In a big hurry this morning, so everything will be included in this post.
SB 184 Passes Senate
Thanks to all who helped.
Mike Vanderboegh's latest brilliant essay,"JUDENDIENSTORDNUNG," is available at Mindful Musings and Western Rifle Shooters. He gives us an historical perspective to illuminate what the subversives at AHSA are really about.
Go and read "A Proclamation," posted about half-way down the page the link takes you to. Good stuff. Pass it on.
Reader "Bob" sent me this tip, where BATFU wants today's Hitlerjugend to send them theirs. How do you say "Be cool--don't let guns rule" in German? And will the anonymous stoolies be paid off in dollars or Reichmarks? Let's hope there will be a civil lawsuit against individuals promoting this by the parents of any young, impulsive, dollar-driven snitch found beaten to death, because we all know how circumspect children are when they suddenly have $500. Can you say "knew or should have known"?
WorldNetDaily updated their article on the Yale "artist," and included new quotes from yours truly.
It looks like comments are back open at the NYT/V Tech panel. Go there and have your say with them--and use their megaphone to spread our message.
No time for any more this morning. Off to stack some logs, then spread some fertilizer (as if linking to crap like recruiting student snitches isn't enough), and get it all done in time to be 40 miles away at 1:00.
SB 184 Passes Senate
Thanks to all who helped.
Mike Vanderboegh's latest brilliant essay,"JUDENDIENSTORDNUNG," is available at Mindful Musings and Western Rifle Shooters. He gives us an historical perspective to illuminate what the subversives at AHSA are really about.
Go and read "A Proclamation," posted about half-way down the page the link takes you to. Good stuff. Pass it on.
Reader "Bob" sent me this tip, where BATFU wants today's Hitlerjugend to send them theirs. How do you say "Be cool--don't let guns rule" in German? And will the anonymous stoolies be paid off in dollars or Reichmarks? Let's hope there will be a civil lawsuit against individuals promoting this by the parents of any young, impulsive, dollar-driven snitch found beaten to death, because we all know how circumspect children are when they suddenly have $500. Can you say "knew or should have known"?
WorldNetDaily updated their article on the Yale "artist," and included new quotes from yours truly.
It looks like comments are back open at the NYT/V Tech panel. Go there and have your say with them--and use their megaphone to spread our message.
No time for any more this morning. Off to stack some logs, then spread some fertilizer (as if linking to crap like recruiting student snitches isn't enough), and get it all done in time to be 40 miles away at 1:00.