I just received the following email:
As knives are arms, the keeping and bearing of which shall not be infringed, my support hinges on whether or not they hold fast to that principle.
Feedback will be appreciated.
David,I don't know the principals involved in this effort, but I like what I see so far. I'll look at them more closely and encourage WoG visitors to do so as well.
I thought I'd let you know that there's a response to the WSJ article about the evil 'tactical knives'. Doug Ritter and others are looking to start up a companion to the NRA called the United States Knife & Tool Association- http://www.uskta.org
You can hear Doug talk about it on the 07/30/2006 GunTalk (in the archives)
The article is an opening shot in yet another attempt by the gun-banners. If they can get 'dangerous' knives banned then it would only be 'logical' to ban even more dangerous guns. Let's swat 'em down right at the start and not let them get ahead of us this time.
Steven Van Dyke
As knives are arms, the keeping and bearing of which shall not be infringed, my support hinges on whether or not they hold fast to that principle.
Feedback will be appreciated.