Let George Do It

From GunLeaders.com, via email:
ATF has renewed their Rifle Registration scheme plans.

In the previous period for comments mayors against illegal guns submitted roughly 10,000 comments in support. We barely generated 2000 ( Gunleaders.com FOIAd the responses, and while we didn't get a full counting, I am personally calling BS to the number of opposing comments listed in register -3752. I don't think we had that many ).

More importantly, we observed a very strange silence on the part of pro-gun groups.

That needs to change. Please do everything you can to get the word out to gun owners to oppose this scheme.
Only 2,000?

I don't understand what the hell the problem is.

But I find it increasingly difficult to give credence to the notion that gun owners who won't even lift a finger to send a simple correspondence--or throw a few bucks at someone they receive regular value from--or share a fricking link--ought to be taken seriously when they go on about making real "from my cold dead hands" sacrifices when TSHTF.

Better men than us pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor.  The Heirs of Liberty all too often make excuses for their inaction.

"Profiles in apathy."  It's a greater threat than anything the antis are throwing at us.

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