First I'll show Tim how to clean his rifle. Then we'll do some target shooting. Next we'll go out in the desert and I'll show him the proper way to carry his .22. Then we'll do a little hunting. A gun must be treated like a woman-with respect, love and lots of caution.--Robert RyanWhen was the last time you heard a major Hollywood star speak about guns and kids like this for the record? Yet this was a monthly feature 50 years ago, with actors and politicians endearing themselves to their fans and constituents as they disclosed their affinity for guns and the shooting sports.
It's too bad the people from that era weren't also in touch with the deeper implications of gun ownership, but it was a different time and no one was prescient. Pity. We can only wonder if things would be different had some back then sounded an alarm, but in truth, without the attacks of our time, such voices would (and did) not carry far.
The June 1956 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online.
Also in this issue:
- How to Become a Gun Engraver
- Why Bullets Kill
- Better Arms for the Better Half
- and much more, including the classic ads of the period.