With Truce Broken, Nigeria's Military Preparing To Enter The Niger Delta Region

Military To Step Up Activities In Niger Delta Region -- CNN

Kaduna. Nigeria (CNN) -- Nigeria's military has ordered an incursion into militant camps in the oil-rich Niger Delta region after violence flared up again with attacks against oil companies and foreign workers, a military spokesman said Saturday.

Chief of Defense Staff Oluseyi Petirin said he has directed the Joint Task Force (JTF) to "occupy all militant camps in the Niger Delta and directed civilians in the environment of the camps to evacuate to "avoid collateral damage."

This would be the first military offensive since a brokered amnesty in the region.

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More News On Nigeria's Continuing War Against Armed Groups In The Niger Delta Region

Nigerian military warns of action in oil delta
-- Reuters
Nigeria warns armed gangs in oil-rich Niger Delta -- AFP
Nigerian military warns residents near militant camp to avoid becoming 'collateral damage' -- Canadian Press
Nigeria's military warns gangs in Niger delta to leave -- International Business Times
Nigeria: Militant group releases hostage list -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Nigerian Militants Release Nationalities of Oil Rig Hostages -- Voice of America
Nigerian militants name seven foreign hostages -- AFP

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