"People have gotten to know him here personally in Rhode Island," Lynch said. "People here respect the fact that he's courageous enough to deal with this in the public eye, which is very difficult."Right. "Courage." What a way to spin "He got caught."
First Rep. Patrick Kennedy says he consumed no alcohol, then he says he doesn't remember anything. If he doesn't, then how does he know? And why does the hostess at the Hawk and Dove, who says she saw him drinking, not want to give her name? Kinda makes you wonder why someone from the working class would fear the men behind the man described as a hero to them.
We hear all kinds of excuses, from it's the pills to the "Kennedy Curse" to blaming it on his genes. The establishment media has him covered, ginning up sympathy by explaining how such conditions affect "millions". And now, he's wearing his admission to rehab like Teddy wore his neck brace.
Former Louisiana governor, the spectacularly corrupt (Kennedyesque?) Edwin Edwards, is reported to have said the only way he could lose his election was if he was "found in bed with a dead girl or a live boy." So of course Kennedy's government-addicted constituents will continue to back him.
But all this is to be expected. Here's the real crime, being committed right under our noses: The Capitol Police are "investigating" their own, that is, the fox is in charge of the henhouse case. We learn they "have taken disciplinary action against a watch commander for the handling of Rep. Patrick Kennedy's car accident..."
OK. Why isn't he identified? And what "disciplinary action."
As I wrote when this story broke:
Time for an independent investigation--separate [those involved] and put them under oath. Let them know prosecutions will follow lies.Somebody gave the word to give Kennedy a pass.
Who was it, and how high up did the orders come down from?
Don't expect to see this revealed, though. Such demands will stay in the realm of obscure blogs and kept safely away from an American consciousness that mostly wouldn't care anyway.
And this degenerate, lying mental defective will emerge as a champion of those who can't control themselves, and continue his crusade to control those of us who can.