No, you from "The Winning Team" may end up registering your guns, and you may even aid and abet the enemy in encouraging your countrymen to turn themselves in.
And what next?
What will you do when they order you to get their permission to own your registered guns in the form of paid licenses with arbitrary and mutable qualifying standards?
What will you do when they tell you that your license application has been rejected, that your registered guns have been banned, that you must turn them in or face arrest and imprisonment?
We know what "The Winning Team's" answer is: Surrender them, like "any honest, law-abiding American would do."
So register to vote and then do what?
Vote McCain?
You go right ahead if you want to. I'm sure some can even convince themselves they're being fierce and pragmatic freedom fighters doing so.
I'm taking a different route. If more did, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
I will not register.
I will lose my rights only if I surrender them.
And I will not disarm.
I'll leave that to the men with nice offices and thousand dollar suits who have convinced so many followers that they are their leaders.
Shriek hysterically about losing and then stampede the cattle.
Let them lead, that is, herd you to surrender. I want no part of it and will lead myself.