Ryan Horsley sent me two links where The Boston Globe is stumping for "Maximim Mike" Sullivan that are instructive.
"Held Up by Gun Lobby Radicals" and "Gunning for a Fight" tell us much about the mindset that evidently prefers police state secrecy over a right their city's founders deemed worthy of going to war to protect.
Rather than tell their readers why it is informed gun owners fear a Sullivan confirmation will officially sanction current abuses, the editor drops things immediately into name-calling, off-handedly dismisses concerns as "groundless" without addressing what they are, and even drags the NRA--the major "gun lobby" group that has conspicuously not called for ousting Sullivan into their tirade.
The second hit piece is a classic leftist, worthy perhaps of comments at Democratic Underground or The Huffington Post, but still somehow surprising (and I know it shouldn't be) to see in a "mainstream" paper (but I guess it's indicative of how far the profession has degenerated).
"Anti-gun male" Kevin Cullen makes his sophisticated, worldly and urbane contempt clear
Rather than tell their readers why it is informed gun owners fear a Sullivan confirmation will officially sanction current abuses, the editor drops things immediately into name-calling, off-handedly dismisses concerns as "groundless" without addressing what they are, and even drags the NRA--the major "gun lobby" group that has conspicuously not called for ousting Sullivan into their tirade.
The second hit piece is a classic leftist, worthy perhaps of comments at Democratic Underground or The Huffington Post, but still somehow surprising (and I know it shouldn't be) to see in a "mainstream" paper (but I guess it's indicative of how far the profession has degenerated).
"Anti-gun male" Kevin Cullen makes his sophisticated, worldly and urbane contempt clear
The second hit piece is a classic leftist, worthy perhaps of comments at Democratic Underground or The Huffington Post, but still somehow surprising (and I know it shouldn't be) to see in a "mainstream" paper (but I guess it's indicative of how far the profession has degenerated).
"Anti-gun male" Kevin Cullen makes his sophisticated, worldly and urbane contempt clear for "cow chip kickin' senator[s]" and the constituents they represent. It gets worse from there, as he drops all pretence of legitimate argument and goes right into attack dive/character assasination mode, while masking the real issues with generalized manipulation.
That's basically all the other side's got: Lies, omissions and name-calling. Along with the basest of betrayers to propagate them--"Authorized Journalists," the supposed watchdogs of government, who instead and bizarrely, have become its biggest apologists.
"Anti-gun male" Kevin Cullen makes his sophisticated, worldly and urbane contempt clear for "cow chip kickin' senator[s]" and the constituents they represent. It gets worse from there, as he drops all pretence of legitimate argument and goes right into attack dive/character assasination mode, while masking the real issues with generalized manipulation.
That's basically all the other side's got: Lies, omissions and name-calling. Along with the basest of betrayers to propagate them--"Authorized Journalists," the supposed watchdogs of government, who instead and bizarrely, have become its biggest apologists.