A homeschooling mom in Utah has been ordered by a judge to enroll her children in a public school district within 24 hours, and have them in class tomorrow...
Where they will then be subject to abridgements if they draw pictures or speak or write in a way the state disapproves of, where "Gun Free School Zones" ensure there will be no adults to protect them, where locker, backpack, body and car searches are the order of the day, where self incrimination protections are conveniently bypassed through forced drug tests, where normal channels of legal protection are bypassed through administration and school board decisions, where cruel and unusual punishments--such as expulsion, arrest and felony charges against 10-year-olds with food knives are routinely applied, and where all sorts of other assaults against unenumerated rights take place by self-appointed "authorities" as an unchallenged matter of course.
All this while propagandizing to the little proto-inmates, drugging those who find their own path more interesting (while instructing that "drugs are bad, m'kay?"), sexualizing them against the moral foundations established by their parents and their churches, and generally doing their utmost to ensure the end product is socialized and conditioned to find any other paradigm for human living inconceivable.
What were we all celebrating the other day? Oh, yeah: Happy Bill of Rights Day!