By DAVID KURNIAWAN Saturday, September 30, 2006 Second Amendment Carnival V Free Constitution links us to "the best 2nd Amendment coverage the blogosphere has to offer."
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:30 AM U of Florida: Because Passive Resistance Worked So Well at Columbine and Dachau The goal of passive resistance is to think and talk your way out of the situation. With passive resistance you can: Try to calm the attacker...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:54 AM Josephine Confounds the "Experts" Eighty-two-year-old Josephine Slater never even flinched when she was confronted by a masked bandit with a sawed-off shotgun inside her Mid...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:26 AM Mad Hatter Seeking Madder Mortarboarders [A]fter reading a couple of campus Op-Ed articles relating to gun rights issues, I thought I'd take some time this weekend to hunt sever...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:22 AM This Day in History: September 30 In a letter to his nephew, Lund Washington , plantation manager of Mount Vernon, General George Washington writes on this day in 1776 of hi...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Friday, September 29, 2006 REMINDER: 2A CARNIVAL TOMORROW Just in case you didn't act on my first announcement . Go over to Free Constitution and get your submission in tonight.
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:47 AM Remembering the Colonel Guns and Ammo looks back on the life of Jeff Cooper . They also compiled a wonderful collection of memorable Cooperisms (I'm being redu...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:59 AM Bradys Choose Moonbeams Over Substance Democratic nominee Jerry Brown today received the endorsement of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's leading gun v...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:33 AM We're the Only Ones Vandalic Enough The Torrance City Attorney's Office on Wednesday filed one charge of misdemeanor vandalism against a Hermosa Beach police sergeant accus...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:30 AM We're the Only Ones Who Should Get a Break Enough Raymond Gregson Jr. , a retired IRS agent who helped coordinate the highly publicized 2004 raid on the home of Jacques Morial, was indicted ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:24 AM Dear Darias I usually ignore the vast amounts of stupid you find on the net, but occassionally something comes along that is so special, it just demands...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:02 AM Muscling in on the Second Amendment Rep. Howard Coble , R-N.C., who sponsored the House bill, said it would give the ATF greater flexibility to deal appropriately with minor vi...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:49 AM Moron Marcus To reduce gun-related murders, get the guns out of the hands of private citizens... Indiana economist Morton Marcus has studied and written...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:42 AM This Day in History: September 29 British spy John André is court-martialed, found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging on this day in 1780. André, an accomplice of Bene...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Thursday, September 28, 2006 Schwarzenegger Signs Another Gun Confiscation Bill Governor Schwarzenegger yesterday signed legislation by Senator Christine Kehoe (D-San Diego) that will provide additional protection for p...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:45 AM The Silver Lining The state House, dominated by members from rural areas where hunting is a way of life and the Second Amendment is sacrosanct, resoundingly r...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:34 AM "It's Time for a Revolution" The Constitution of the United States and the State of Illinois both guarantees our citizens the right to keep and BEAR arms. The ability t...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:30 AM A Green Supports the Right to Bear Arms...? "I don't think the government should have a monopoly on weapons," Whitney said. "And if you meet certain objective criter...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:58 AM Y'See, There's US and Then There's YOU... Ordinary citizens will have to check their guns at the Statehouse's entrances when metal detectors are installed in the building next ye...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:55 AM This Day in History: September 28 On this day in 1781, General George Washington , commanding a force of 17,000 French and Continental troops, begins the siege known as the B...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, September 27, 2006 Shameless Plug: Guns in Schools Ultimately, “a school is no place for a gun,” he concluded. The author was Columbine killer Eric Harris , who chose “Guns in Schools” for hi...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:48 AM Are You With Us? An Open Letter to Chuck Poochigian Dear Mr. Poochigian , As a candidate for California Attorney General, I note you have received fairly good grades from both Gun Owners of C...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:24 AM Comrade Tom: Let's Bring Chicom Gun Control to Philly! I ran into Jin Huo Chen on the steps of the state Capitol yesterday, holding up a sign that said... well, I can't tell you what it said...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:17 AM This Day in History: September 27 On this day in 1779, the former president of the Continental Congress, John Jay , is appointed minister to Spain and tasked with winning Spa...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, September 26, 2006 Disarm Us! Disarm Us! Mayor John Street announced Friday he would lead thousands of Philadelphians to Harrisburg tomorrow to rally for gun control in Harrisburg ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:30 AM New Yorkers Rally for 'Illegal' Guns Protesters carried giant-size cutouts of guns as they rallied yesterday in New York City in support of the constitutional right to bear arms...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:22 AM We're the Only Ones Falsely Accused Enough After gun kills child, cop charged I mean, it says it right there in the Detroit Free Press headline. The gun killed the child, not The O...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:12 AM Jeff Cooper, Rest in Peace World-renowned firearms expert Jeff Cooper , founder of the Gunsite firearms training center in Paulden, died Monday afternoon at his home n...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:59 AM PMS Miami Dave Licht advises me: I wanted to bring to your attention a particularly offensive ad that has been running all day 9-26- on KNEW radio wh...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:58 AM This Day in History: September 26 On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress elects Benjamin Franklin , Silas Deane and Arthur Lee as agents of the diplomatic commission ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Monday, September 25, 2006 It's Good. Real Good. I just finished it last night. My editor at GUNS Magazine has OK'd a review, which I'll work on this week. I'll tell you this ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:46 AM Police Ethics: Capt. David A. Kozicki Style Watch the video. Oakland Police Capt. David A. Kozicki thinks he and his fellow badge-wearers are " The Only Ones " who should h...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:41 AM Campus Mourns Professor Preston Covey’s Death Associate professor of philosophy Preston Covey , esteemed scholar and husband of library faculty member Denise Troll Covey , died at home l...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:27 AM LA Gun Task Force Serves Another Search Warrant The LA County Gun Task Force has served another search warrant on the home of another member of the fifty caliber community. On Monday Septe...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:55 AM This Day in History: September 25 After aborting a poorly planned and ill-timed attack on the British-controlled city of Montreal, Continental Army C olonel Ethan Allen is c...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Sunday, September 24, 2006 A Political Truism ..."To Serve Man"''s a COOKBOOK!
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:05 AM 4th Amendment Suspension Bill Passes House [T]he House of Representatives has approved a tough new anti-drug and anti-weapon law that would require local districts to develop search p...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:23 AM Reporter Misfires, Leaves Readers Ignorant He said an m-16 assault rifle, which he kept for protection, discharged accidentally. The " authorized journalists " evidently don...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:19 AM Dawnicia and the Prayer Patrol Anti-gun campaigners are due to meet in Bristol on Saturday evening to discuss the city's "gun culture"... The Reverend Dawnic...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:15 AM "No Bargain," Indeed There's no good reason why Utah taxpayers should subsidize permits for people to carry concealed weapons. That goes double for Utah taxp...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:14 AM 2nd Amendment Saturday: Classic Clip on Despotism Stan presents a lesson in despotism, and reminds us he's looking for submissions for next week's Second Amendment Carnival .
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:08 AM Handling the Truth Actor Leonardo DiCaprio has revealed that the realism that appeared in his character in the film ‘The Departed’ was because of the fear co-...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:00 AM This Day in History: September 24 On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress prepares instructions and guidance for the agents appointed to negotiate a treaty between the ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Saturday, September 23, 2006 The Incredible Shrinking March Fatigued but undeterred, community activist Bilal Qayyum and six members of Men United for a Better Philadelphia stopped in Reading yesterd...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:28 AM "Public Safety"--Brady Style The ATF veterans, including former ATF Directors Stephen Higgins and Rex Davis , wrote that the bill would "protect lawbreakers, at th...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:56 AM Disturbing the Peace of Gun-Free Parks Our position: Only subservience to the gun lobby could explain the extension of gun rights to state parks. Truly? I'm subservient to th...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:38 AM This Day in History: September 23 During the American Revolution, the U.S. ship Bonhomme Richard, commanded by John Paul Jones , wins a hard-fought engagement against the Bri...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Friday, September 22, 2006 Memorial Tribute to Preston Covey By Harry Schneider, Chairman Pennsylvania Sportsmen's Association (Posted here with permission of author) It is with the deepest regret...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:45 AM C'mon, Drudge No it does not either : The operative word is "asks." Nothing is required. I know Matt Drudge is characterized (and sometimes di...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:09 AM Branding Brandie The group of less than 10 men making the trip represent two groups: Men United for a Better Philadelphia and Mantua Against Drugs. They have...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:52 AM It All Depends on the Meaning of the Word "Compartment" When his case went to court, a judge dismissed the charges, saying the center console fell under a provision in Kentucky law allowing guns t...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:46 AM "Even if it Saves Just One Life" The most exploitive and ridiculous question of the day was asked by Liberal Lucienne Robillard -- "Why does the minority government no...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:33 AM CMU Professor Didn't Let Polio Sideline Him Preston K. Covey Jr. , of Squirrel Hill, an associate professor of philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, died of post-polio ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:22 AM We're the Only Ones Rested and Stopped Enough For Garry F. McCarthy , the nominee for Newark police director, the trouble began last year with a parking infraction at a rest stop on the ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:15 AM This Day in History: September 22 In New York City on this day in 1776, Nathan Hale , a Connecticut schoolteacher and captain in the Continental Army, is executed by the Brit...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Thursday, September 21, 2006 Preston Covey, Rest in Peace Preston K. Covey Jr. COVEY PRESTON K., JR. On Monday, September 18, 2006. Beloved husband of Denise K. Troll; father of Adam Covey; stepf...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:06 AM Off By Just a Bit, But Still... "Let me give you a concrete example of what I mean: the anti-gun Joyce Foundation has donated $650-million to the Freedom States Allian...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:51 AM We're the Only Ones Cocked Up Enough ARMED police were left red-faced after they stormed a house to net a rogue gunman - only to find they had the wrong address. Oh my. How... ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:31 AM The Latest Lockyer Power Grab The state attorney general's office has ordered Jimenez Arms, the maker of inexpensive semiautomatic handguns, to stop making guns after...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:21 AM Li'l Squirt Escapes Justice The Kansas City, Mo., School District overturned a 10-day suspension for a boy who brought a plastic squirt gun to school. If there's an...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:10 AM Racist Pricks! [T]he only reason there's so much going on nowadays is b/c we have people like Floyd and straightarrow complaining about the tiniest thi...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:00 AM This Day in History: September 21 On this day in 1779, the Louisiana governor and Spanish military officer Bernardo de Galvez , with the aide of American troops and militia v...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, September 20, 2006 Vigilante Logger Takes Law Into Own Hands A Rhinelander logger told authorities he may have wounded attackers who repeatedly fired shots at him while on a job site west of Tomahawk l...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:58 AM We're the Only Ones Gunfighting Enough A shooting Wednesday night raises new interest and concerns over concealed weapons permits. Little Rock Police say 56 year old Samuel Mitche...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:53 AM There Oughtta Be a Law... Two parolees are in custody and police recovered suspected drugs and stolen driver's licenses from their vehicle after they led officers...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:46 AM The Negotiator As long as the demands are reasonable, State Senator Michael Waddoups says he's willing to negotiate with the University of Utah over i...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:28 AM Promises, Promises... In the end, "both men have our interests or agendas at heart," stated Bruce Knodel, a federation member who served as program mode...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:15 AM Philosophy and Firearms Preston Covey wheeled himself into his office, then made his way to his desk chair. The office had high shelves full of books, mostly conce...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:59 AM This Day in History: September 20 On the evening of September 20, 1777, near Paoli, Pennsylvania, General Charles Grey and nearly 5,000 British soldiers launch a surprise att...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, September 19, 2006 Yes, Let the Rationalization Begin At a meeting of the House Judiciary Committee on an NRA-backed bill to restrict the release of crime gun trace data (H.R. 5005), [Debbie] Wa...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:07 AM Making Hay from Random Gun Crime The other day, on a quiet suburban Toronto street, someone hacked a man to death with a machete. It's possible you missed the story, bec...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:44 AM Zombies Attack Switzerland! A women's magazine has collected 17,400 signatures in a bid to rid Swiss households of more than two million weapons. The petition comes...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:18 AM Crocodile Tears Dundee Zoning permits were approved for the store, which also sells firearms, because it was classified as a sporting goods store, which is permitt...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:11 AM This Day in History: September 19 In the early morning hours of this day in 1777, British General John Burgoyne launches a three-column attack against General Horatio Gates ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Monday, September 18, 2006 Escaping the Village III: An Indictment on All of Us The following is a guest editorial by Fight islam Now : When one of your site visitors wrote that as an attorney he saw no modern basis for...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:29 AM Gun Violence Kills Again Two more men lost their lives in Philadelphia early Sunday morning, victims of gun violence. I guess you can do more politically with that ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:23 AM Man Arrested After Fatal Limerick Shooting There once was a man from a gang... Sorry.
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:19 AM Canada's Gun Laws Must Be Tougher One intriguing proposal worthy of serious discussion is for Ottawa to allow each community across Canada to hold a referendum on becoming gu...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:50 AM This Day in History: September 18 On this day in 1776, General George Washington writes to the president of the Continental Congress, John Hancock , reporting on the Battle ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Sunday, September 17, 2006 Global Gun Rights? Then the Brazilian gun lobby, which previously had emphasized the desirability of gun ownership, began running advertisements that instead s...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:17 AM I'm a Gun Owner BUT... But next week, with a change in state law, that course will no longer be required and that bothers Tucson resident Millie Layton . Layton sa...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:48 AM Sweet Home Alabama Six of seven U.S. House members from Alabama support legislation to block the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives fr...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:41 AM The Gun Registry is Irrelevant When Parliament returns from its summer recess tomorrow, we expect the first item of business will be another hysterical debate about “savin...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:35 AM Gun Control Won't Protect Us From the Losers Anyone who objected to the content of the legislation -- citing practicality, lack of efficacy, civil rights -- was written off as some kind...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:32 AM This Day in History: September 17 Constitution Day On September 17, 1787, the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention held their final meeting. Only one item of busines...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Saturday, September 16, 2006 "You Have Our Assurance" A bystander broke up a Northwest Albany armed robbery he witnessed by firing two gunshots in the air. He then followed the armed robbers as...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:37 AM Strike Two... Women in one of Colombia's most dangerous cities have taken the rampant violence on with the only weapon that may defeat guns and ammuni...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:20 AM We're the Only Ones Discharged Enough A Berkeley police officer has been charged with criminally discharging his firearm outside his San Francisco home last month, the third memb...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:00 AM The "Gun Offender" Registry Two powerful aldermen are proposing a gun offender registry that would allow police to track people convicted of weapons violations... Todd ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:42 AM A Witness Protection Program Witnesses back state gang, gun legislation And who are these "witnesses"? Just the usual gang of democrats. But you have to dig in...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:34 AM An Open Door Policy The Club de Tir Ville St. Pierre is the place where notorious Montreal mass murderer, Valery Fabrikant , took a course in handguns before ki...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:31 AM This Day in History: September 16 On this day in 1776, General George Washington arrives at Harlem Heights, on the northern end of Manhattan, and takes command of a group of...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Friday, September 15, 2006 War on Guns Exclusives I'll be leaving this at the top of the heap for a while, to help give the following posts the exposure I think they deserve. Can Gun Con...