Last year, the CHP had eight suicides among its 7,200 officers - a rate five times the national average for law enforcement. Experts are calling the suicide cluster - 13 total since September 2003 - the most serious among law enforcement agencies nationwide...
There doesn't seem to be a common theme nor precipitating stress aside from the victims being mostly men and using firearms to kill themselves...
The comparable suicide rates: CHP has had an average 45 per 100,000 annually over the past four years, spiking to 111 per 100,000 last year; versus an annual average at LAPD of 17 per 100,000, and the Sheriff's Department at 3.4 per 100,000.
National law enforcement suicide rates run between 18 and 22 per 100,000. The suicide rate for the general population is about 11 per 100,000. So the CHP (incidentally, the group sent to New Orleans to help disarm citizens wanting to protect themselves) has a suicide rate over four times that of the general population, and LEOs in general
National law enforcement suicide rates run between 18 and 22 per 100,000. The suicide rate for the general population is about 11 per 100,000. So the CHP (incidentally, the group sent to New Orleans to help disarm citizens wanting to protect themselves) has a suicide rate over four times that of the general population, and LEOs in general
National law enforcement suicide rates run between 18 and 22 per 100,000. The suicide rate for the general population is about 11 per 100,000. So the CHP (incidentally, the group sent to New Orleans to help disarm citizens wanting to protect themselves) has a suicide rate over four times that of the general population, and LEOs in general have a rate up to twice that of "the whole people."
Remember that the next time some asinine "study" says gun suicides will be reduced by disarming you and me, and limiting the firepower to the "clustered" hands of "The Only Ones."
Remember that the next time some asinine "study" says gun suicides will be reduced by disarming you and me, and limiting the firepower to the "clustered" hands of "The Only Ones."