How come you took this post off your site?

I've been beating this drum for years, mostly to myself, it seems. Your reach is much longer than mine.
So what's the deal, Prof. Lott? It's the truth and it's relevant. Hell, it's more than relevant, it's giving sanction to evil laws that are killing--and will continue to kill--real people. Don't you think gun owners/NRA members deserve to know where the most influential name in "the gun lobby" stands on this issue?
It's your blog and you can post what you want, but I don't think we can be faulted if some of us are wondering what prompted you to remove it. I hope you reconsider--adding your voice to those asking LaPierre why his self-serving blowhard anti-defense posturing is worth anyone's life seems a legitimate pursuit.

I've been beating this drum for years, mostly to myself, it seems. Your reach is much longer than mine.
So what's the deal, Prof. Lott? It's the truth and it's relevant. Hell, it's more than relevant, it's giving sanction to evil laws that are killing--and will continue to kill--real people. Don't you think gun owners/NRA members deserve to know where the most influential name in "the gun lobby" stands on this issue?
It's your blog and you can post what you want, but I don't think we can be faulted if some of us are wondering what prompted you to remove it. I hope you reconsider--adding your voice to those asking LaPierre why his self-serving blowhard anti-defense posturing is worth anyone's life seems a legitimate pursuit.