Mayor Daley could buy 5,000 new cop cars or 7,000 blue light security cameras for the money rogue cops have cost the city the last five years. It’s a staggering number that you haven't heard, until now. Mark Suppelsa investigates the cost of police brutality.What costs? It all comes from the slave work force, but still, I'm wondering what the effect on crime would be if that $111 MILLION had gone toward arming the Citizens of Chicago as opposed to paying for the sins of Daley's thug "Only Ones" who have disarmed them under threat of even more vicious brutality.
Sodomized with a screwdriver. Good Lord, what kind of sick mad dog perverts relish their own brutality this way?
That Snuffy and Jesse aren't leading outraged mobs of indignant rabble against these domestic enemies instead of an out-of-town gun store shows what evil police state apologist frauds they are.
And the excuse given at the end of the video--that this is in line with what other cities are shelling out--ought to outrage and chill every thinking American. It certainly puts the oft-tendered "few bad apples" apologia in the proper light. You know--like the manipulation perpetrated by the "Authorized Journalists" using the word "rogue" in the lead-off sentence...
[Via HZ]