Fairfax County's police chief said yesterday that one of his officers accidentally shot and killed an optometrist outside the unarmed man's townhouse Tuesday night as an undercover detective was about to arrest him on suspicion of gambling on sports...
"As they approached him . . . one officer's weapon, a handgun, was unintentionally discharged," said Fairfax Police Chief David M. Rohrer.Well, it's not like he was a productive citizen or anything, and he was breaking the law...that gambling between consenting adults--now that's something I want government resources used to crush.
Here's something else I always look for in stories like this, and WaPo is true to form:
Here's something else I always look for in stories like this, and WaPo is true to form:
The officer, a 17-year veteran assigned to the police tactical unit, was not identified.Why the hell not? If you or I killed an unarmed man, do you think our names would be shielded by the police and by the press? Do you think we'd be place on leave with pay, and described as "
The officer, a 17-year veteran assigned to the police tactical unit, was not identified.Why the hell not? If you or I killed an unarmed man, do you think our names would be shielded by the police and by the press? Do you think we'd be place on leave with pay, and described as "valued"?
Gee, Dick, let me take a wild guess. It couldn't have anything to do with Officer Secret Identity having his finger on the trigger, could it?
Lt. Richard Perez, a police spokesman, said he could not say how or why the gun discharged.
If he really is the trained veteran being described, the only doubt this casts is on the accidental nature of this obscenity.
[Thanks to straightarrow]
Tags: gun, police