They say the attackers will kill everyone they see – students, teachers and parents alike – as they move in to seize the school. They will plant bombs throughout buildings, while raping and murdering and throwing out bodies as they did in Beslan.
Well, that last part will be difficult, because Wayne says "No."
And I'd hate to have anyone lump me in with tinfoil hatters, because as any long-time WoG visitor will tell you, I take pains to craft my opinions to earn majority approval and not get anybody mad at me, but just imagine if this scenario does happen.
Now imagine the terrorists use "
Now imagine the terrorists use "assault weapons."
And if they got them from gun shows!
And Hmmm.
What do you think the reaction from government, the antis and the media would be? And does the word "convenient" dare to spring up?
Nah, forget it. It's just me being delusional out loud. I think my foil is starting to unwrap.
[Via Sam]