The following is a reply from Bert Guy concerning "Boomtown Bust." Mr. Guy also informs me that Boomtown executives have been very helpful and supportive, but "Boomtown has been a victim of the corporation that owns them (Pinnacle Entertainment). The Gun Show was given an OK many months ago by Corporate. The Big Boss only recently changed his mind, after all of us had put our blood, sweat and tears into this Gun Show."
Here is his response to those who blame him for this mess:
Thank you for the opportunity. I will be glad to comment. That is substantially more than the misinformed vulgar mouths and mediators from have allowed me or my friends to do.
First the April ad in NRA was not the only place that the ad appeared. Here is a brief list:
Billboards - on interstate 80 East and West
Print (American Rifleman, Shotgun News, Gun List, Big Show Journal. Gun & Knife Calendar Magazine, Game & Fish Magazine, Military Publications,
Local and Feeder market (Northern California, Fernley, Fallon, Carson City, Sparks, etc...) newspapers
National Classified Network (7 million circulation)
Radio - local and feeder markets
Targeted email blasts
Targeted Shooters and Hunters direct marketing campaign
Fliers distributed at competing gun shows
Flayers direct mailed to 2,000 potential vendors
100,000 calendars with a full page ad for the gun show mailed to existing Boomtown customers
Internal signage at the casino
Info on Boomtown website
Here is his response to those who blame him for this mess:
Thank you for the opportunity. I will be glad to comment. That is substantially more than the misinformed vulgar mouths and mediators from have allowed me or my friends to do.
First the April ad in NRA was not the only place that the ad appeared. Here is a brief list:
Billboards - on interstate 80 East and West
Print (American Rifleman, Shotgun News, Gun List, Big Show Journal. Gun & Knife Calendar Magazine, Game & Fish Magazine, Military Publications,
Local and Feeder market (Northern California, Fernley, Fallon, Carson City, Sparks, etc...) newspapers
National Classified Network (7 million circulation)
Radio - local and feeder markets
Targeted email blasts
Targeted Shooters and Hunters direct marketing campaign
Fliers distributed at competing gun shows
Flayers direct mailed to 2,000 potential vendors
100,000 calendars with a full page ad for the gun show mailed to existing Boomtown customers
Internal signage at the casino
Info on Boomtown website
The most effective comment I have is the same one I have repeatedly sent to my disgruntled vendors and to those that have condemned me by email.
I do NOT in anyway support the decision for NO GUNS. I am quite opposed to the decision.
I will forward this email UP the ladder to the decision makers. The ones that decided NO GUNS
I agree 100% with you.
If Cho's targets would have shot back at least 30 people would have been saved.
Further I'd like to say that the news I received about the Corporate owners of Boomtown deciding we should have an "UnGun Show" came at a MOST inconvenient time in my schedule. I first heard about it Friday p.m. 4/20 as I was en route to a Phoenix gun show. I did have time at the show to share the info with a few close friends but I was still in disbelief of the decision. I thought surely it is either a piss poor joke or a verbal misunderstanding.
Unfortunately It was neither. Due to my schedule I was mostly away from my office computer until I returned from the Crossroads Gun Show late on Monday p.m. 4/23. I had to leave Tuesday a.m. to pick up a show bike and transport it to Laughlin, unload and set it up for a friend who was flying out from Ohio. Wed 4/25 I was at the Laughlin River Run working my booth but chose to drive back home to get my lap top and to share the bad news with vendors via email that in fact we were to have an UnGun show. (An email I later came to regret as the more I thought about an UnGun Show the less I wanted to attend). I Returned to Laughlin early Thursday a.m. to continue working my booth until Sunday p.m. 4/29.Laughlin was an event that had been booked and planned for nearly a year so I really could not avoid it. I apologize, but I make my living completely on the internet and at trade shows.
I apologize profusely for my inability to be at the phone when my valued vendors called. I apologize for the inconvenience of canceling the show. I apologize for the liberal misinformed decision (Which I had zip to do with) to not allow guns on the Boomtown premises for a contracted Gun Show. I apologize for not being able to argue the point with the Corporation even more than I did.
I apologize for the foul mouthed cowards from Subguns that left vulgar messages on my answer machine for my wife and young children to hear, and then bragged about it on Subguns. I apologize for the courage from afar they demonstrated by leaving no names. I apologize for the people that have boycotted my business because they listened to the lies of me being anti-gun without knowing my true stance.
I am about as fanatically pro-gun as you can get without getting thrown in the klink.
All and all I am sorry things did not work out but I did all I could do. I fought as hard as I could fight. I am a VERY
I do NOT in anyway support the decision for NO GUNS. I am quite opposed to the decision.
I will forward this email UP the ladder to the decision makers. The ones that decided NO GUNS
I agree 100% with you.
If Cho's targets would have shot back at least 30 people would have been saved.
Further I'd like to say that the news I received about the Corporate owners of Boomtown deciding we should have an "UnGun Show" came at a MOST inconvenient time in my schedule. I first heard about it Friday p.m. 4/20 as I was en route to a Phoenix gun show. I did have time at the show to share the info with a few close friends but I was still in disbelief of the decision. I thought surely it is either a piss poor joke or a verbal misunderstanding.
Unfortunately It was neither. Due to my schedule I was mostly away from my office computer until I returned from the Crossroads Gun Show late on Monday p.m. 4/23. I had to leave Tuesday a.m. to pick up a show bike and transport it to Laughlin, unload and set it up for a friend who was flying out from Ohio. Wed 4/25 I was at the Laughlin River Run working my booth but chose to drive back home to get my lap top and to share the bad news with vendors via email that in fact we were to have an UnGun show. (An email I later came to regret as the more I thought about an UnGun Show the less I wanted to attend). I Returned to Laughlin early Thursday a.m. to continue working my booth until Sunday p.m. 4/29.Laughlin was an event that had been booked and planned for nearly a year so I really could not avoid it. I apologize, but I make my living completely on the internet and at trade shows.
I apologize profusely for my inability to be at the phone when my valued vendors called. I apologize for the inconvenience of canceling the show. I apologize for the liberal misinformed decision (Which I had zip to do with) to not allow guns on the Boomtown premises for a contracted Gun Show. I apologize for not being able to argue the point with the Corporation even more than I did.
I apologize for the foul mouthed cowards from Subguns that left vulgar messages on my answer machine for my wife and young children to hear, and then bragged about it on Subguns. I apologize for the courage from afar they demonstrated by leaving no names. I apologize for the people that have boycotted my business because they listened to the lies of me being anti-gun without knowing my true stance.
I am about as fanatically pro-gun as you can get without getting thrown in the klink.
All and all I am sorry things did not work out but I did all I could do. I fought as hard as I could fight. I am a VERY
Unfortunately It was neither. Due to my schedule I was mostly away from my office computer until I returned from the Crossroads Gun Show late on Monday p.m. 4/23. I had to leave Tuesday a.m. to pick up a show bike and transport it to Laughlin, unload and set it up for a friend who was flying out from Ohio. Wed 4/25 I was at the Laughlin River Run working my booth but chose to drive back home to get my lap top and to share the bad news with vendors via email that in fact we were to have an UnGun show. (An email I later came to regret as the more I thought about an UnGun Show the less I wanted to attend). I Returned to Laughlin early Thursday a.m. to continue working my booth until Sunday p.m. 4/29.Laughlin was an event that had been booked and planned for nearly a year so I really could not avoid it. I apologize, but I make my living completely on the internet and at trade shows.
I apologize profusely for my inability to be at the phone when my valued vendors called. I apologize for the inconvenience of canceling the show. I apologize for the liberal misinformed decision (Which I had zip to do with) to not allow guns on the Boomtown premises for a contracted Gun Show. I apologize for not being able to argue the point with the Corporation even more than I did.
I apologize for the foul mouthed cowards from Subguns that left vulgar messages on my answer machine for my wife and young children to hear, and then bragged about it on Subguns. I apologize for the courage from afar they demonstrated by leaving no names. I apologize for the people that have boycotted my business because they listened to the lies of me being anti-gun without knowing my true stance.
I am about as fanatically pro-gun as you can get without getting thrown in the klink.
All and all I am sorry things did not work out but I did all I could do. I fought as hard as I could fight. I am a VERY disappointed victim of American Corporate liberal over ride. I hate that we are not having a GUN SHOW as it was being very nicely supported by vendors. I expected it to far surpass the last show. I am not defeated. I am delayed. I will continue with all I have set out to do.
I'd like to offer me deepest, heart felt, sincere thanks to those that recognized what was happening and showed such extremely strong support. I know no stronger words than "Thank you" but I sure feel stronger feelings than just Thank you.
Thank you,
Bert Guy
Afterword: A representative for Subguns is invited to reply if they feel they have been unfairly portrayed, but in fairness to Mr. Guy, we’d like to see an unedited link to the discussion thread he references.
Boomtown Busted
An Open Letter Regarding Boomtown Casino
I apologize profusely for my inability to be at the phone when my valued vendors called. I apologize for the inconvenience of canceling the show. I apologize for the liberal misinformed decision (Which I had zip to do with) to not allow guns on the Boomtown premises for a contracted Gun Show. I apologize for not being able to argue the point with the Corporation even more than I did.
I apologize for the foul mouthed cowards from Subguns that left vulgar messages on my answer machine for my wife and young children to hear, and then bragged about it on Subguns. I apologize for the courage from afar they demonstrated by leaving no names. I apologize for the people that have boycotted my business because they listened to the lies of me being anti-gun without knowing my true stance.
I am about as fanatically pro-gun as you can get without getting thrown in the klink.
All and all I am sorry things did not work out but I did all I could do. I fought as hard as I could fight. I am a VERY disappointed victim of American Corporate liberal over ride. I hate that we are not having a GUN SHOW as it was being very nicely supported by vendors. I expected it to far surpass the last show. I am not defeated. I am delayed. I will continue with all I have set out to do.
I'd like to offer me deepest, heart felt, sincere thanks to those that recognized what was happening and showed such extremely strong support. I know no stronger words than "Thank you" but I sure feel stronger feelings than just Thank you.
Thank you,
Bert Guy
Afterword: A representative for Subguns is invited to reply if they feel they have been unfairly portrayed, but in fairness to Mr. Guy, we’d like to see an unedited link to the discussion thread he references.
Boomtown Busted
An Open Letter Regarding Boomtown Casino