“The chance of actually having the gun at the time it would be needed would be rare,” Sanguinetti said. “We don’t feel it’s worth the risk of bringing a gun into the situation.”The reason the chances would be rare of having a gun when you need one are because of mudheads like you.
Let's see what happens in one of those "rare" chances:
[A] coyote dragged a young boy...The boy’s older brother beat off the coyote with a stick. The child survived but he was “torn up pretty bad...Those rangers weren’t capable of doing anything because we weren’t armed”...Time was, the boys would have had a .22, and probably even earned a couple dollars bounty for the pelt.
I can't feel too much sympathy for the Peace Officers Association though, as the thrust of their effort is to be "The Only Ones" armed. The chance of one of them being around with a gun when a citizen needed it would indeed be rare.
You have to wonder what kind of mentality would require a human being to be defenseless in the presence of wild animals, what kind of human being would demand such an absurdly evil edict. But I also wonder at what kind of human being would obey it, especially when the chance of being discovered would be so rare.