Beware of Moles

They have a list of positions they advocate, including: "AHSA is committed to supporting the right to keep and bear arms, protecting our homes, and preserving our liberties," and "Hunting and sport shooting are American values AHSA will vigorously defend."

Sounds great, huh? But wait, there’s more. They also say "an overwhelming majority of hunters support proposals like background checks to purchase guns, keeping military style assault weapons off our streets and the elimination of cop killer bullets," advocate that "the FBI should be given reasonable access to National Instant Check System (NICS) purchase records" and promote "legislative efforts to regulate .50 caliber BMG sniper rifles in the same manner as machine guns."

Who are these guys--Brady Center Lite?

"Beware of Moles" is my Rights Watch column for the Jan. 2006 issue of GUNS Magazine.

Back when the controversy over the American Hunters and Shooters Association broke, I begged off commenting in detail because I'd already submitted this article to the magazine. It's publication was delayed another month because the editor and I both felt that printing my article about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina had a greater need for immediacy--such as you can get in a monthly magazine...

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