World News Briefs -- March 26, 2012 (Evening Edition)

U.S. President Obama speaks to Russian President Medvedev in Korea. Photo: REUTERS

Barack Obama Caught Hinting At Concessions To Dmitry Medvedev -- The Telegraph

Barack Obama was accused of putting his desire for re-election before America's national security on Monday, after being caught hinting to President Dmitry Medvedev that he would offer concessions to Russia on defence if he were re-elected.

The US president was captured by a live microphone telling Mr Medvedev that he would have "more flexibility" in negotiations over contentious plans for a missile shield in Europe if he beat his Republican challenger in November.

Delivering a message for president-elect Vladimir Putin, Mr Obama said: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defence, this can be solved, but it's important for him to give me space.

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Annan: Syrian crisis can't be allowed to drag on. Annan due in China to bolster support for Syria plan.

Barack Obama's personal pledge to aid Syria rebels. Syria: Turkey delivers 'strong political message' as it closes Damascus embassy.

Arab League summit aims to showcase 'the new Iraq'.

Despite mounting criticism, Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki’s position appears strong.

Israelis prefer preemptive strike to nuclear Iran: poll. Hundreds of Israelis march in Tel Aviv to protest war with Iran.

AQAP takes control of another town in southern Yemen.


Hong Kong, divided over future, gets a new leader.

Japan PM – N Korea rocket launch will break U.N. pacts.

South Korea claims North Korea has moved rocket to launch site. South Korea warns it might shoot down North Korean rocket if it strays into territory.

Obama and Hu to co-ordinate on North Korea rocket launch.

Obama: Unclear who is running North Korea.

Afghan soldier kills 2 British troops.

Pakistan Taliban issues warning over NATO supply route.

China unveils new legislation on police powers of detention.

Aung San Suu Kyi cancels campaign after falling ill. Aung San Suu Kyi's health improving: party.

Japan down to one nuclear reactor.


Oil discovered in Kenya for first time; viability not known, potential production years away.

Abduction and hotel attack spotlight Libya’s disarray.

Mali separatists claim advances in north.

Mali coup leader Amadou Sanogo 'in complete control'. Mali's capital returning to normal, north threatened. Mali protesters seek return to order after coup.

Eritrean leader says U.S. behind Ethiopia raids.

African Union force steps up hunt for Joseph Kony.

Muslim Brotherhood asserts its strength in Egypt with challenges to military.

Youth discontent drives vote to oust Senegal's president.

Senegal's president concedes defeat in parliamentary polls.Senegal wakes to new era after Wade bows out.


Germany agrees to increasing bailout money for Euro zone nations.

Spain’s ruling party disappointed in regional ballot.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn charged in French prostitution case. DSK gets preliminary charges in prostitution probe.

Sarkozy bans imams from entering France in fundamentalist crackdown after Toulouse shootings.

Obama vows to pursue further nuclear cuts with Russia.

'Mission impossible' for Spain's PM – another €40bn in cuts.

Sarkozy: don't blame immigration laws for attacks.France election: Sarkozy vows ban on militant preachers.

Residents of South Ossetia vote in Presidential election.

Scientists: Venice sinking five times faster than thought.


Pope reaches out to Cubans “everywhere”.

French gunman the latest of Europe's troubling 'lone wolves'.

U.S. high court to begin hearing arguments in landmark health care case.

Hugo Chavez begins radiation therapy in Cuba.

Quake hits central Chile; no reports of deaths.

Pope heads to Cuba for historic visit.Pope heads to Cuba, seeking change and faith revival.


French fighters training in North Waziristan.

Obama warns nuclear terrorism still a major threat.

Pakistani court to charge bin Laden's family.


Look who's saving the world: BRICS pump up foreign aid.

Top secret Visa data center banks on security, even has moat.

Belvedere Vodka apologizes for ad making light of sexual assault.

Bernanke: Job gains present U.S. economic 'puzzle'.

'Hunger Games' battles to $155M opening weekend.

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