A former police officer said his gun was stolen at Philadelphia International Airport...
Now, he's convinced his gun is in the hands of a criminal on the streets of Philadelphia.
I doubt it. Criminals have been too scared to have guns in Philly since '99.
Read the rest of this comedy of errors--11 guns reported missing, probably twice that many in three years. And BATFU is trying to shut down Red's?
This really does illustrate the utter incompetence of the lowest common denominator forced charity cases guarding America's airports. Workers are left with security "loopholes" you could taxi a 747 through and don't get me started on the TSA "Only Ones"...
I'm convinced the only reason we haven't had another hijacking is because passengers now know they'll die anyway, so they might as well kill on the way down.
There's a wider lesson to be learned in that observation, don't you think?