Yesterday's re-visit to an old topic produced some interesting back-and-forth. But the comment that struck me as most in need of exploring is the one that isn't there. It was deleted by its author at the original post, but it still came to me via email.
Meet "Blain":
And we all know "college educated men" have never committed acts of violence, right Professor Kaczynski? Why I'd bet every one of the feds at Waco had a college degree...
As for that comment about the "tyrants blood," wow, what kind of sicko would utter such a thought? Ditto that part about resisting to the death...
Weaver was a "separatist," Blain, not a "supremacist." There is a difference, and whether one finds it distasteful or not, it's not supposed to mean a death sentence for his wife and son. And we don't have to "take [his] word" for anything--there's that little documented matter of the $3.1 M settlement...
But it sure says a lot about you, that you prefer to believe someone who "chose the path of law enforcement," Blain. As we've seen time and again here at WarOnGuns, they are "the only ones" professional, responsible, believable...enough...
Here are a few of my sources for my opinions on the Weaver incident, Blain. When the prosecutor in the Horiuchi case rolls over after the feds put the squeeze on him with a felony rap, I start to get a tad uneasy with who I can believe...
Horiuchi Prosecutor Forges Ahead
Idaho Prosecutor Under Investigation
Confessions from Ruby Ridge
I love what this state-worshiping creature passes for "intellectual debate". If I'd posted comments this stupid, I'd delete them too.
Oops. That wasn't an "ad hominem" attack, was it?
I believe Mr. Adams would like to have a word with you, Blain. He's much more level-headed about these things than I am.
Meet "Blain":
Ad hominem arguments are much easier than an intellectual debate aren't they? We all only know what we've read about the HRT. I'm willing to guess that none of you have been in the FBI nor have you had any direct relation to them. So we're forced to examine our sources and form an opinion. I for one take the word of a college educated man who chose the path of law enforcement over a white supremacist who stated "The tyrant's blood shall flow" and "Whether we live or die we will not obey you…war is upon our land."As for the last question, oh, I don't's not like governments have ever committed genocide on unfavored segments of their populations before...but in fairness, our current government will generally settle for obedience. The killing only happens if people resist and defy.
I'm just interested in why you believe your own government would pay for an organization just to kill it's own citizens. What would be the purpose?
And we all know "college educated men" have never committed acts of violence, right Professor Kaczynski? Why I'd bet every one of the feds at Waco had a college degree...
As for that comment about the "tyrants blood," wow, what kind of sicko would utter such a thought? Ditto that part about resisting to the death...
Weaver was a "separatist," Blain, not a "supremacist." There is a difference, and whether one finds it distasteful or not, it's not supposed to mean a death sentence for his wife and son. And we don't have to "take [his] word" for anything--there's that little documented matter of the $3.1 M settlement...
But it sure says a lot about you, that you prefer to believe someone who "chose the path of law enforcement," Blain. As we've seen time and again here at WarOnGuns, they are "the only ones" professional, responsible, believable...enough...
Here are a few of my sources for my opinions on the Weaver incident, Blain. When the prosecutor in the Horiuchi case rolls over after the feds put the squeeze on him with a felony rap, I start to get a tad uneasy with who I can believe...
Horiuchi Prosecutor Forges Ahead
Idaho Prosecutor Under Investigation
Confessions from Ruby Ridge
I love what this state-worshiping creature passes for "intellectual debate". If I'd posted comments this stupid, I'd delete them too.
Oops. That wasn't an "ad hominem" attack, was it?
I believe Mr. Adams would like to have a word with you, Blain. He's much more level-headed about these things than I am.