Angel Updates

The Liberty Belles have joined the support network.

Claire Wolfe shares some thoughts.

Here's the latest from Gary Marbut:
Dear Friends of Angel,

For those of you receiving an Angel update for the first time, I'm sending these out to all of you who have been kind enough to help, probably by sending me a reference letter for Angel, or a donation to help with his legal expenses. Thanks loads for that help.

I've begun archiving these updates, as well as fundraising information and the reference letter information for Angel, at If you've missed any of the previous information, see it there.

Angel spent over two hours with his attorney today (Monday). He's now comfortable with this attorney representing him. One thing he learned is that he should not release information about what has happened or is going on - releasing information could prejudice his case. However, there is nothing new that has any immediate legal consequence. Angel's attorney has the reputation in Michigan of being a tough and experienced litigator. We have also engaged co-counsel - an attorney with specialized expertise about the gun laws in Michigan.

We know that there are many of you out there who are anxious for detailed information about Angel's plight. Now that this matter is squarely in the hands of the attorneys, we must be circumspect and patient, and must not publish information that could compromise Angel's situation. Sorry about the scarcity of detailed news. We just want to preserve a climate for the best possible outcome for Angel.

Angel has been highly stressed by all of this, as you'd imagine - as you or I would be. However, he's coping. Folks in SE Michigan are beginning to rally and form a support network for Angel. This will help a lot. Donations are starting to come in. Your donations will help to make sure Angel has the best legal representation.

Angel would want me to be lavish in his thanks to you for your kind thoughts and support.

In the meantime, stay tuned - we'll get you more information as it is available.

Best wishes,

Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana

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