Wayne Fincher Update: Jan.1

From Paul W. Davis :
In the interest of maintaining access to all the documentation involved in the case of U.S. v. Hollis Wayne Fincher, I have updated the MOWCA's website with a page focused on the BATFE raid on the Militia and the arrest and detention of Wayne.


This page does not replace the USvFincher blog or the other blogs and websites that are tracking this case. However, it will lay out all documentation involved. Please note: This page is not a blog and is not intended to function as such, but is a document repository that also functions as a backup to the USvFincher blog in case access is unavailable for whatever reason.

All submissions to the page will be cleared through the militia and/or Wayne's lawyer if applicable. Please remember that I am only the webmaster and cannot post a document unless it has been previously cleared through the militia.
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