Many Georgians assume that Georgia adopted its gun control laws for public safety reasons. They never stop to ask, why does Georgia ban carry at “public gatherings” generally when no other state does so, or why is Georgia one of only 12 states that requires a firearms license to carry a pistol openly? GCO Board member Mike Menkus asked these questions, and he then devoted months to researching the answers. Shocked by what he discovered, he decided to put them into a written form. The shocking title is stolen from an editorial title in the Atlanta newspaper, and GCO cannot help but observe that the Atlanta newspaper’s editorial stance on the right to bear arms seems not to have changed very much in the intervening century.GCO issues special report called “DISARM THE NEGROES - The Racist Roots of Georgia’s Gun Laws”. This report documents the ugly history of Georgia’s gun laws. As the Atlanta Journal made clear in their paper, the intent of Georgia’s gun laws was to disarm the Negroes. After reading this report, you will have a clearer understanding of the advocates of gun control in Georgia.Mike wants GCO members to know the truth behind Georgia’s restrictive gun laws. Read Mike’s report here.
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Great, great job. What a service Mike Menkus has done for us. Thank you, Mr. Menkus.
[Via Ed Stone]