They were real looking enough. Three wooden plaques each embossed with a gold police shield, a small gun piece and each engraved with an officer's name.Oh, good grief--make a federal case out of it. Sounds like anyone who would sic the feds on someone for exercising their "supreme law of the land"-guaranteed First Amendment right to criticize government is corrupt. Dusting for prints--like I said, good grief.
But these "plaques" sent to the police department Sunday were no awards. They came from a bogus address in Puerto Rico, supposedly sent from a former assistant district attorney and were in recognition for the officers being "corrupt." They were dated "9-11-2007."
As first reported on The Eagle-Tribune's Web site yesterday, police Chief John Romero has launched an investigation into who sent the packages. He said police are contemplating criminal charges, possibly at the federal level. Police yesterday dusted the plaques for fingerprints. Romero was one of the recipients of the so-called award.
And newsflash: It doesn't matter if you find it "disturbing," employee.
Think about it--if Romero has his way and identifies the sender, armed "Only Ones" will go out to bring him in by force--lethal force if he defies them, or maybe doing a flash-bang dynamic entry regardless--just to be safe from the Plaque Terrorist--and assuming he survives, they'll take him hostage, and assuming he survives that process, they'll try to get a magistrate to throw him in a dungeon.
Here, John, on behalf of The War on Guns, I'm pleased to present you with an award you've more than earned:

Now investigate me. I'll even save you the trouble of dusting for fingerprints. Or at least for one of them.