting on the U.N.'s...
By Unknown 10:00 PM washington politics Many Are Trying To "Sink" The Naming Of A U.S. Navy Ship For John Murtha Photo: U.S. Navy Thousands Seek To Sink Navy Plan To Name A Ship For Democrat John Murtha -- L.A. Times One thing the elected and appointed ...
By Unknown 8:59 PM X-37B What Is The U.S. Airforce's Secret Space Mission About? From Discovery: These days, with the multitude of global surveillance systems watching the skies, it's pretty tough to keep secret the i...
By Unknown 8:00 PM commentary -- missile defense Past And Present Politics On The Space Program And National Security -- A Commentary Space Wars: Circa 1959 To 2010 -- Bryan Demko, American Thinker I noted with interest President Obama's April 16 visit to Cape Kennedy t...
By Unknown 7:00 PM israel iran conflict Tensions And Threats Increase Between Israel, Syrian, And Iran Hillary Clinton warned President Bashar al-Assad of the risk of sparking a regional war if he is found to be supplying long-range Scud missi...
By Unknown 6:00 PM somali piracy A Canadian Connection To Somali Piracy In this handout from the U.S. Navy, The Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Farragut (DDG 99) passes by the smoke from a suspec...
By Unknown 5:00 PM u.s. iran conflict Can U.S. Military Force Stop Iran's Nuclear Program? Gen. Wesley Clark Stop Iran? You Bet, Says One General -- IBD Editorial Nuclear Terror: Over and over we've heard the military option ag...
By Unknown 4:00 PM commentaries opinions and editorials Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- April 30, 2010 South Korean Army soldiers are seen atop armoured vehicles during a drill at the boder town of Paju on May 29, 2009. North Korea warned on M...
By Unknown 3:00 PM World News Briefs World News Briefs -- April 30, 2010 (Evening Edition) U.S. Gulf States Mobilize for Valdez-Like Oil Spill -- Bloomberg Business Week U.S. Interior Department inspectors began boarding deep-water...
By Unknown 2:00 PM Katyn Massacre Russia's Katyn Files Are Now Open To The Public The mass graves were found by the German army when it invaded Russia. It was immediately used as propaganda against the Russians who continu...
By Unknown 1:00 PM financial crisis Europe's Financial And Economic Mess Gets Messier Everyday Spain's Unemployment Rate Rises To One In FIVE As Investors Fear Debt Crisis Of Greek Proportions -- Daily Mail Spain's jobless rate...
12:59 PM Animal Private Parts Exposed Animals filmed for television wildlife documentary series are denied their right to privacy, a leading U.K. academic claimed in a report th...
By Unknown 12:00 PM South And North Korean Officials Meet Seperately With China's President Photo from Korea Times South Korea's Lee Talks Security Risks With Chinese Leader -- Washington Post/Reuters SHANGHAI (Reuters) - South ...
11:46 AM GRE Round Up for Apr. 30 There's some good stuff being turned out by the Gun Rights Examiners . I hope you're availing yoursel...
By Unknown 11:00 AM intelligence Why Is Our Intel On "Dead" Terrorists Usually Wrong Wanted: Accurate Intel On 'Dead' Terrorists -- Washington Times Taliban leader Qari Hussain? Killed in January 2008 ... until he app...
By Unknown 10:00 AM vietnam Remembering The Fall Of Saigon Vietnam Re-Enacts Fall Of Saigon To Mark 35th Anniversary Of War's End -- USA Today Vietnam today marked the 35th anniversary of the Com...
By Unknown 8:59 AM chad Heavy Fighting Reported On Chad - Darfur Border 'Hundred Killed' In Chad Clashes -- BBC Chad's government says the army has killed 105 insurgents and beaten back a new attack n...
By Unknown 8:00 AM Afghanistan Afghanistan Goes GaGa Over Lady Gaga's Hit "Telephone." Afghanistan Goes Gaga -- The Smoking Gun Meet the soldiers behind the hit viral remake of "Telephone" video. In what may be the mo...
7:42 AM Second Amendment Sellout I ordinarily try not to drive traffic to my enemies, but this time I'll make an exception. I also ordinarily try to keep the language cl...
7:20 AM We're the Only Ones Lying Enough The jury found the officer, Patrick Pogan , 24, guilty of filing a criminal complaint that contained false statements concerning the cycli...
By Unknown 7:00 AM Afghanistan War News u.k. military Inquest In The Death Of Lieutenant-Colonel Rupert Thorneloe Begins Procession: Hearses carrying the coffins of Lieutenant-Colonel Rupert Thorneloe, 39, and Trooper Josh Hammond, 18, pass mourners Wootton Bas...
6:42 AM We're the Only Ones Going Swimmingly Enough Cobb police SWAT team member Sgt. Ken Reda , 37, and Shelley Powell , also 37, were both charged with making false statements and obstruct...
6:20 AM Wardrobe Control Debate over hunter-orange heats up [ More ] Because, evidently, you are incapable of dressing yourself. Do it for the children.
6:18 AM Wrong Social Media Choice? A Surrey judge ordered two weapons prohibitions Thursday after a youth last year posed with an AK-47 on a Facebook page... [ More ] Maybe th...
6:10 AM Delusional So what we're being told, either by elected officials or private sector officials, is that we don't want to do things to restrict a...
By Unknown 6:00 AM Afghanistan War News Updates Afghanistan War News Updates -- April 30, 2010 U.S. and Afghan soldiers walk with Afghan civilians to a helicopter pick-up landing site in the village of Kopak in the Mohammud-Agha distri...
5:59 AM An Underfunded Program Mayor Richard Daley today urged Chicagoans to turn in firearms in exchange for a prepaid credit card, but the city is going to have to pass...
5:30 AM Time to Crime in Bloomberg Paradise [Click graphic to enlarge] That "iron pipeline" doesn't seem to flow very well. I wonder what the breakdown is for "Over...
5:25 AM Randy Hillman: Oath Breaker Randy Hillman , director of the Alabama Association of District Attorneys, opposed the bill and urged law-enforcement officers to do the s...
5:17 AM Getting to the Heart of the Matter What's the big deal? Don't they already own us? And can't you just see a future Repo Men -type scenario where a government healt...
5:08 AM Conspiracy Theory Not that I want to start a new one, but this does seem awfully damn convenient for the anti-progress "progressives"...
By Unknown 5:00 AM World News Briefs World News Briefs -- April 30, 2010 Oil From Spill Is Reported to Have Reached the Coast -- New York Times NEW ORLEANS —Coast Guard officials were investigating reports early F...
5:00 AM Does Lindsay Lohan Gun Photo Show Violation of Federal Law? [A]re we witnessing evidence of a federal felony in progress? [ More ] Today'...
4:52 AM This Day in History: April 30 At Crooked Billet on April 30, 1778, British Maj. John Simcoe's troops ambushed Brig. Gen. John Lacey's platoon, killing 26 and ca...
By Unknown 4:00 AM military and intelligence news briefs Military And Intelligence Nes Briefs -- April 30, 2010 Police officers are sealed into protective suits during a 2005 bioterrorism drill in New Jersey. The United States is unlikely to use nuclea...
By Unknown 3:00 AM u.s. russian nuclear talks New U.S. - Russia Nuclear Agreement Facing Ratification Problems In The U.S. Senate Key Senator Expects Tough Fight On Arms Control Deal -- Global Security Newswire Friction between Democratic and Republican senators is like...
By Unknown 12:00 AM Afghanistan Not Much To Show After 6 Months Into The Afghan Surge U.S. and Afghan soldiers prepare to board a CH-47 Chinook helicopters to return to base after a mission in the village of Kopak, Mohammud-Ag...
By Unknown Thursday, April 29, 2010 afghanistan supplies Why Does It Cost Roughly $1 Million A Year To Support The Deployment Of A Single Soldier To Afghanistan Pentagon Doles Out Sweetheart Deals For Wartime Supplies -- The Danger Room According to White House budget estimates, it costs roughly $1 m...
By Unknown 10:00 PM mexico drug cartel war Mexico's Drug Cartel War Casualties Approaching 23,000 Killed People mourn the death of victims of a shootout in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Alejandro Bringas/Reuters Deaths In Mexico Drug War Pass 22,000, B...
By Unknown 8:59 PM pakistan civil war Pakistan's Civil War Is About To Escalate In Shift, Pakistan Considers Attack On Militant Lair -- New York Times ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The Pakistani military, long reluctant to heed ...
By Unknown 8:00 PM natural disasters Pentagon On Alert As Oil Spill In The Gulf Of Mexico Worsens Pentagon On Alert As Gulf Coast Readies For Oil's Onslaught -- McClatchy News WASHINGTON — With crude oil expected to wash up Thursday n...
By Unknown 7:00 PM india pakistan relations India And Pakistan Pledge To Improve Relations Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (L) shakes hands with his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani during their meeting in Thimphu, cap...