Get ahold of gun shops and ranges in your area. To find them all, go to YellowPages.com or a similar online resource.
Enter "gun" in the "Business Name or Category" dialog box, and your City and State or ZIP Code in the box to the right. Click "Find" and that will take you to a page with gun businesses in your area.
If you have time, search for them online and see if they have a website with an email address or contact form. If they do, send them the following message (feel free to modify):
If you can't find an email address, just call the store or range and ask to speak to the manager, and tell him about this using the above "script." (Instead of giving him the long url, just tell him he can find out more by visiting "The War on Guns" and he can find it by typing those words into any search engine.On August 28, the Brady Campaign is teaming up with Jesse Jackson for a nationwide protest against what they call "illegal guns," meaning guns they've succeeded in banning or are working on banning. We're forming a counter-protest by encouraging gun owners across America to buy a box of ammo, or components, targets, etc., on that day. We're asking gun stores and ranges across the country to participate and enjoy additional business and goodwill created by this campaign, and are asking you to show your support by either offering some sort of discount or a door prize to customers who come in on that day.
This campaign is being conducted on the internet and we are trying to make it grow so it catches the attention of the national media. For further information, please go to:http://waronguns.blogspot.com/2007/08/bradys-call-for-national-protest-on-aug.html.
Please let us know that you will join other gun stores and ranges across the nation and support this. We'd like to let people know to shop at your store on August 28.
Better than that, personally visit the store or range and give the manager copies of the following two flyers:
- Gun Store Appeal--to request their participation
- Gun Store Flyer--to notify their customers
Again, feel free to modify these any way you like.
Blogonomicon also had a great idea:
[M]aybe writing letters to the editor of the local
Better than that, personally visit the store or range and give the manager copies of the following two flyers:
- Gun Store Appeal--to request their participation
- Gun Store Flyer--to notify their customers
Again, feel free to modify these any way you like.
Blogonomicon also had a great idea:
[M]aybe writing letters to the editor of the local paper would help bring attention to it...and this was echoed by JR who said:
I will be writing the local media outlets after we get more, and informing them of the event. The more dealers we have involved, the bigger the story. The bigger the story, the more coverage we can get by the media.We only have a week to get this in place, so please, everyone, keep up the effort. At the very least, please make a point of sending emails to your gun-owning friends--and continue to get this information out on other websites, blogs and forums.
Bradys Call for National Protest on Aug. 28
More on the August 28 Ammo Buy Proposal
Red's and Others to Offer Aug. 28 Ammo Discounts