By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, April 30, 2008 pakistan taliban Pakistan's Planned Accord With Militants Alarms U.S. From The International Herald Tribune: WASHINGTON: Bush administration officials are expressing increasing alarm that a deal being negotiate...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 11:06 AM chechnya war A Vexing Reminder Of War In Chechnya's Booming Capital From The International Herald Tribune: GROZNY, Russia: The surprise lay under tiles in the basement of the kindergarten on Kadyrov Street, t...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 10:45 AM iran u.s. war Iran And The U.S. -- Heading For War? "Hostile" Iran Sparks U.S. Attack Plan -- CBS News Will The U.S. And Iran Go To War At Sea? -- Newsweek CIA Director Hayden Says...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 10:09 AM syria and north korea CIA's Hayden: Syria Was On Verge Of Becoming Nuclear Power From The World Tribune: WASHINGTON — The U.S. intelligence community, in an about-face from an assessment of less than a year ago, has concl...
By Unknown 6:34 AM We're the Onl...zzzzzzzzzzz When you call 911, you expect help immediately. Lisa , a Memphis resident, got anything but... The line goes silent. As Lisa continues to ex...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:59 AM drug war mexico mexico's drug war 3,000 Troops Deployed In Mexican Drug Wars From The Guardian: A violent drug war in the Mexican city of Tijuana has prompted the deployment of more than 3,000 soldiers and federal pol...
By Unknown 5:40 AM Pampering Tyranny You can help babies in need have a brighter tomorrow! With every specially marked pack of Pampers that you purchase, Pampers will donate the...
By Unknown 5:06 AM Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood "The bottom line is that this protest is not going to change anything," said Jack Rogers , director of public safety at OSU . ...
By Unknown 4:58 AM Lux Lucre's Flash Page Bill St. Clair added a comment to yesterday's " Flash to Freedom " post: The Philosophy of Liberty flash animation is a creat...
By Unknown 4:41 AM We're the Only Ones Cited Enough A CITIZEN who watched a cop illegally park, then walk into a Chinese restaurant to wait for his food, has issued the officer a series of cit...
By Unknown 4:26 AM Compare and Contrast Here are two stories out of Tennessee handled two different ways: Defenseless A 19-year-old clerk was killed Monday night after two men robb...
By Unknown 4:20 AM Report from the Front Lines [Because this involves certain disclosures, the Author chooses to remain anonymous.-- DC ] I just returned from the gun store and boy was it...
By Unknown 3:52 AM Therapeutic Thuggery A new law being pushed in Canada by Big Pharma seeks to outlaw up to 60 percent of natural health products currently sold in Canada, even wh...
By Unknown 3:44 AM This Day in History: April 30 ...I assure myself that whilst you carefully avoid every alteration which might endanger the benefits of an united and effective government...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, April 29, 2008 high food prices Higher Food Prices, Riots, Shortages - What Is Going On? A must read piece from Fabius Maximus: Summary: Many factors are driving up food prices, but the elephant in the room is global inflation. ...
By Unknown 6:30 AM A Hunter and Gun Owner The gun industry should set its sights on a different target: certification. It should develop and adopt a private licensing and certificati...
By Unknown 5:50 AM "Helping to Reduce Gun Violence" The technology alerts law enforcement officials to the location of gunfire within seconds with pinpoint accuracy, helping to reduce gun viol...
By Unknown 5:36 AM Global Profiling System Honda has developed a crime rate detecting GPS that will search through local police records to alert drivers in real-time if they ever happ...
By Unknown 5:16 AM A Two-Edged Sword Two students attending Eagan and Apple Valley high schools were expelled last week after buying souvenir swords during a spring break choir ...
By Unknown 4:34 AM The Oregon Trail Flores said "Many of these people get CHL's because they are worried about their safety, whether it’s from a stalker, a case of do...
By Unknown 3:58 AM Playing the Percentages With one gun shop in Madison, another on the way in Franklin and his own custom gun manufacturing business, Uselton says he’s proudly “150...
By Unknown 3:24 AM This Day in History: April 29 All the ministerial intelligence concerning us is false. We are a united, resolved people, are, or quickly shall be, well armed and discipli...
By Unknown Monday, April 28, 2008 When Flashlights are Outlawed... A 38-year-old Rushville man is being held on $1 million bond after being accused of using a flashlight to beat a Mount Sterling man to death...
By Unknown 6:42 AM KABA Mac Problems? I got the following request posted as a comment to another article: I no longer have the ability to post on Keep and bear Arms board any lon...
By Unknown 4:35 AM We're the Only Ones Instilling Fear Enough Massachusetts Police Get Black Uniforms to Instill Sense of 'Fear' Really? This is what we expect from our "peace officers...
By Unknown 4:25 AM Much Ado About Hate Mongering Conflicts over gun policy and over the meaning of the Second Amendment betray a deeper clash over intensely held competing cultural values, ...
By Unknown 3:56 AM We're the Only Ones Breaking You from Swearing Enough A man arrested after he used the word "bitch" when a woman took his parking space can go forward with a lawsuit against three Las ...
By Unknown 3:44 AM We're the Only Ones Sloppy Enough The Wayne County Prosecutor's Office plans to review a year's worth of Detroit criminal cases involving firearms amid concerns raise...
By Unknown 3:24 AM An Innocent Man Former U.S. Rep. Craig Washington proclaimed his innocence Friday to a charge alleging he fired a gun at an 18-year-old's car as the te...
By Unknown 3:18 AM This Day in History: April 28 We, the delegates of the people of the state of Maryland, having fully considered the Constitution of the United States of, for...
By Unknown 8:10 AM The Stuff of Fairy Tales Trolls under bridges, that is. Except this one was put there by the government. Mr. Sinatra , your cue please: Fairy tales can come true, it...
By Unknown 7:36 AM Situation Under Control At this point we believe we have investigated the alleged threats and the verifiable threat sufficiently and extensively and have dealt with...
By Unknown 7:23 AM We're the Only Ones Absolutely Discharged Enough, Eh? Former Ontario cabinet minister John Snobelen received an absolute discharge on weapons charges today in a court in Oakville, Ont... Justic...
By Unknown 7:14 AM Rising Unabated in the UK THE number of gun crimes has risen by four per cent in a year, official figures revealed yesterday. More than 27 firearms offences are commi...
By Unknown 6:38 AM Gun Nuts and Racists They're all the same if you listen to The Capital Times' resident indignant little socialist he-man, Joel McNalley . The video in q...
By Unknown 6:24 AM Shutting it Down Hundreds of angry people marched through Harlem on Saturday after the Rev. Al Sharpton promised to "close this city down" to prot...
By Unknown 6:08 AM Doritos Recognizes Those Who Do Something So look at who they're recognizing and do something yourself. And read the response from corporate wormtongue Cathy Dial . Where do they...
By Unknown 5:55 AM Notice of Opportunity With his rubbish collected only once a fortnight, Gareth Corkhill's wheelie bin was so full the lid wouldn't shut. And for that, th...
By Unknown 5:50 AM This Day in History: April 27 In answer to your favor of the 25th. delivered to me yesterday, I shall beg leave to inform you, that it was my design to have included the ...
By Unknown Saturday, April 26, 2008 South Side Story The problem is guns... The problem is bad parents... The problem is drugs... The problem is jobs... The problem is our schools... In other w...
By Unknown 8:27 AM Time for Some Hunter Education The Medford Mail Tribune , a newspaper which has repeatedly editorialized against self defense for public employees, has won a court case ...
By Unknown 8:20 AM Meanwhile, Over at the Ministry of Sausage and Biscuit Crumbs... A single mother has been fined £75 for "littering" after her daughter dropped a piece of sausage roll on the pavement... I guess i...
By Unknown 7:26 AM Why Illinois 10th District Gun Owners Should Vote Third Party* Recently, Congressman Mark Kirk from Illinois 10th District introduced a bill to create a “Secure Social Security Card”. This new card is ...
By Unknown 7:10 AM We're the Only Ones Getting in Our Licks Enough The two page complaint was filed April 11th, regarding an incident in late march, when Sheriff Morton allegedly groped and performed oral s...
By Unknown 6:55 AM We're the Only Ones Absolutely Immune Enough Generally speaking, it is smart public policy to shield prosecutors from lawsuits when it comes to determining in which cases they'll pu...
By Unknown 6:47 AM This Day in History: April 26 Hannah Bradish , of that part of Cambridge, called Menotomy, and daughter of timothy Paine , of Worcester, in the county of Worcester, esq. ...
By Unknown Friday, April 25, 2008 Was There Ever Any Doubt? In what marks the end of one of the most high-profile police-involved shooting trials in New York City, a judge has acquitted three NYPD det...
By Unknown 6:19 AM Scraping Off the Guano That's right. A US Marshal was making threats against a good, honest man for not... ...ahhh, you'll just have to read the rest of th...
By Unknown 6:17 AM When's the Next Shuttle Mission? I think they ought to test Existing Thing's hypothesis.
By Unknown 5:32 AM You'll Pull Us Through, Sonny Boy* Is the gun bill still loaded? Gov. Sonny Perdue said he has not decided. He could pull the trigger on the controversial gun bill that passe...
By Unknown 5:20 AM Bravo, Mr. Thompson! It took courage to do this , plus you have a very effective presence and ability to articulate the case. Well done. Especially considering t...
By Unknown 5:09 AM A Better Judgment Guns are bad. Guns kill. Oh, look. Little boys making noise. One question, Phil , Jacob and Brian : When the time comes, how do you childre...
By Unknown 5:04 AM In the Lap of Freedom It may hold our financial records, innermost thoughts and pictures of our loved ones - but there's nothing private about a laptop comput...
By Unknown 4:38 AM Proof That Bloomberg's Not "Anti-Gun" Machine Gun-Toting Officers To Patrol NYC Subway... "It's going to make me feel safer, much safer, yes it will." Now hold on j...
By Unknown 4:33 AM The Security and Prosperity Partnership [A] Mexican press attaché was caught on camera pocketing several White House BlackBerries during a recent meeting in New Orleans... Sources ...
By Unknown 4:11 AM Gun Stories From Second Amendment Foundation via email: A new website is looking for stories that show what experiences shaped what people believe abou...
By Unknown 4:10 AM Someone to Watch Over Me The criminal that can hurt you on the streets near your home.. What is your advice to people about preventing armed criminals near us? I was...
By Unknown 3:45 AM We're the Only Ones Mentoring Enough An off-duty 65-year-old Baltimore police officer was shot and killed by another officer Thursday morning after he left a strip club wearing ...
By Unknown 3:42 AM This Day in History: April 25 We, Solomon Brown , Jonathan Loring , and Elijah Sanderson , all of lawful Age, and of Lexington, in the County of Middlesex, and Collony of...
By Unknown Thursday, April 24, 2008 "I'm the ARA" I've been curious about the financing for our good friends at American Hunters and Shooters Association . It's not like they have a ...
By Unknown 7:50 AM A Really Wrong Turn A U.S. soldier being held by Mexican authorities said he accidentally drove across the border with guns, knives and ammunition while looking...
By Unknown 4:48 AM The Lords' Will The family of a man who was shot dead by Sussex Police while naked and unarmed can sue the force for unlawful killing, Law Lords have ruled....
By Unknown 4:45 AM No Choice The RCMP says if the government allows an amnesty on rifle and shotgun ownership to expire, police will have no choice but to fine or jail u...
By Unknown 4:35 AM "Terribly Offensive" We talked with Larry Hincker from Virginia Tech about the visit. He says "Free speech is a hallmark of university life. Still, I find ...
By Unknown 4:32 AM "A Simple Yet Effective Tool" Who? BATFU "Special Agent in Charge" James Cavanaugh ? UPDATE: Mike Vanderboegh made up a poster just for this occasion, but ada...
By Unknown 4:21 AM We're the Only Ones With Judgment Enough For the first time in its history, a weapon was fired inside a courtroom at the Gatineau courthouse yesterday. But the man who inadvertently...
By Unknown 3:55 AM Gun Virgins Although my clients clearly had a "blast" with their first shooting experience, they didn't have more fun than I did, proudly ...
By Unknown 3:48 AM Creating a First Impression It would also be nice for him to examine why it is that British tourists have such an unrealistic view of America as a violent place that th...
By Unknown 3:42 AM A Matter of Ceremony A charge of carrying a dangerous weapon was dismissed against a Sikh man arrested in Kern County with a ceremonial dagger in his possession....
By Unknown 3:31 AM Meanwhile, Back in Boss Daley's Paradise... Five people were found dead Wednesday afternoon in a house on Chicago's South Side, police said. The spate...uh... spike continues, des...
By Unknown 3:30 AM Defending the Indefensible In a move that can only be described as deranged Linfield College has instituted a policy that "prohibits weapons on college property, ...
By Unknown 3:29 AM Propaganda: It's as Easy as ABC "It's virtually impossible to buy a firearm in Mexico as a private citizen, so this country is where they come," said Newell ....
By Unknown 3:28 AM Texicans Pound for pound, for sheer orneriness, in 1835-1836 Texicans set a new standard. As usual in showdowns between free men and dictators, it st...
By Unknown 3:27 AM This Day in History: April 24 [Affidavit] No. 5.Lexington, April 24, 1775. I, John Robins , being of lawful Age, do Testifye and say, that on the Nineteenth Instant, the ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, April 23, 2008 iraq news war in iraq Iraq War Updates -- April 23, 2008 Petraeus Picked To Lead Mideast Command -- Yahoo News No. 2 US Commander Hopes al-Sadr Will Stop Attacks -- Yahoo News Two Marines Killed ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 10:24 AM Afghanistan News Afghanistan News Updates -- April 23, 2008 Suicide Bombings, Attacks In Afghanistan Kill 13, Wound 24 -- Yahoo News Gen. Petraeus Picked To Lead Iraq And Afghan Wars -- Reuters Telev...
By Unknown 10:11 AM We're the Only Ones "How Now, Brown Cow?" Enough More charges have been filed against a Burlington County police officer who was recently charged with sexually assaulting three girls. Auth...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 10:07 AM Zimbabwe News Updates -- April 23, 2008 Officials Release 1st Result In Zimbabwe Election Recount -- Yahoo News Zimbabwe Opposition Rejects Proposal For Unity Government Headed By...