The New York Times Company, the parent of The New York Times, posted a $335,000 loss in the first quarter — one of the worst periods the company and the newspaper industry have seen — falling far short of both analysts’ expectations and its $23.9 million profit in the quarter a year earlier.Yes, the old "Authorized Journalist" media must adapt to the online age and the competition from alternative outlets that give people information and opinion previously barred by the gatekeepers. And the economy-stifling socialist policies The Times endorses don't help stimulate revenues either.
But ultimately, it's about delivering information, and the perception and reality of bias eroding trust and driving people away can't be ignored. Not if they want to survive.
We just saw an attempt at fair play, as lopsided as it may have been, but at least "our" message--mine and the overwhelmingly supportive comment posters'--was given a forum to reach a much broader audience.
That was a start. But it was just their blog. The paper itself, what the guy on the street will see, or a casual visitor to their main website, remains out of our reach.
Many of you had some pretty positive and enthusiastic things to say about Wednesday's Virgina Tech panel posts. Telling me is appreciated, but how many of you have since contacted The Times and let them know you liked it, and that you'd read them more often if they presented more opportunities for RKBA advocates to tell our side of the story?
It's basic supply-and-demand. Let them know there's a demand.