They began to go through our books, searching intently for some errors. One of our supporters came in and began taking some photos of them.
I hope Ryan Horsley posts those pictures.
This brings to mind the germ of an idea: Red's Minute Men (or use the name of any other gun store): a list of supporter/volunteers who are willing to be placed on a call list--when
This brings to mind the germ of an idea: Red's Minute Men (or use the name of any other gun store): a list of supporter/volunteers who are willing to be placed on a call list--when BATFU shows up, as many as can get away muster to the shop to audit the auditors, take pictures, ask questions...and maybe even follow them around to restaurants and back to their hotel with protest signs...
[More on Red's Trading Post from WarOnGuns]
[More on Red's Trading Post from WarOnGuns]