By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, January 31, 2006 Worker Goes Postal Despite Signs A female ex-postal worker opened fire at a mail processing plant, killing six people and critically wounding another before committing suici...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:22 AM We're the Only Ones Registered Enough The handgun used in a double-homicide and suicide was once owned by the police, but how it wound up in the hands of the man blamed for the s...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:36 AM How Do You Say "We're the Only Ones" in Portuguese? Within minutes five residents – among them three boys under the age of 15 – lay dead. The weathered cement walls outside the bar were pockma...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:19 AM We're the Only Ones Sporting Enough... Fairfax County's police chief said yesterday that one of his officers accidentally shot and killed an optometrist outside the unarmed ma...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:18 AM We're the On...Yes, Again... A case of theft hit close to home for Bloomington police after guns and other gear were stolen from a police officer's car. Bloomington ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:13 AM We're the Only...Not AGAIN... A Tampa police officer lost his 9 mm handgun, Taser, laptop computer and gun belt when someone stole his patrol car from his Manatee County ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:05 AM Safety First Police said Shamia Johnson is facing several charges after she shot her grandfather, pointed a gun at a driver, and caused two hit-and-run a...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Monday, January 30, 2006 Is "The Time" Approaching? Good opinion piece from Kathryn A. Graham . With all due respect, I strongly disagree with this assertion: The defender always has the tacti...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:09 AM Police Chiefs Still Support Gun Registry Of course they do. And have no doubts they'll also support confiscating those registered guns when the orders come down. Because they...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:54 AM We're the Only...Hey, What the Hell You Lookin' At? St. Paul police are rethinking their policies allowing undercover officers to drink on the job after a decorated officer was shot to death o...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:45 AM Happy Birthday to Me... ...or more accurately to The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance , which made its debut one year ago today.
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Sunday, January 29, 2006 Talk About Picking and Choosing... Google , the giant internet search company, is to lead industry opposition to new proposals from the European Commission to regulate online ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:57 AM And Now for Something Completely Different What with all this talk about rainbow posters and all, it's time for a little healthy, politically incorrect irreverance, courtesy of o...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:27 AM Natural Assumptions Security camera footage that detectives later studied...would show Hernandez being assaulted by at least five men and a woman. He had no tea...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Saturday, January 28, 2006 Open Letter to Google I received a comment in my open letter to my new pal Zhou Wenzhong asking people to visit the "Open Letter to Google" blog and l...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 1:07 PM PROOF... ...that if Mayor Bloomberg's plot to disarm all of America except " the authorities " succeeds, shootings of NYC police office...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 11:37 AM Guess What Day This Is? First, it's oldest son Uday's 15th birthday. As youngest son Qusay said when he was but a jihoddler, "Yappy Birthday!" Oh...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 9:24 AM An Enemy of the People: An Open Letter Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States Dear Ambassador Wenzhong, May I call you "Z...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 9:03 AM Crime and Punishment A township officer who left his AR-15 rifle behind at a Butler County high school received a three-day unpaid suspension and will have to un...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:42 AM Garbage In, Garbage Out A gun crime review team used E-Trace, a computer database managed by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, that can trace the se...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:18 AM We're the Only Ones Non-Alcoholic Enough... The results of a Washington, D.C.-based FBI probe came down Friday, clearing agents of any wrongdoing in the controversial Nov. 7 slugfest b...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Friday, January 27, 2006 Safe Space for All? Supervisor Christine Lim of the San Leandro Unified School District has ordered "Safe Space" banners posted in all classrooms. I...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:25 AM What's the Word I'm Looking For to Describe Mike Bloomberg? The mayor described new tactics including a gun offender registration system, similar to one required for sex criminals, in which gun offend...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:20 AM We're the Only Ones Inquisitive Enough... A police officer accused of pointing his gun at a suspect to force him to confess during voluntary questioning at a police box has been arre...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:50 AM "It Was an Accident!" A lawmaker accidentally discharged a handgun in his General Assembly office in Richmond...Delegate John S. Reid ...was ejecting the bullet c...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:43 AM Do What We Say Or Else A National Rifle Association-backed bill that would force businesses that sell hunting and fishing licenses to help register customers to vo...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Thursday, January 26, 2006 Buying a Gun For Your Son My son, Johnnie, is only 12 years old but he has been pestering my husband and me for several years to buy him a gun. My husband had his fi...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, January 25, 2006 More Media-Generated Hysteria Liberty 1st explores the careful selection of words designed to elicit the most fear and loathing. This is actually scary, because it's...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:59 AM Dumb Idea Gun Legislation & Politics in New York warns us about an assembly bill to require " smart guns ." Tags: gun control , smart g...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:33 AM A Prometheus Award Nomination For The Black Arrow From " The Libertarian ": Vin Suprynowicz's The Black Arrow has been nominated for the Libertarian Futurist Society's 20...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:27 AM If Only California Had a Waiting Period... Police say the 41-year-old Singler then ran outside the store and shot himself. Investigators say Singler apparently brought ammunition for ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:23 AM You Couldn't Just Try Breathing Into a Paper Bag? A Colombian man who tried to startle his nephew from a bout of the hiccups by pointing a gun at him, accidentally pulled the trigger and kil...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:19 AM You Could'a Been a Contender... "You could be a leader in the community," Greenspan said. "All those guns that's why Desmond is gone now, because of all ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Questions Alito SHOULD Have Been Asked Howard Phillips distills things down to the essentials... Which means these are precisely the questions the parasites in power dare not pu...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:56 AM If You Can't Beat 'em, Lie A bill (HB1) expanding the circumstances in which deadly force may be used in self-defense is pending in the Alabama Legislature...One oppo...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:37 AM Gun Club Attacked By Parasites Directors of the Twin City Rod & Gun Club were shocked in December when notified their nonprofit organization had to pay a state sales t...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:20 AM Gun Grabber Martin Gets His Butt Handed To Him CANADIAN voters have rebuked Prime Minister Paul Martin and his centre-left Liberal Party, tossing them out after 13 years in power. The ne...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Monday, January 23, 2006 Cert Denied in Seegars See bottom of pg. 7: 05-365 SEEGARS, SANDRA, ET AL. V. GONZALES, ATT'Y GEN., ET AL. The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. The...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:57 AM We're the Only Ones Forceful Enough... Between 1998 and 2002, when he was fired, Brown committed oral copulation, sodomy and other lewd acts on the boys, using force on more than ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:27 AM Us vs Them Kirk has some thoughts on the gulf between government and the governed. Tags: government
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:13 AM Barrett to Arnold: I'll Be Back! Jed tells us how Barrett's Model 99 rifle is an "in your face!" to those who banned the .50 BMG. So look for outrage and cal...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:58 AM One Last Thing Finally, as a lifelong National Rifle Association member, I can assure you the organization is scrupulous in explaining and encouraging stri...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:47 AM The Irresponsible Second Amendment Military-style assault weapons of the kind wielded by Henry have been showing up in increasing numbers since Congress and President Bush all...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:43 AM Boy's Gun Shoots Van Nuys Girl In Face All by its own self, judging by the headline... Tags: gun
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:40 AM We're the Only Ones Holy Enough... The Vatican representative called upon the United Nations to consider the possibility of negotiating a legally binding instrument on the int...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:34 AM A Novel Legal Theory The suit alleged that Youth's death stemmed from slipshod training and a dangerous "always armed/always on duty" policy. Yes. ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Sunday, January 22, 2006 On a Personal Note... Just in case anyone besides me is interested, I decided to put a face to a name, and also tell you how to pronounce that name....
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:19 AM What Have You Got to Hide? I don't care personally if some governmental agency listens to our family's phone calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We have n...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:15 AM Seminar Decries Rising Philly "Gun Violence" Elected officials and community members gathered in Center City to try and stop the escalation of violent gun use in Philadelphia. It is an ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:07 AM The Best Laid Plans Hargreaves admits to being "devastated by the news" that the gun had been involved in a homicide and almost as devastated by the f...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:57 AM "Capital Gun Crime" Up 50%--In a Fashion Record levels of gun crime are being blamed on the fact that more people than ever are carrying firearms as fashion accessories. Bloody ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:32 AM Eso No Computa Mexicans are being invited to exchange their weapons for computers under a quirky new idea to curb rampant crime in Mexico City. Authorities...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Saturday, January 21, 2006 2A Saturday ...a weekly feature over at The Transcending Sovereignty ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 11:02 AM Computer Algorithm Detects When Politicians Lying What, it figures out when their lips are moving?
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 9:07 AM Don't Think of It as a Bribe... State troopers who fix tickets as favors — even for someone who gives them gifts — are not breaking the law, the Knox County prosecutor has ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:47 AM In Jail With Pay At most jobs, on-the-job conduct that gets an employee arrested will usually stop the paycheck, at least for the duration of the incarcerati...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:02 AM We're the Only Ones Safe Enough... Another dark cloud hangs over the Easton Police Department tonight, as a new report finds city cops regularly break the rules when it comes...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:53 AM Raking In the Haul Ottawa city's gun amnesty hasn't even started but police have already raked in dozens of firearms, including at least one that's...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:39 AM I Choose "Other" From Dan Gifford : A legislative update from my California Assemblyman, Paul Koretz , just arrived and it contains the following survey ques...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Friday, January 20, 2006 Firearms and the Supreme Court Triggerfinger enters the discussion on a future SCOTUS 2A ruling . He does a thoughtful job of it, as usual.
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:36 AM The Magic Kingdom Scofflaw [My post about the toy gun ban in NY made me recall this article, which I wrote 5 years ago. Chances are, most WarOnGuns visitors haven...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:28 AM Good Letter! An excellent response to our friend John Paul ... Tags: gun control
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:17 AM "It Just Didn't Look Right" Yeah, what are a couple of Hispanics doing driving a Navigator? Sounds like a perfect reason to perform a warrantless search to me. Pesky F...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:08 AM WANTED, DEAD OR ALIVE In Rockland County, NY, that is... Tags: gun control , toy
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:48 AM Former Gun Maker Pays Ransom Parents leave a loaded gun laying around for their untrained children to find. The ignorant babysitter shoots one of the kids while trying ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Thursday, January 19, 2006 MSN: Partnering With Authority This came out over the weekend when traffic was slow. I'm linking to it here on a higher traffic day because it looks like a lot of sit...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:24 AM Evil, Violent Gun Attacks Boy!!! Police tell us when Rollman went to put the gun away after investigating the noise, it went off and the bullet hit his son in the hip. Dang-...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:20 AM If You Build It, They Will Come "We don't know if the gun range has caused the drop in attendance (at the park)," Bartsch said. He said the decrease in visito...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:08 AM Gun Grabber Hypocrisy Jon Dougherty weighs in on the story of the battered San Francisco woman who was caught with an unsanctioned pistol , and skewers the repor...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:55 AM The Better to Eat You With, My Dear Gun lobbyists are fuming because the state police have been slow at processing FOID applications. State law requires that be accomplished in...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:51 AM Gun Czar Adds to Load Deputy Commissioner Richard Ross is now head of internal affairs, and will retain his title as the city's gun czar. I repeat a questio...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:48 AM We're the Only Ones Guarded Enough... A jail security officer was placed on administrative leave after a woman visitor got past an X-ray machine carrying a gun, leading to the cl...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:46 AM The Registry That Never Happened Technical problems have once again delayed the national firearms register, nine years after it was first proposed..."‘If the Home Offic...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, January 18, 2006 I'm With Fitty Hip-hop star 50 CENT has dismissed accusations his movie GET RICH OR DIE TRYIN' glorifies violence and gun crime, insisting the film is...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:10 AM Police Want to Vet Gun Bill Of course they do. Tell them "No." Tags: gun control , police
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:07 AM Never Give Up Your Guns The Liberty Belles' Jennifer Freeman weighs in on some recent gun control proposals, and shows how they give the advantage to the most ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:01 AM Somebody's Been Watching Too Much TV Even if the gun was real, the officer could have shot Penley in a non-fatal area. Poor Heather Forgione . She had my attention up until th...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:34 AM Police Didn't Know Gun Not a Firearm Over the weekend, an attorney for the family said Penley's father told him that he contacted law enforcement before the boy was shot to ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:34 AM "If You Value Your Life, DON'T Carry a Weapon" Nicki figured out why this article disappeared. Seems the weapon-advocating Brit is a fabrication. A statement from New Scotland Yard sa...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, January 17, 2006 Guess Who's Teaming Up With The Million Moms? Brooks, too, is not new to controversy. He’s been widely known as one of the city’s most flamboyant activists for over a decade and is a con...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:32 AM AJC Says Flight, Not Fight Since passing its "shoot first, ask questions later" law last year, the state of Florida has been derided by the international pre...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:24 AM Canadian Blood Dance a Hit in DC Jane Creba , 15, was browsing the Boxing Day sales with her older sister when she started crossing the street to look for sneakers. She step...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:11 AM A Nicki Twofer Nicki has more to say about that absurd Washington Post editorial calling for a national handgun ban. She also tackles the latest propos...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:47 AM Individual Rights Vs. "Reasonable Restrictions" Denise at the ten ring adds her thoughts to my prediction about SCOTUS and the Second Amendment. I notice their was also a discussion at ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Monday, January 16, 2006 We're the Only Ones Bordering On Trustworthy Enough... A U.S. border patrol agent is scheduled to be arraigned Thursday in Del Rio, Texas, on federal charges that he illegally purchased a pistol ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:24 AM We're the Only Ones Enterprising Enough... Superintendent Wayne Minnaar said the 25-year-old police officer allegedly hired out his service pistol for R150 to three hijackers. And re...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:19 AM WaPo Advocates Starting Civil War in America Lawmakers know all this and know as well that handguns -- however exalted they seem to be in America -- should not be in general circulation...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:57 AM Olympic Shooters Plead for Special Treatment British lawmakers are being urged to ease a ban on handguns so Britain`s champion shooters can train for the Olympics. I guess they can do i...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:40 AM "If You Value Your Life Carry a Weapon" "If police catch you carrying a weapon you could be arrested and prosecuted. But isn't that better than being unable to protect you...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Sunday, January 15, 2006 Ghetto Uprising The Boston Globe writes : Harold M. Clemens of Roxbury writes on his Ghetto Uprising that, as well-intentioned as the state's tough gun...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:00 AM Police Told Gun Was Toy The family of a 13-year-old Florida boy shot by police say officers were told the gun he held was not real. Ralph Penley said when he arriv...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:48 AM SCOTUS Will Hear THIS... ...but they wouldn't hear this . Prediction: A Second Amendment case will be heard by the Supreme Court in the next few years, and it ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:29 AM We're the Only Ones Secure Enough... Greenwood police are investigating the disappearance of several firearms from the department's inventory...The guns were stored in a vau...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:23 AM We're the Only Ones...Oh, So THAT'S What That Lever Does... The Remington 12-gauge shotgun had been issued to Lemay by the Sheriff's Office, Buchanan said. It's Lemay's responsibility to...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:15 AM We're the Only Ones In Control of Our Emotions Enough... A township police officer is facing more than 11 years in prison...a Morris County Grand Jury handed up the indictment against Kevin J. Lass...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Saturday, January 14, 2006 MSN's Authority Showcase Microsoft's MSN division, the same folks who, for a buck, partner with Chicom tyrants to censor free speech , are showcasing blogs that...