The Clement brief reflects cowardice on the part of the Justice Department, and a desire for expediency over what is right...Possibly, but I think it reflects more on the cowardice of gun owners who have enabled the betrayals all these years by continually rewarding the "lesser of two evils" with political power. They've actually got the justice they've earned, and now we all are living with it.
It also reflects on the cynical manipulation by some in convincing others that the "Vote Freedom First President" represented a vote for freedom, as well as gullibility to the point of willful negligence of those desperate to swallow a lie that told them what they wanted to hear.
Don't get me wrong: I'm not criticizing Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman here. I think it's past time those with national prominence in the gun rights movement took the gloves off and gave this administration what fer.
I would like to see them take this a step further, and join with Gun Owners of America in calling on Bush to withdraw this brief. And GOA goes a step further by "invit[ing]the National Rifle Association to join it in fighting this anti-gun development."
Can anyone think of a good reason why they wouldn't?