A Houston woman and her husband filed suit against state Rep. Borris Miles on Friday, asking that he be tested for sexually transmitted diseases and claiming he forced a kiss on the woman at a holiday party."Displaying a pistol"?
The Harris County District Attorney's Office has been investigating a complaint that Miles entered a St. Regis Hotel ballroom uninvited, confronting guests, displaying a pistol and forcibly kissing another man's wife.
He reportedly "referred to himself as a 'gangster' and a 'thug' as he "threatened a business rival and brandished a gun."
And this same article tells us:
In July, Miles made news when he shot a man in the leg who was apparently trying to steal copper wiring from a home Miles was building. He is licensed to carry a concealed weapon and was not charged in the shooting.
Just one thing about that. It didn't stop him from "oppos[ing] a bill giving Texans stronger right to defend themselves with deadly force."
I guess now we can see why.
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