By Unknown Tuesday, June 18, 2013 JPFO offers chance to win gun denied to NYPD Serbu Manufacturing had been contacted by NYPD SWAT for a quote on this rifle, but refused the business, explaining that if it was not lega...
By Unknown 1:48 PM The Content of their Character "Using the Abused" With Natalie Foster [ Watch ] Ask yourself just what kind of person would rather see a woman abused than armed ...
By Unknown 1:31 PM A Spate of Anti-Gunners You all remember what a spate is, don't you? [ More ] AstroTurf sure comes in thick this time of year... [Via several of you]
By Unknown 1:20 PM Too Much, the Magic Bus Just received this email from Mack H : Bloomberg bus arriving at Va. Tech, Blacksburg, VA, Friday 6/21 9:30AM From some of my emails: Fwd: ...
By Unknown 11:26 AM A "Small Crowd" in Paradise In response to yesterday's "Small Crowd" post , I just received this email: Aloha David, We (The Hawaii Rifle Association ) ha...
By Unknown 11:17 AM Why I Got My CCW Permit 1) It’s my Patriotic duty... [ More ] I don't mean to be disagreeable or anything, but that's pretty much why I refuse to get one...
By Unknown 11:04 AM We're the Only Ones Blazing Away Enough "Cops are shooting from the front of the car, back into the rest of the on-coming traffic to the check point, into the rest of the inn...
By Unknown 10:53 AM Generally Speaking "This is just our way of demonstrating concern for these feeding devices that are, generally speaking, used for mass murder." [ Mo...
By Unknown 10:45 AM "Evil Black Rifles are More than Welcome" Armed Independence Day rally in Colorado ... [ More ] Meanwhile, some perfectly good magazines are looking for a home ...
By Unknown 10:39 AM A Dangerous Message Barack Obama's Father's Day picture shows him running around a pool... with a toy gun. Horrors! What kind of message is he sending t...
By Unknown 9:15 AM Hotmail Down I don't know if anyone else is having "server not found" issues with it, but until I can figure out how to get into my Hotmail...
By Unknown 8:55 AM Edict Seven No person shall engage in a demonstration within the Supreme Court building and grounds. The term “demonstration” includes demonstrations...
By Unknown 7:48 AM "What's More Shocking is this Retarded Neanderthal is Considered Newsworthy" That comment says it all. [ More ]
By Unknown 7:38 AM This Day in History: June 18 After digging three parallels, building towers for sharpshooters to snipe the garrison, and even attempting mines under the works, Greene ca...
By Unknown 7:38 AM Today's KABA Newslinks This should be a daily stop. Sharing it should be a daily act. [ More ]
By Unknown Monday, June 17, 2013 Armed American Radio Encore Presentation If you didn't catch last night's program live, you can listen to the archived recording at your leisure. Host Mark Walters' gues...
By Unknown 1:10 PM Reese lawyers reply to prosecutor move to deny assets for defense For their part, the Reese family is preparing for the new trial the prosecutors would deny them, and need funds released so they can defend ...
By Unknown 12:14 PM So Much for the Ballot Box How do you say "If you don't vote you have no right to complain" in [insert language here]? [ More ] This oughtta wake some pe...
By Unknown 11:12 AM Firearm-Related Violence In 2010, more than 105,000 people were injured or killed in the United States as the result of a firearm-related incident. Recent, highly pu...
By Unknown 10:44 AM We're the Only Ones Opposed Enough North Carolina Sheriffs' Assoc. opposes repeal of pistol purchase permit system [ More ] Of course they do. [Via Jeffersonian ]
By Unknown 10:41 AM We Have Met the Enemy ...and he is you. [ More ] It must really p!$$ 'em off every time it turns out to be a leftist or a Muslim. [Via Florida Guy ]
By Unknown 10:35 AM We're the Only Ones Stumped Enough But he had a pen ... [ More ] [Via Florida Guy ]
By Unknown 10:28 AM The Right of the Standing Army to Keep and Bear Arms? I will continue fighting to protect our Second Amendment rights. [ More ] You know, "t he right of the people ..." What elitist j...
By Unknown 10:17 AM If You Can't Be Trusted with a Gun... can't be trusted without a custodian. [ More ] Like that or not, it's true. [Via Roger J ]
By Unknown 9:46 AM A Fair Trade Open Act of Defiance: Magazine Swap at the Capitol [ More ] Vanderboegh's been planning to do this for some time now...I see from comm...
By Unknown 9:31 AM A Small Crowd I'll say. [ More ] Meanwhile, I'm told a total of 121 showed up for this , including 32 kids. [Via HZ ]
By Unknown 9:23 AM Good News for the Second Amendment Oath Keepers gives us a project update on the "Molon Labe!" documentary. [ More ]
By Unknown 9:15 AM The Bullet-Buying Loophole George Skelton deserves a Julius Streicher Lifetime Achievement Award more than anyone I can think of. [ More ]
By Unknown 9:10 AM We're the Only Ones Safely Storing Enough A D.C. police lieutenant has been charged with leaving a loaded gun where his son found it and took it to school. [ More ] Well, as long as ...
By Unknown 9:03 AM SAF Radio Campaign From SAF, via email: In response to Mayor Michael Bloomberg's national anti-gun ad campaign, the Second Amendment Foundation today launc...
By Unknown 8:43 AM The Reviews are In Rob Morse brings us the first one I've seen on "Assaulted." [ More ]
By Unknown 8:31 AM Heidi's Time of Month The cop thought I was an idiot... [ More ] Hear, hear. The thesis here seems to be if she can act like an irresponsible moron, anyone can, a...
By Unknown 8:02 AM Going to the Dogs At a town hall meeting Thursday evening, County Animal Control recommended people go out walking with an umbrella, a cane, or a stick. [ Mo...
By Unknown 7:43 AM Bloomberg bus to stop in N.H. after cops called on activists in Conn. With schedule information being parceled out like this, gun owners who wish to go show support for the right to keep and bear arms will nee...
By Unknown 6:25 AM The Problem with NRA's "Single Issue" Stance Does anyone think for a moment if Lindsey and Marco and John have their way on "immigration" that the result will be more votes fo...
By Unknown 6:16 AM The Best Pals a Monster Could Have In short, they’re aided and abetted by the culture of fear, by the media itself, which in effect completes these shooters’ acts by dutifull...
By Unknown Sunday, June 16, 2013 Radio Flyers Mike Vanderboegh will be joining in on Kate Krueger's Talking Guns at 1:30 Arizona time (the show runs from Noon to 2) this afternoon , ...
By Unknown Friday, June 14, 2013 u.s. israel relations Did The NSA Hire Two Secretive Israeli Companies To Wiretap The U.S. Telecommunications Network? Reuters DID YOU KNOW?: Two Secretive Israeli Companies Reportedly Bugged The US Telecommunications Grid For The NSA -- Business Insider The ...
By Unknown 9:45 PM picture of the day Picture Of The Day A paratrooper peers through his scope to observe a target during his brigade's fire support coordination exercise on Fort Bragg, N.C., J...
By Unknown 9:30 PM NSA surveillance scandal What Are Polls Saying On The NSA Surveilance Scandal Gallup, Fox News Polls: Public Opposes Broad NSA Collection Of Records -- Hot Air I’m not going to blog every poll on this topic but some co...
By Unknown 9:25 PM internet NSA surveillance scandal Yahoo Fought Against The NSA's Demands For Their Data (But They Lost) Reuters How Yahoo Fought PRISM — and Lost -- Atlantic Wire Yahoo, one of the companies named as part of the NSA's PRISM data collection ...
By Unknown 9:20 PM computer hacking Who Is Spying On The U.S. Media? CBS News Confirms Sharyl Attkisson's Computer Hacked -- CBS CBS News announced Friday that correspondent Sharyl Attkisson's computer...
By Unknown 9:15 PM u.s. u.k. relations NSA's PRISM Program Reveals The Partnership Between US-UK Intelligence Services Britain's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in Cheltenham, England. The British intelligence organization's close ties t...
By Unknown 9:10 PM NSA surveillance scandal NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Extradition Could Take Months To Years Edward Snowden told the South China Morning Post that he had no intention of hiding from justice. Photograph: Bobby Yip/Reuters John Miller:...
By Unknown 9:05 PM NSA surveillance scandal U.K. Home Office Warns Airlines Not To Fly NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden To Britain Heathrow Airport in west London Credit: Press Association Prism Revelations: Home Office Warns Airlines Not To Fly NSA Whistleblower Edward ...
By Unknown 9:01 PM NSA surveillance scandal How Did NSA Leaker Snowden Steal All Of Those NSA Secrets Snowden didn't seem to have to work very hard to grab top secret classified government info. REUTERS/Bobby Yip How Edward Snowden Stole ...
By Unknown 9:00 PM civil war in syria u.s. syria Israel And U.S. Coordinating How To Target Assad’s Military Arsenal Syrian Civil War: Israel and U.S. Coordinating How to Target Assad’s Arsenal -- Time 52 days after an Israeli general publicly declared that...
By Unknown 9:00 PM Pesident Obama u.s. syria President Obama To Speak On Syria Next Week White House: Obama To Speak On Syria In Coming Days -- Politico President Obama hasn't spoken publicly about his administration's...
By Unknown 9:00 PM commentary -- U.S. military Hollowing Out The U.S. Military Again Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, center, Deputy Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, left, and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint ...
By Unknown 9:00 PM civil war in syria u.s. syria It Will Take More Than Giving Small Arms To The Rebels To Change The Direction Of The Syrian Civil War A general view shows damaged buildings and debris in Deir al-Zor, June 13, 2013. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi Analysis: Transforming Syria's Wa...
By Unknown 4:00 PM commentaries opinions and editorials Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- June 14, 2013 Syria’s Civil War: The Regime Digs In -- The Economist President Bashar Assad and his forces have won a new lease of life. “YA GHALI,” says ...
By Unknown 3:00 PM World News Briefs World News Briefs -- June 14, 2013 (Evening Edition) Voting Closes in Iran Presidential Election -- Voice of America Polling stations have closed across most of Iran, where officials extended v...
By Unknown 2:00 PM DR Congo united nations The UN Prepares To Go To War For The First Time The UN Prepares To Go To War For The First Time, With A 3,000-Strong Task Force Sent To Fight Rebels In The Congo -- Daily Mail * 3,000 UN t...
By Unknown 1:00 PM Iran Presidential Election Iran's Presidential Election: A News Roundup Iran Extends Presidential Voting Hours Citing Big Turnout -- Voice of America Millions of Iranians are voting Friday to choose a new preside...
By Unknown 12:39 PM Today's Five-Minute Activism If you haven't already done so, read today's GRE for background . Then go to the No More Names website and sign up to “Get the late...
By Unknown 12:00 PM civil war in syria Hezbollah Hezbollah Vows To Continue The Fight In Syria Hezbollah's leader Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah speaks on a TV screen during a ceremony in Beirut's southern suburbs, Friday, June 14, 201...
By Unknown 11:00 AM -- Iraq commentary -- middle Could Syria Ignite World War 3? The conflict in Syria has already claimed 93,000 lives and left 1.6million people refugees Could Syria Ignite World War 3? That's The Te...
By Unknown 10:03 AM Bloomberg bus tour coy with locations and dates for a reason The second and more likely reason, considering the AstroTurf nature of Bloomberg ventures demonstrated time and again, would be to keep the ...
By Unknown 10:00 AM civil war in syria u.s. syria Commentaries, Analysis, And Reactions To The U.S. Commitment To Arm Syria's Rebels US Decision To Arm Syria Rebels 'Will Be Greeted With Horror In Russia' -- The Telegraph President Barack Obama's open-ended com...
By Unknown 9:57 AM The Unseen Horror Sen. Bill Nelson [D-FL] is determined to protect us from it if he has to kill us. [ More ]
By Unknown 9:30 AM civil war in syria u.s. syria U.S. To Arm Syria's Rebels (Updated) US Offers Syrian Rebels 'Military Support,' Alleges Assad Used Chemical Weapons -- NBC The United States and its allies have conclud...