Police in Casselberry, Fla., are searching for two men who stormed into a Pizza Hut and pistol-whipped a manager during a robbery of the business...During the robbery, employees of the restaurant locked themselves in a large walk-in freezer to escape the attackers... The store manager, who remained outside the freezer, met the demands of the two men and apparently gave them an undisclosed amount of money before he was pistol-whipped and beaten.
Free people reduced to hiding in a freezer, getting pistol-whipped after complying with demands...but I thought the Brady's advised us not to resist. They also advised us that widespread carrying of firearms by average citizens would turn Florida into Dodge City, and their latest pathetic attention-seeking stunts protesting the "stand your ground" law at airports had some believing the slightest perceived slight would be met with execution.
So why didn't the Pizza Hut employees just open fire? Oh, just a little thing called "company policy." Apparently, they've been conditioned to think their jobs are more valuable than their lives and dignity.
Remember the story of the Pizza Hut delivery driver who defended himself against a robber and was fired for it?
A pizza delivery driver who fatally shot a man he said brandished a gun and tried to rob him was fired from his job...Pizza Hut spokeswoman, Patty Sullivan, confirmed that company policy includes a ban on carrying weapons.
Any bets on whether the silly spokeshole would change her tune and wish she had a gun if it was her precious life on the line?
It's not like we shouldn't expect this from Pizza Hut. After all, they don't respect the First Amendment, either. Plus, I can't stomach that greasy mass-produced garbage they pass off for nutrition.