“We’re supportive of the concept that those adjudicated as mentally defective should not be able to purchase a firearm,” said NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam.See that, Andrew? After decades of gun control, these liars are calling this bill a "good first step." And they'll say the same about the next bill, and the one after that.
A spokesman for the Brady Campaign, a gun-control group, said that the bill was a “good first step.”
Some of us have been warning about this particular subterfuge for years:
They’ll propose further restrictions under the bald-faced pretense that it’s "a good first step." They won’t tell you that there are already over 20,000 gun laws on the books at the federal, state and municipal level that are consistently ignored by all but the law-abiding.
"A good first step…" the clueless segment of our victim pool populace will drone back at the proposal of law number 20,001.
"One helluva good first step– keep ‘em coming!" agree illegally armed criminal predators, emboldened with each new law that renders
They’ll propose further restrictions under the bald-faced pretense that it’s "a good first step." They won’t tell you that there are already over 20,000 gun laws on the books at the federal, state and municipal level that are consistently ignored by all but the law-abiding.You can never give them enough, Andrew. You can't dance with the devil or placate this enemy.
"A good first step…" the clueless segment of our victim pool populace will drone back at the proposal of law number 20,001.
"One helluva good first step– keep ‘em coming!" agree illegally armed criminal predators, emboldened with each new law that renders their prey increasingly vulnerable…
That is, assuming you consider them the enemy.
[Via Charelton Hest]