Hi, David:
Thanks for the head's up, and the defense.
I've been using that line for at least three months on the radio show . . . maybe longer.
I shot that YouTube video just as a lark. A listener kept bugging me, saying that I keep telling people to ask the candidates this question, so . . . "Why don't you do it yourself, Tom?" He was right, and I was on site, with a camera, and with Clint, so we just did it. It's not great, but at least it's done.
Each of us goes about this gun rights battle differently, but at least we are in the battle. I try hard to not get caught up in the turf wars of the alphabet groups or discussions of who is more pure.We all just need to keep working on whatever it is each of thinks is important, in whatever way we think is effective.
I'm not Gottlieb, or LaPierre, or Pratt, or anyone else. I'm glad they do what they do.
I'm glad that Stephen put up that video. He put more effort into it than I did, and it looks good. What if 100 others did the same thing? That would be pretty cool, too.
Please feel free to use this on your blog. And thanks, David, for pushing the video. I have no idea what it takes to get CNN to pay attention, but if all this does is create discussion and make people recalibrate how they approach the concept of what we want, it's worthwhile.
So--you've seen the video, right? And written CNN?