President Reagan most assuredly understood that honest gun owners are not a threat to anyone, and neither are they a threat to national security or their own neighborhoods. After all, the man took a bullet less than three months into his first term, yet he never used that as an excuse to make his office a bully pulpit for gun bans or repeal of the Second Amendment.I read this story or something very similar years ago. I have no idea why it's being resurrected now, but the claim that Reagan was a 2A champion who never promulgated citizen disarmament edicts is unmitigated BS.
Years ago, we ran a poll on KABA asking "What do you think of this politician?" without identifying who we were talking about. We listed several gun control measures he had endorsed, including the Brady Bill, waiting periods, an "assault weapon" ban, and signing legislation to ban the open carry of firearms.
The results?
[N]early 80%...who voted based solely on his actions deemed them “traitorous,” and the vast majority of the balance deemed them “misguided.”I know Reagan had a persona many found reassuring, paternal and likeable. I was not immune to his charisma myself. But truth is truth, and we're not doing ourselves any favors ignoring it.
As for why some would have you believe differently, you'll have to ask them.
[Via KABA Newslinks]