The Violence Is Escalating In The Ivory Coast Crisis

Ivory Coast Crisis Deepens As Police Officers Die In Armed Clashes -- The Guardian

Gunfire and explosions in Abidjan as supporters of President Laurent Gbagbo fight those of rival Alassane Ouattara.

Ivory Coast lurched deeper into crisis today when at least five police officers were killed in the worst armed clashes since the disputed presidential election.

Violence erupted between supporters of President Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara, the internationally recognised winner, in the pro-Ouattara neighbourhood of Abobo in Abidjan, the commercial capital. Sustained gunfire and what sounded like explosions from heavier weapons rang out for several hours, witnesses said.

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More News On The Crisis In The Ivory Coast

Army opens fire on opposition neighborhoods -- Yahoo News/AP
Abidjan clashes kill at least one, explosions heard -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Four killed in clashes as Ivory Coast tensions worsen -- Yahoo News/AFP
Army opens fire on opposition neighborhoods -- Washington Post/AP
Army opens fire on opposition neighborhoods -- Newsday
Six killed in Ivory Coast as police attacked -- AFP
Ivory Coast Forces Crack Down on Opposition -- New York Times
Source: 5 police officers killed in Ivory Coast violence -- CNN
5 Policemen Killed in Ivory Coast Violence -- Voice of America
Troops Surround Hotel of Internationally-Recognized Winner of Ivory Coast Vote -- Voice of America
Senegal's President Pushes Military Option For Ending Ivory Coast Standoff -- Bloomberg
U.N. helpless to stop Ivorian attacks -- UPI
What's the next move in the Ivory Coast? -- Elizabeth Dickinson, Passport/Foreign Policy

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