World News Briefs -- January 12, 2011 (Evening Edition)

The Marché en Fer, or Iron Market, a 19th-century structure in Port-au-Prince’s main commercial district, is said to have been intended for Cairo. Eliana Aponte for The New York Times

Haiti Marks Earthquake Anniversary With Services Of Mourning -- The Guardian

A year on, most of the displaced live in tents and only 5% of the rubble has been cleared

Hymns sounded across Haiti today as sombre religious services marked the moment exactly one year ago when the earth shook and Port-au-Prince crumbled.

Stillness descended on the capital as groups dressed in white, Haiti's traditional colour of mourning, prayed for the estimated 230,000 victims who died in the magnitude 7 earthquake.

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Hundreds of Christians demonstrate on Cairo's edge.

Hezbollah and allies resign, toppling Lebanon government. Hezbollah and allies to topple Lebanon govenment: source.

Israel PM: Must be military option against Iran. Analysis: Risk of strike on Iran over nuclear plans recedes.

Israeli planes strike Hamas targets in Gaza.

IEDs kill 21,000 Iraqi civilians 2005-2010.


Gates in Tokyo for talks on North Korea.

Hot line connecting Koreas returns to service.

Tajikistan agrees to give land to China.

Brisbane floods leave city centre deserted as thousands flee.

Vietnam vows change to build modern economy. Vietnam's Party Congress opens amid tight security.

Victims of Kyrgyzstan massacre are blamed for the violence.

Thousands displaced by Sri Lanka floods to get UN help.

Gates: North Korea becoming 'direct threat' to U.S., ICBMs within 5 years.

Biden: US will stay in Afghanistan as long as Afghans want help.


Dozens reported killed as Tunisia unrest escalates.

Machete attacks in central Nigeria leave 19 dead.

Ivory Coast tensions escalate; Senegal backs invasion. As the Ivorian election crisis drags on, rubbish piles up in Abidjan.

Niger seizes suspects in French hostage 'killings'.


European stocks higher after Portugal bond sale.

Report on crash shifts blame to Polish leaders. Polish lawyer says Russia's crash report "scandal".

Jailing the opposition in Russia and Belarus.

Turk detained in Kosovo organ trafficking probe.

At least one euro-zone country could go bankrupt.


Catholic leaders warn of 'totalitarian' Venezuela.

Haiti: Struggling to rebuild one year after the earthquake.

Obama to be nation's consoler at memorial service in Tuscon.

Risk of bust after boom haunts Latin America.

Peru ex-media boss Jose Enrique Crousillat captured.

Major winter storm wallops U.S. Northeast.


Biden hails Pakistan-US alliance against extremism.

Member of top al Qaeda operative's cell denied habeas petition.

Clinton in Yemen to press counterterror efforts.

US could take Sudan off state terror list by July.

Drone attack in Pakistan kills three 'militants'.


Hong Kong ranked world's freest economy: report.

Brent oil hits 27-month high; $100 looms.

U.S. housing market slips into depression territory.

Treasury Secretary Geithner says in letter to Congress US may go into default.

The Fed’s QE2 traders, buying bonds by the billions.

Schwab in $119 million SEC accord, two execs charged.

Piracy websites attract billions of visits.

American banks dropping UN mission accounts.

Few foreclosures, no bank failures: Canada offers lessons.

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