A former Idaho Falls police officer facing felony weapons charges plans instead to plead guilty to a misdemeanor to avoid a trial that could have put him behind bars for years, his lawyer said.Plus he'll end up with a clean record. But I'm sure, under the same circumstances, you know, stolen property, lying to investigators, transporting evidence out of state, all the normal, understandable stuff, that the prosecutor would have offered you and me the same deal.
Todd Ericsson, now a U.S. Department of Defense contractor in Iraq, is charged in 7th District Court with two counts of grand theft for receiving stolen property from Kimball Mason, the disgraced former Idaho Falls prosecutor now serving a prison sentence for stealing weapons from the city's police evidence locker.
Meanwhile, as long as we're in Idaho (and transporting stolen firearms across state lines to Utah), we might ask where's BATFU in all this? Tell me no federal violations were involved. Oh, yeah--making cartoons and recruitment videos--and destroying a family business.
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